

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


There can no longer be any doubt that within the black community we have a cadre of individuals who seem to view their primary mission in life the continuing to spread what is nothing more than the purest form of hate. And what’s so striking is the fact that it’s these very same individuals who also seem to pride themselves as being men of God, because it’s each and every one of them who are referred to as ‘Reverend.’ And it’s all of these faux preachers who seem interested only in pointing out the weaknesses, and never the strengths, of this great country. And what a racist country we must when such men have been able to amass for themselves great wealth.  

And it is one of these faux ‘Reverends’ is a guy who is nothing more than your basic racist fraud, by the name of Michael Eric Dyson. Dyson is also a ‘professor’ of ‘African American and Diaspora Studies and Ethics and Society,’ at Vanderbilt University. And it was this guy, who is someone I never actually realized was a ‘preacher,’ who, just this past Sunday on the eve of Martin Luther King Day, gave a sermon/rant at the National Cathedral. And it was in so doing that this racist dolt revealed just how ignorant he truly is when slamming America for what he described as being its false claim of exceptionalism, which he said is actually worship of white supremacy.

And so, it was during his rant/sermon that was entirely far too long, that the good Rev. Dyson said, “In the wake of this carnage, many citizens claimed that what occurred at the Capitol is not America. The sad truth is that, for many people, this is the only America they know. An America that spills blood in the name of misguided patriotism. An America willing to avert its eyes from truth in the glare of baseless conspiracy. An America that worships at the altar of the Second Amendment while making an idol of weapons and betraying the Second Commandment. An America that spews disgust at the dark foreigner and harbors hatred for the brown immigrant.”

And he said, “An America that despises as enemies those who cry out that Black Lives Matter, while waving the traitorous banner of Confederate bigotry. This is America and has been America since America became America.” And Dyson said, “There is a greater danger you must boldly confront: American exceptionalism is really white supremacy on the sly. The men who founded your nation relished talk of God while holding Black flesh in chains. The American church has sinned by portraying truth as white. Facts as white. Beauty as white. Normal as white. Moral as white. Righteousness as white. Theology as white. God as white. And America as white.”

And Dyson went on to say, “To be honest, it was easy to understand why the forty-fourth president was widely hailed. After all, he was the first Black president America had elected. He was young and charming and whip-smart and handsome, an ebony dream come to life in the sordid political arena. Given that no Black person before him got close to the Oval Office, it seemed that only an act of God got him elected. God doesn’t put presidents into office. Voters do. God wants justice to prevail. It is up to citizens to determine what that looks like and who best embodies it, or even if that’s a virtue they value. It is hardly God’s way to be a cosmic bully.”

And it was in finally bringing his far too long sermon/rant to a close that Dyson claimed “the tentacles of white supremacy stretch ominously into American policing. The ultimate paradox may be that many white followers of the forty-fifth president rail against the very police forces that have historically had a hand in white supremacy’s deadly rampages against black people, who are its truest victims.”  Dyson concluded his idiotic and more than a little pointless rant/sermon with another slam on American exceptionalism. He said, “I will end by saying that after the Capitol offense, all thoughts of American exceptionalism should be dead.”  

And you know, it’s like all the others of his particularly sleazy ilk that Dyson continually makes quite clear that the only person he’s truly interested in is, himself. By all means, what a terrible, repressive, horribly racist country it is that we live in. Dyson admits the greatness and exceptionalism of the USA is the product of white people, rather than the victims of white privilege. New research would also seem to prove that ‘White Lives Matter.’ After all, it was white people who ended slavery, who brought civilization and modern technology to the world. Without white lives we would very likely still be living a very primitive existence.

All of these race baiting demagogues should just leave this country if they hate it so much. In fact, members of society from ALL backgrounds would be more unified, prosperous, and happy if they did. They may as well leave, because if they prefer their homeland they may as well return there. All they’ll do, if the remain here, is to turn this country into the same wasteland from whence they came. In a sense Dyson is right, replace Americans with people from the Congo and America becomes a dump. Simply look at Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago or any other black run city. He knows this or he would want separation from whites. But he wants us to take care of blacks.

Whites make up only 11 percent of the world’s population and yet are the most industrious and innovative race the world has ever known. Whites created automation, discovered electricity and nuclear energy, invented automobiles, aircraft, submarines, radio, television, computers, medicine, telephones, light bulbs, photography, and countless other technological miracles. Whites were the first to circumnavigate the planet by ship, orbit it by spacecraft, walk on the moon, probe beyond the solar system, climb the highest peaks, reach both poles, exceed the sound barrier, descend to the oceans depths. Meanwhile, blacks can’t even feed themselves.

Whites have to provide food, medical, financial, and engineering aid to every Black nation. Blacks can’t survive without white charity, and lots of it. No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a sewer, or drilled a well, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device. Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago.

And so what we are seeing now is the groundwork being laid by the left. They are so emboldened and are cancelling out any that hold different opinions. This will take some time while ‘Big Tech’ goes about the purging of those who dare to complain. The ‘fake news’ media, comprised of the usual suspects CNN, MSDNC, FOX as well as NBC, CBS and ABC, are pouring out all manner of propaganda and accusing anyone that opposes them of being guilty of white supremacy and being a Nazi. They flood their supposed ‘news’ programming with people who openly push such garbage. Meanwhile, they actually think we’re stupid enough to believe what they’re peddling.

Then, after the laying of the groundwork has been completed and there are few ways left for conservatives, and decent people, to make their objections known, the Democrat agenda will be shoved down the collective throat of the American which will have horrific consequences for the country. And there will be no going back after millions of illegal aliens are naturalized and the Democrat voter base is expanded to where it becomes insurmountable election after election. Democrats will then proceed to add states and add Supreme Court Justices who, unlike conservative justices, are less interested in interpreting the Constitution than they are in rewriting it.  

There has never been a nation without flaws. There’s no doubt that that which was the American era was made possible because our population was largely white, with whites controlling policy, including those affording rights and protections to minorities. Our population has since been made to shift, and unnaturally so, because of power-hungry politicians. We are now a nation in perpetual conflict and rapid decline. There’s no question that diversity will bring about our demise. This has long been the plan, and is now coming to pass. The greatest country in human history and the greatest for Blacks and Hispanics, yet scum like Dyson whine about their oppression. How disgusting.


“There is a class of (Black) people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the (Black) race before the public. Some of these people do not want the (Black) to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well.”

Booker T. Washington

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