

Monday, October 17, 2022


Every once in a while, out of a clear blue sky you hear something said that just makes you wanna go hmmmm. And it just so happens that it was one of those moments that took place this past weekend. And it involved, of all people, none other than everyone’s least favorite ‘medical professional,’ old Doc Fauci. It was during an appearance on Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that Fauci said for people to think he is political is “completely crazy.” It was anchor Jon Karl who said, “Fauci became the subject of bizarre conspiracy theories and received countless death threats as he was vilified by the right. So, what’s the biggest misconception about you?"

Fauci said, “You know, I don’t know, Jon. I think the misconception is I was misleading people. You know, to say that I, who have been adviser to seven presidents and have never ever veered one way or the other from an ideological standpoint, for somebody to say that I’m political, that’s completely crazy.” Karl then said, “Would you take back what you said about masks? Obviously, the guidance changed, but you were very definitive. You said there’s absolutely no reason for people to be wearing masks.” Fauci said, “Sure if I had to do it over again, of course, I would have analyzed it a little bit better.” What pathetic liar!

Karl asked, “Was it a mistake in so many states, in so many localities, to see schools closed as long as they were?” Fauci said, “I think, I don’t want to use the word mistake, Jon. If I do, it gets taken out of the context, the question you’re asking.” The vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus. He had to know that. Why were people’s lives ruined because they refused these vaccines? And it’s ongoing. If not political, then what was the reasoning behind that? Fauci is a very rich and ego maniac who’s also very good at deception. He’s an absolute disgrace and it’s even more disgraceful that he’s still employed by our government in ANY capacity.

Let’s be perfectly clear about something, Fauci is the highest paid government employee, making more money that even the president. And yet he expects us to believe that he got there without being political? Even he doesn’t believe that. The numerous times he contradicted himself are well documented. And yet a fawning ‘fake news’ media continues to provide cover for him. For someone who claims to be an “expert,” and has been proven wrong more times than I care to count. And I find it rather amazing that this sleazy little creep keeps opening his mouth. Because if I were him, I would have long ago simply chosen to slink away and keep quiet.

And even if what he says is true, about not being political, in the private sector if you fail as a doctor you get fired and/or sued for malpractice. When you work for the government, even if you’re a total fuck up, like Fauci, there are never any consequences. He destroyed people’s lives, businesses, and educations, yet he’s faced no consequences. He himself brushed it all off with a “well the situation was bad in NYC; the hospitals were being overwhelmed.” No one is allowed to ask how that required the entire country to be locked down. No one is allowed to question why the goal posts for the efficacy of the vaccine were allowed to keep being moved.

You won’t get Covid if you take this shot, became you won’t be hospitalized if you take this shot, became you will only have mild illness if you take this shot, became just take the damn shot because we told you to. The masks and restrictions didn’t work; actual studies showed the restrictions saved no lives. He destroyed lives and livelihoods for absolutely no reason, and he knew it all a lie but still he continued on with restrictions anyway, and the only reason for that was, politics. In the private sector, when you screw up like that, you lose your job and face legal consequences. In government, you keep your high dollar salary, shrug your shoulders, and move on.

And what’s truly bizarre is the fact that Fauci thinks of himself as some sort of a ‘savior.’ He’s not. What he really is, is a corrupt government bureaucrat willing to sell his soul to the highest bidder. How else do you make millions of dollars over a forty-year government career? In two years, Fauci has done more harm to our children than anyone else in history. He’s caused an entire generation to be set back in their education for a lifetime. He has caused millions of deaths with his false claims. He has pushed vaccines he knew to be ineffective in order to get kickbacks for pushing them. A liar, a cheat, and a thief, Fauci deserves no praise and only condemnation.

Fauci is either confused or he thinks we’re stupid. He wants ‘political’ to be about Democrat or Republican. I don’t doubt that he votes Democrat, but what he is is a fascist. And I say that because he supports centralized control and mandates, that's not conservative, it’s socialist. He promoted herd obedience to governmental dictates, that’s not conservative, it’s fascist. And he lied to the masses to support centralized control, that's not conservative, it’s fascist. Fauci cares nothing about political discourse or its decision-making processes. He decided what was good for the masses, and his decision was mandates to demand obedience from the masses.

Fauci made millions off the ‘plandemic.’ He receives royalties for the vaccines that were developed that do absolutely nothing to prevent or cure this virus. This is one of the BIGGEST SCAMS ever foisted upon the American people by their government. This was just bureaucrats exerting power over the populace. This was definitely a teachable moment, because it’s never again that the American people should allow their government to shut down the economy or force people out of jobs. The next one of these ‘plandemics’ will not go over well with the American people. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! This can never happen again.

And I’m sure that many will remember how it was that Fauci claimed to have no opinion when it came to the allowing into this country unvaccinated illegal immigrants as well as those who had tested positive. Also, he seemed to be very unconcerned when it came to those who were being allowed, even encouraged, to gather together for the purpose of destroying our cities. He never had an opinion because he said it wasn’t any of his business. So if he isn’t political then he’s just an evil maniac who was ok with spreading a pandemic causing disease in his own country, that just so happened to line up with what the Democrats wanted to do.

It could, I suppose, also be argued that he is not politically motivated but is instead completely financially motivated. After all, if Fauci thinks he will make more money due to supporting Democrats, then he supports and advocates for whatever it is that the Democrats advocate. If he thinks it’s the other guys, then he will say and do whatever makes that side happy, as long as in the end it is financially beneficial to him. Which makes him not a politically motivated whore, but a financially motivated whore. Follow the money, and you will find he advocates for his financial benefit and could care less about medical advances that benefit the people paying his salary.

Fauci will surely go down as one of the biggest liars in American history, perhaps even world history. He has the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands, along with destroyed finances, destroyed businesses and destroyed families. How many families were separated by vaccine disagreements? How many people got sick or died because they were forced to get a vaccine, that was not a vaccine, or lose their careers? How many people died in hospitals or in care facilities alone because their family members were not allowed to visit them? This man is evil in truest sense of the word. And yet, he will most assuredly escape the punishment that he so richly deserves!

And while much has been said about holding this man to account, don’t hold your breath. Sure, they’ll hold hearings and make lots of political noise, but any real criminal action most likely won’t happen. I wish that it would, but I just don't see enough members of Congress, in either house, willing to push for criminal charges against Fauci or his comrades. Did they act illegally and bypass laws by funding gain of function research? The evidence is clear, of course they did. But will our politicians vote to prosecute him? Fauci is an entrenched member of ‘the swamp’ that seems to be a protected class here in America. And while I hope I’m wrong, I know I’m not.

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