

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Well it would seem that when it comes to our 'Dear Beloved Leader', old habits die pretty hard. Because apparently when Barry goes looking for a replacement for a position as important as his national security advisor, he has a very unique, and somewhat bizarre, skill set in mind. Because since it now appears that Tom "Here Are The Names Of Seal Team 6" Donilon is resigning and Barry has now made it official, having replaced this hapless boob with yet another boob, Susan "Benghazi Attack Resulted From A Video" Rice, of whom I think it can safely be said, hasn't the brains of an ice cube.

Rice as you know has been operating, and not very well, in the capacity of our Ambassador to the United Nations. And without beating a dead horse here, I'm pretty sure most will remember her as having been rather harshly criticized by Republicans for her initial accounting of the attacks on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, which were later proved to be false. Attacks that resulted in the death of four Americans. And this Donilon character is the pathetic creep who ratted out 'Seal Team 6'. Hence Barry's replacing one boob with another boob.

Rice, as those of you who were paying attention at the time may remember, was the face of the administration as she made the rounds to five Sunday 'news' shows after the Benghazi attack, claiming that it was all triggered by protests over an anti-Islam film that appeared on You Tube. Many lawmakers said at the time this explanation was least inaccurate and at most nothing more than a blatant lie. The administration would later acknowledge there were no protests on the ground in Benghazi, though they have not officially ruled out that protests elsewhere may have played a role.

Barry had, you may also remember, considered nominating Rice to replace Hitlery Clinton as his second-term secretary of state, but she would later withdraw her name amid the GOP criticism, using the excuse that she didn't want her confirmation fight to be a distraction for the White House. Naturally, her new post as national security adviser does not require Senate confirmation. The imbecile Donilon is expected to stay on the job until early July, after Barry wraps up two overseas trips and a summit later this week with the Communist Chinese President, Xi Jinping.

It would seem that by his having decided to promote the incompetent Rice, Barry is much more concerned about doubling down on the Republicans than he is about being genuinely concerned with appointing someone who is truly qualified to hold the job of his national security advisor. But then, such behavior from someone who is nothing more than a common punk, shouldn't come as being much of a surprise to anyone. If we've learned anything from watching this guy it's that this is how he operates. Actual experience, or even intelligence, is never seen as being a job requirement.

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