

Monday, January 18, 2021


So what is it, do you suppose, that the Senate Republicans will do when faced with their latest dilemma? Will they choose to follow the advice offered to them by such failed ‘strategists’ as Karl Rove, and even further estrange themselves from those whom they rely upon to put them into office by continuing the charade that our most recent election was in any way free and fair, and to accuse President Trump of not only advancing the argument that he was cheated, but of also inciting the violence that neither he nor his supporters played any role in?  Or, might they finally grow the semblance of a pair of testicles and call this Impeachment 2.0 exactly what it is?

So what prompts my question here is the fact that it was during an appearance with fellow Trump-Hater, ‘Crybaby Chris’ Wallace, on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that Rove made the rather bold statement that President Trump will be convicted in the Senate, with several Republicans voting in favor of impeachment, if his defense continues to be that there actually was widespread voter fraud that took place in the 2020 presidential election. You see, it’s both Rove and ‘Crybaby Chris’ who continue to deny the fact that there was any form of voter fraud that occurred and that claims to the contrary are absolutely nothing more than pure fiction.   

‘Crybaby Chris’ Wallace asked, “Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell says that he is keeping an open mind about the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump, a big difference, sharp difference, from his clear opposition from the very start of the first impeachment trial just a year ago. What do you think, Karl, are the chances that 17 Senate Republicans, and that’s what it would take if all of the Democrats vote for conviction, 17 Senate Republicans would vote to convict Donald Trump and to keep them from running again?” You can tell that ‘Crybaby Chris’ is very much hoping that there will be those willing to convict the president for ‘crimes’ he didn’t commit.  

Rove said, “Normally we say not much chance, but I think Leader McConnell’s statement is a sign that every Republican Senator needs to take this seriously. I think it’s all going to boil down what’s the president’s defense. Rudy Giuliani charted a very bad course for the president in the morning papers when he suggested that the argument was going to be in there couldn’t have been incitement because all the charges of widespread voter fraud are true.” I can’t help but wonder if there are 17 Republicans so willing to take part in the attempt to make it more difficult for Donald Trump to run in 2024, that they could be talked into committing political suicide.

Rove went on to say, “Well, those charges and the so-called experts that the campaign has mustered to advocate them have been rejected by over 50 courts with judges appointed by President Trump, President Obama, Present Bush, President Clinton, and I think even one Reagan justice. So if it’s the Rudy Giuliani defense, there is a strong likelihood that more than 17 Republicans will because essentially that argument is this was justified, the attack on the Capital and the attempt to end the congressional hearing on certifying the election was justified because all these charges are true and frankly they aren’t.” Rove is a lying sack of shit!!!

Rove concluded his idiotic rant by saying, “They have been given every opportunity to prove them in a court of law and have failed to do so. I think it really boils down to what’s the defense that the president is going to make, and if it is Rudy Giuliani’s defense, I think it raises the likelihood of more than 17 Republicans voting for conviction.” And in so doing, Rove is simply doing that which Rove does best, that being to parrot that which is nothing more than dishonest gibberish. The evidence of election rigging and cheating has not been adjudicated in ANY court. Republicans would be doing themselves a yuge favor by ignoring Rove’s idiotic advice.

And until the evidence thus far uncovered, that relates regarding how it was that certain states stopped counting ballots, nearly simultaneously, and the statically impossible swing in the vote totals that resulted, is finally heard, there will ALWAYS be questions about the legitimacy of this election. And the fact that no one seems to want to know the truth raises even more questions. And as much as Rove might wish it to be so, simply declaring that no evidence of voter fraud exists, doesn’t make it so. The evidence of voter fraud that has been uncovered is nothing short of overwhelming, and yet those like Rove and ‘Crybaby Chris’ refuse to see it.   

The Leftists and RINOs now employed at ‘Fox News,’ in what appears to be increasing numbers, are accomplishing little more than to drag ‘Fox News’ ratings further into the toilet. And frankly, I’m ok with that. ‘Fox News’ is sinking faster than I would have ever thought possible and those in charge seem to be doing nothing in trying to avert what will likely be a complete and total implosion. I must admit that it’s a rather strange business model that the folks there at ‘Fox News’ now seem to be employing, one that has them doing everything that they possibly can to continue the effort to see just how many of their viewers they are able to alienate.

Also, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if we were all to find out that ‘Fox News’ has now likely joined with CNN in what we’ve been told is and effort to get both OAN and NEWSMAX booted off the air. After all, it’s far better to do that than it is to actually resort to having to tell the American people the truth. The American people are literally becoming starved of the truth. We have fewer and fewer places we can turn to in our effort to obtain for ourselves information that is, for one thing, true and for another thing is actually useful to us. And it is that that now seems to be the primary objective of the left, to keep the American people completely in the dark!  

To believe that ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden won this election would require what Hitlery once described as being a “willing suspension of disbelief.” Does Rove really expect anyone to believe that someone who came in fifth in the New Hampshire primary, was someone who had trouble filling your average sized gymnasium with his supporters and then picked as his running-mate someone who when running for the top spot herself never managed to get more than 2 percent of the vote, actually beat the guy who drew over a million people to his rallies, had endless car parades miles long and boat armada's in the thousands? All ‘Creepy Joe’ ‘won’ was a fraudulent ‘count.’

And so, if I have this right, the Democrat plan, with apparently the help of some RINOs, is to remove President Trump from an elected office which he will no longer hold, but only if he persists in claiming that something, which is supported by mountains of evidence, actually occurred? It is unconstitutional to hold an impeachment trial for a President who is no longer in office. However, the Democrats and a select number of Republicans have never cared about the Constitution, so that will not stop them from continuing to betray their oaths of office. They have shown us their true colors and have made clear the real reason they sought elected office.

For over four years President Trump has been subjected to all manner of false accusations in what was a continuing effort to remove him from office, culminating with what was the most fraudulent election ever to be conducted in the history of our country. There are mountains of evidence of fraud related to the 2020 election, yet the left AND some Republicans want to criminalize even talking about it as a matter of debate? So now the mission is to bury the truth by threatening to impeach President Trump if he continues to speak about it. That is not the America I grew up in nor is it the America in which I want my grandchildren to grow up in.

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