

Friday, June 7, 2013


Old Nancy Pelosi, or she who has had a bit too much Botox, must think that we're all as stupid as is your average, everyday, brain dead, run of the mill Democrat. But, sadly for her, such is not the case. We conservatives, as a general rule, are not that stupid, that's why we don't vote for buffoons like her. Anyway, taking part in a press conference on Thursday over on Capitol Hill, this moron admitted that, yes, health insurance premiums will go up under Obamacare and for the very simple reason that people who did not buy insurance before, and thus had no premium, will now be 'forced' to buy insurance.

She also went so far as to attempt to convince people that they should be "optimistic" about what they can expect to gain from Obamacare. "You just see," she said. "I mean be optimistic about it. It is a very, very exciting enterprise." Exciting enterprise? For whom exactly will it be exciting? Pelosi also told reporters that she never promised that every single American would see their premiums go down, and assured people that they can always apply for a government subsidy. Old Nancy would just love that. Come on down, sign up, the government is here to help you. Just sign over your soul.

When asked about premiums going up under Obamacare, Old Botox said, "Well, some of the people don’t have health insurance, and they certainly will have their premiums go up." She then went on to say, "But for anyone that that is a challenge, there are subsidies in the exchanges." She then said, "It’s also about what you get for the money," Pelosi added. Whoa, hold on a minute there, Hoss! What you get for your money? REALLY? She is kidding, right? I guess all that Botox must have gone straight to that pea brain of hers and done far more damage than even I thought.

But far from being done in doing her best to describe this windfall of benefits that will be bestowed on Americans because of this great and wondrous thing called Obamacare, Old Botox went on to say, "In other words, people will be getting no lifetime or annual limits on their coverage, no discrimination because of a preexisting medical condition. It has a whole array of quality that is in the legislation." Then she added, "But if you don’t have health insurance, and you don’t qualify for a subsidy, and you’re mandated to have health insurance, yes, you will have an increase."

And in what I thought contained a tiny bit of arrogance, she said, "I don’t remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium, because everybody in the country doesn’t have health insurance," Pelosi continued. "So how could it be lower? But the fact is, the value of what you get for the cost that you pay is a reduction in cost to you." And she stuck to her tire old claim that under Obamacare young people could pursue careers as writers or photographers, because she said, "But for everybody it is going to be, again, a liberation, a freedom."

Then she said something that really didn't make a whole lot of sense, which is typical for her. She said, "Some of the examples that we heard would be somebody who thought she was invincible getting diagnosed with breast cancer and now telling us she’s going to spend the next 20 years, monthly payments on her credit card, to pay off her medical bills at the time" Then added, "Would a person like that, hopefully not diagnosed yet, paying something in and end up being better off? I think so." In closing she said. "I mean, be optimistic about it. It is a very, very exciting enterprise."

In an effort throw a little cold water onto all that Nancy rather falsely claimed, I refer to a report released last month by the House Energy and Commerce Committee which warned that health insurance premiums will grow 'an average' of 100 percent under Obamacare, and that some will soar more than 400 percent. The findings were based on internal documents provided by 17 health insurance companies, including Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Kaiser Foundation. And in Pelosi’s California, individual-market premiums could rise by as much as 146 percent, according to another report.

So, remember how it was back in 2010 when this monstrosity known as, an oxymoron of sorts, "the Affordable Care Act" was passed over the very loud objections of the American people? And remember also, if you can, how it was that Barry "Almighty" promised as far back as 2008 that his health care plan would "bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family." Ah yes, "Hope and Change" turned out to be something quite different than what most people were expecting, I think. And in spite of all the lies told about what a great thing it is, a majority of Americans still do not agree.

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