

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


It’s according to CNN’s resident gay caballero, Don La‘Moan’, that those of us who dare to disagree with him, and worse who dare to support President Trump, are simply no longer worthy of respect.  It would seem that in order for this hapless dolt to respect you, you must be a supporter of every kinky, disgusting, twisted and perverted behavior imaginable.  And should you, instead, believe in something like the Constitution, the rule of law, that there are just ‘2’ genders or, even worse, if you believe in God, then you are deserving of nothing other than to be shunned! Don Le‘Moan’ lecturing us on speaking the truth, how positively unreal does it get?

So anyway, it was this past Monday during his idiotic little show, there on CNN, that Le‘Moan’ made his rather bold claim, telling his likely handful of viewers that President Trump’s supporters are simply not deserving of any respect because, according to Le‘Moan’, they “believe bullshit.” And it was while discussing those Republican lawmakers planning to object to the certification ex-vice president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden’s supposed Electoral College win, Le‘Moan’ said, “We have millions and millions of voters who believe this election was illegitimate and it was stolen. Why do they believe that? Because you have been telling them that.”

And it was our esteemed Mr. Le‘Moan’ who went on to say, “Of course, they’re going to believe it. If you would stop telling them that and start telling them the truth, then maybe they would believe the truth, that the election was not stolen and it was a clean election according to everyone who has investigated, most of them Republicans.” And he would then add, “So stop saying that we must respect Trump supporters who believe bullshit because it is bullshit that you have been feeding them. The president and you have been feeding them the BS, and now that they believe it, all of a sudden, again, another self-fulfilling prophecy and feedback loop.”

I guess I would only ask Le‘Moan’ what real conservative, Trump supporting, American patriot feels the need to be respected by anyone the likes of himself, someone who works in the ‘fake news’ media? Frankly, I wear as a badge of honor the fact that I am NOT respected by those who make up this bizarre cadre of pathetic liars. I mean, can these Godless, treasonous scumbags, at this point even be considered as being real Americans anymore? And to be honest, who is it that really cares, any longer, what they think? No one that I know of! We believe in putting America First and in Making America Great Again. And we are proud of it!!

I neither want nor do I need any respect from Don Le‘Moan’. Now I must admit it is a very rare occasion when I may stop by to see what might be the topic of his latest rant. And if it’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that he is, quite literally, one of the DUMBEST people of any on these ‘news’ channels. But thanks to the fact that he is both black and gay goes a long way in explaining how it is that remains on television anywhere. He never says anything that I agree with, and personally I absolutely do not want President Trump to play nice like a Romney or a Bush and to try to make nice with those on the left. Democrats are our enemy and we must never lose sight of this.

What I find as being absolutely hilarious is the fact that this guy, Le‘Moan’ must actually think he’s some sort of an influencer of society, but when your audience is likely barely 100,000 viewers, if that, a night, out of 330 million people in the country, how much impact do you genuinely have. You’re just another forgettable talking head that won’t be remembered. And you would think that with the small viewing audience that he has he wouldn’t purposely work at trying to alienate them. And the fact that those in the media tend to do exactly that goes a very long way in explaining why people don’t trust, and fewer are watching, those like Le‘Moan’.

Our children have been, and continue to be, herded by those in the media, education, music/Hollyweird and even sports, with all being controlled by the Left. Those in charge of this machine have been working behind the scenes for years but they now see the time as being right for them to operate fully out in the open. The mega rich have assisted the Democrats in making significant gains in advancing what is an extremely dangerous agenda, many of which came by highly suspect means. And when we who oppose them dare to raise our objections we are vilified in every imaginable way. But we must fight back and to prove to our children the Democrats are wrong.

‘We the People have the God given right to Keep and Bear Arms to in order to defend ourselves and our families. The Constitution gave us the laws and the tools needed to remain free. The enemy has come out into the open and have not been shy about making their plans known. And the question that remains to be answered is that do have the will and courage to pay what could be a very high cost to stand against those seeking to destroy our country. Is American history entering its final chapter or will we prove to be the greatest generation saving America for those yet to be born? Will we be able to turn back this blatant attempt to steal an election and our country?

This guy is a clown and were it not for Affirmative Action he would have long ago been shown the door. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the news organization for which he works long ago ceased being interested in actually presenting the ‘news’ and far more interested in assisting the Democrat Party by spreading all manner of leftist, anti-America propaganda. Unlike actual journalists of old, this guy typifies the circus-like theatrics of Kabuki theater on display at a supposed news organization. This guy acting and pretending to be a serious journalist does a great disservice to those who truly are hardworking investigative journalists and makes a mockery of his profession.

So is it the Trump supporters who are misinformed? Or is Don Le‘Moan’ misinformed? I’ve seen a ton of evidence of voter fraud from this past election and it’s not as Don Le‘Moan’ claims, a bunch of “bullshit.” How is it that Mr. Le‘Moan’ isn’t aware of this evidence? Sounds more like Don is misinforming his own viewers. Let’s just hope that what few viewers he has can see through it. Half the country believes (correctly) that the election was stolen. The response from the Corporate Media, Democrats, and a good number of Republicans is that our concerns have no basis in fact, that we are bad people for even entertaining such thoughts, and we should sit down and shut up.

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