

Thursday, June 27, 2013


We have now been provided with further proof that the decades spent by our public schools failing to educate of our young, are now having the desired effect on our society. Because we've now arrived at a point where freedom loving Americans who cherish our Constitution are now considered much more dangerous than rag-headed, murdering religious practitioners of that supposed religion of peace. We have now, as a nation, truly gone round the proverbial bend, with proof of that coming from a recent Rasmussen poll.

Because according to Rasmussen, while half of all voters consider radical Muslims to be the bigger terrorist threat facing the nation, those who comprise the brain dead supporters of Barry, have identified a different villain, as they actually consider Tea Party folks to be just as big of a danger. So there you have it folks, those who believe in freedom, the Constitution, lower taxes and smaller government are now considered by some to be the bigger threat facing this country, rather than a bunch of murdering religious fanatics.

In what is the most recent Rasmussen national telephone survey it was found that just over half, or 51%, of Likely U.S. Voters consider Muslims to be the bigger threat facing the United States today. But it was 13% of these same folks who say they view the Tea Party in that way, while another 13% consider other political and religious extremists to be the larger danger. And then we have 6% who point to local militia groups and just 2% who see the Occupy Wall Street movement as the bigger terrorist threat.

However, and this is where things get a bit nutty, among those who can bring themselves to approve of Barry's job performance, it’s just 29% who see Muslims as the bigger threat while 26% say it’s the Tea Party that concerns them most. And among those who ‘Strongly’ approve of Barry, more of these boobs fear the Tea Party than fear radical Muslims. I'd be willing to bet that, since most blacks view Barry as being able to do no wrong, it's most of these geniuses who say they fear the Tea Party more than Muslims.

As for those who disapprove of Barry’s job performance, it's 75% of those who consider Muslims to be the bigger terrorist threat while just 1% name the Tea Party. Oddly enough, while the Occupy movement was allegedly targeting those "one percenters", upper income Americans are actually more likely than others to see the Tea Party as the bigger terror threat. Among those who earn six-figure incomes, 21% consider the Tea Party the bigger threat, while just 2% say the same of the Occupy movement.

And of those Americans who earn less than $30,000 a year,12% see the Tea Party as the bigger threat, and 7% say it’s the Occupy movement. Conservatives overwhelmingly see Muslims as being the greater terror threat, while wackjob Liberals are fairly evenly divided between Muslims and Tea Party folks. And something else that should come as no surprise is the fact that 20% of government workers see the Tea Party as the bigger terror threat while only 12% of private sector workers hold that view.

So you see, is it any wonder that our country is now headed down the crapper at full speed ahead. Those trying to save it and who are trying to point out how it is that things have become so upside down, are now viewed as the enemy. Our Constitution is being shredded, members of Congress as now marching to the beat of their own drum, ignoring completely those who put them into office and our president seems to think that he's a freakin King! And yet, it's the Tea Party that is somehow seen as being the biggest threat we face?

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