

Sunday, January 3, 2021


It would seem that my decision to ditch ‘Fox News’ was the right one. While I still do not watch it on anywhere near a regular basis, I do peak in every now and again to see if they have yet discovered the error of their ways. And I’m here to tell you they most definitely HAVE NOT, not even close. They continue to spew the same level of nonsense they have been, since before the election.  This time around it was Jedidiah Bila, co-host of “Fox & Friends Weekend,” who, this past Sunday, took an opportunity to criticize Republicans who were planning to object to the Electoral College results.

And her criticism came during her appearance on Fox News’ “Media Buzz,” hosted by Howard Kurtz. Kurtz asked, “Let me get you into this unfolding story about the effort by Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, other Republican senators to challenge the electoral college results. Do you think the media misjudged the seriousness and widespread support in the GOP for this effort even though everybody says it’s doomed to fail?” Bila said, “You know, I don’t think it’s widespread support, to be honest I actually find it really outrageous.” Not widespread? Outrageous? Seriously? What a loon!!!

Anyway, Jed went on to say, “And the reason is that if you look at what’s gone on here, I think the media has actually been pretty fair, particularly the news divisions.” She continued, “This has gone through the courts. Sixty cases have been brought to the courts, oftentimes widespread voter fraud has not even been alleged in court because there simply isn’t evidence to support that. If you look at the evidence that has been shown, it does not support that. There’s nothing that supports that this was rigged or stolen. And I think it’s a very dangerous precedent.” She makes no sense!

She said, “Elections have consequences that I think you have to accept.” She added, “It’s not just me saying that. That’s what the evidence supports, that this was a secure election. You don’t want people to feel that they can just say on a whim, ‘Well, it wasn’t secure,’ based on really nothing and try to overturn the will of the people.” So those who have now presented the massive amount of evidence that leaves virtually no doubt when it comes to the level of cheating that took place are doing so all based on a whim? And we’re supposed to take this bimbo seriously? 

She’s a bobble head and, during the days when I still watched Fox, was someone I had a rather difficult time taking seriously. I have only ever seen her on ‘Fox and Friends’ weekend shows, and she’s never been impressive. She sounds much like a Democrat but insists that she’s an independent. She also monopolizes the conversation while her typical two male cohost tend to sit there and allow her to prattle on. I can’t stand to listen to her, she comes across as if she’s starved for attention. It should come as virtually no surprise whatsoever that this moron is a proud alumni of ‘The View.’

More and more we’re seeing the level of desperation by the NeverTrumpers intensify. In many ways they’re worse than others in the ‘fake new’ media because of their betrayal of their viewers. In my mind those on ‘Fox News’ are turncoats, which makes them worse than the rest of the legacy media. Say what you will about those on both CNN and MSDNC, but they’ve always been pretty much the way we see them today. But those on ‘Fox News’ spent years pretending to be ‘Fair and Balanced,’ and seemed genuine in presenting a viewpoint that could be gotten nowhere else. 

We know only one side cheated and it’s one side that refuses to do an audit. Also, it was one side that broke every law that could be broken and it’s only one side that is busily destroying as much of the evidence as they can. And, it’s one side that has an army allies working desperately to cover up and to hide, as best they can, to keep the evidence of the fraud from ever seeing the light of day. You have to be an absolute fool to think one side won fairly and squarely. And yet Jed says, “There’s nothing that supports that this was rigged or stolen. And I think it’s a very dangerous precedent.”

If this is all a conspiracy and the Democrats have absolutely nothing to hide, then why not satisfy the 70 plus million who believe the fix is so very clearly in and at least listen to the evidence. But they refuse to do that because they don’t want to hear it.  And why don’t they don’t want to hear it? They don’t want to hear it because it’s impossible to refute, and because they know the fraud occurred. Hence the reason for the rush to judgment and why after four years of Trump hating/bashing/phony investigations suddenly they want peace and healing. I don’t think so!!!

It’s pathetic morons, like Jed, who are the ones trying to overturn the will of the people. There is ample evidence that, in key states, the election results are not correct due to illegal interference from Democrat pole watchers, fraudulent ballots, tampered ballots, and illegal ballots that should not have been counted because they were cast in violation of the Laws or Constitution of the State in which they are being counted. I know, logic is hard for the idiots that ‘Fox News’ employs on their news side, but at what point do you start firing people over their sheer stupidity?

Clearly the will of the people was to give President Trump a second term; otherwise, why did the six swing states call a halt to vote counting, all at the same time for no reason. That by itself was unprecedented, and to then kick out the Republican observers and start counting fraudulent mail-in ballots as quickly as possible. Everybody knows the Democrats cheated like crazy, and that the election was very clearly stolen. And yet those like Jed continue to argue that no evidence has yet been presented that would indicate that ‘Creepy Joe’s victory did not fairly win. 

The sad thing about ‘Fox News’ is that they seem to have their own definition of what constitutes being ‘Fair and Balanced.’ Apparently, they think a regular injection of leftwing propaganda is somehow providing to their viewers a ‘Fair and Balanced’ perspective. But perhaps viewers don’t want to hear Fox’s ‘Fair and Balanced’ programming but instead reporting that is both truthful and principled. What a concept! And it was even before the election it was very clear that Jed was starting to veer sharply off to the left with many of her comments on ‘Fox and Friends.’

And I wonder, did this idiot, even once, ever accuse the Democrats of trying to overturn the will of the people during four years of investigations, set-ups, lies, lawsuits, leaking, witness intimidation and impeachment? I don’t think so. And is she even aware of the eyewitness accounts and video evidence of voter fraud and other irregularities? Does she actually believe it was coincidence that battleground states simultaneously stopped counting votes on election night shortly after it was announced that President Trump had a 95 percent chance of being reelected?

And I could be wrong, because I am getting up in years, but I don’t seem to recall Jed criticizing the Democrats in any meaningful way back in 2016 when they challenged some of President Trump's electoral votes. All of this is why ‘Fox News’ is now considered to be dead to some 75 million viewers, including myself. And I doubt, even if they were to ever correct the error of their ways, that I would ever return as a regular viewer. ‘Fox News’ lost a good share of the American people on election night. They stole our voice. And as far as I’m concerned, good riddance to them.

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