

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


One of my stellar co-workers was recently heard to say that he really loves Canada, and how much he feels at home there. I felt like telling him to go ahead and go then. I'm sure it will come as no surprise to hear that he's also a young fella who not only voted for Barry "Almighty" back in 2008, but chose to act in the same illogical manner in 2012 by voting for Barry again. Now this guy is far from being the only truly committed follower of our Dear Beloved Leader in my workplace, as I find myself literally surrounded by those who, while they could state why they were going to be voting for Barry, were intent upon doing so just the same. I happened to make a comment about Barry one day and was told by one of my other stellar co-workers not to say anything bad about 'her' president. While there was more I wanted to say, it was a work environment after all, so I simply bit my tongue.

Most, if not all, of those with whom I work know where I stand when it comes to politics and the issues. So I'm either ignored or the subject of Barry, and/or politics, rarely comes up in conversation. And I suppose in a work situation it's not really appropriate anyway. But there are times when I simply can't help myself, and I'll let fly with a fact or two about this thug that so many seem to be so enthralled with. But my comments usually do nothing more than to go in one ear and out the other, since anyone who could support such an individual as Barry has got to have absolutely nothing between his, or her, ears. These mind-numbed little robots, who seem to be only too happy to believe whatever it is that they are told by their hero, and seem to be so easily convinced into ignoring all that is going on right before their very eyes. They happily view the world through what are some very special rose colored glasses.

And most of these folks are what I would call reasonably intelligent people. They would have to be in order to do the jobs that they do. And yet, most of them insist upon wearing what can only be described as blinders when it comes to their ability to recognize not only the trouble that our country is now presently in, economically, financially, socially as well as morally, but also when considering the trouble that lies ahead in the future that their children will be inhabiting. The massive amounts of money that's being spent cannot go on and is going to be required to be paid back by someone. And that someone will be our children and their children after them. These people sit around talking about how it is that their kids are going off to college and about the great job they'll be getting after graduation all as if it's a done deal. And granted, it may work out that way for some, but not many.

And if you try to point out to them that things cannot keep going as they are, and have been for at least the last four years, and that their kids are likely to progress no further than moving back into their old room upon completion of college, they look at you as if you just stepped off of a flying saucer. What I fear is going to be required to take place here before these people finally get it, is that everything is just going to have to collapse. They're going to have to lose everything before they finally come to realize everything that they had. And while I may not have all that much sympathy for them being in a situation they essentially created for themselves, there is going to be some collateral damage created. And that, my friends, is likely to be many of the rest of who, while we may have seen it all coming, were unable to properly and sufficiently prepare for the magnitude of what's coming.

And what I wish I could impress upon these people is the fact that once they lose everything, they shouldn't be making plans based on they're ever getting anything back. But, like I said, it's not just going to be them that loses everything. We're all going to be made to suffer, because unless you're extremely wealthy there's no real way to prepare for what's very likely headed our way. Oh sure, you can store enough food and ammo to last you a few months, or maybe even a year or two. But what's coming is going to be something that is likely to last a generation, if not longer. And how, exactly, do you prepare for that? Sadly, this coming event is something of our own making, and it is something that could have very easily been averted. But instead we chose to cast aside what we knew was right in favor of empty promises of change. My friends, we are reaping what we sow.

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