

Monday, March 13, 2023


Apparently, it would now appear that Pete Buttigieg’s handling of the East Palestine train derailment may have actually ended up being the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s and considered as being enough to push likely voters into concluding that he needs to resign. Not only resign, but to go away, never to be seen or heard from again. According to a Rasmussen Reports survey that was released on Monday a majority of likely voters now want Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to resign for how he mishandled the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

Buttigieg was slow to respond to the train derailment in the Buckeye State, only opting to visit the area after President Trump made an effort, the latter of whom made sure that the people of the area knew that they were not forgotten. Buttigieg, however, only opted to visit the state after President Trump, who delivered truckloads of water and bought first responders, and others, lunch. Prior to President Trump’s visit, Buttigieg had said that he would visit the area when the “time is right.” That time conveniently occurred right after President Trump’s visit.

However, at the time of the visit, neither Buttigieg nor his official spokesmoron could be bothered with explaining why, exactly, it took roughly three weeks for Buttigieg to get off his butt and visit the area. In fact, Buttigieg’s press secretary even refused to answer any questions on camera. This recent survey asked, “Should Buttigieg resign as a result of how the Transportation Department handled the recent train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio?” Most, 51 percent, said he should resign, followed by 36 percent who said he should not and 13 percent who, somehow, remain unsure.

Most Republicans and Independents, 68 percent and 51 percent, respectively, believe he should resign, compared to 35 percent of Democrats who share that view. A plurality of Democrats, 49 percent, do not believe Buttigieg should resign. Further, the survey found that a plurality, 41 percent, believe Buttigieg is a “worse” Transportation Secretary than most who have held the job before him. But if this poll is based purely on a performance standpoint, then one could reasonably argue that Joey’s entire administration should resign, especially Joey B. himself.

And I think I can speak for all non-Democrats when I say that we all agree on the fact that to a Democrat politician, having to resign from a position because of pure ineptitude is viewed as nothing more than a resume enhancer. If he does resign, which is highly unlikely, Buttigieg will likely use the extra time to gear up for his next presidential campaign. Because, make no mistake, becoming president is clearly this guy’s long term goal. And heaven help us if the American people ever become fucked up enough to elect this turd, president! Talk about a nightmare scenario!

Personally, it has been in my lifetime that I have never seen a group of people, of either party, so inept and unwilling to do their jobs. But is it actually incompetence or is it, instead, all part of some Democrat master plan? Can anyone really be this fucked up without doing at least some of this shit on purpose? Joey’s entire cabinet should be made to resign for undermining the Constitution and trying to destroy America. Starting with Mayorkas but not limited to: Buttegieg, Blinken, Yellen and Garland as well. They’re all nothing but a bunch of leftist screwups!

Joey only appointed people who met the proper woke, racial or sexual preference. The Democrats are long past using qualifications as a job requirement. And “WE the PEOPLE” are finally starting to take notice. If these guys work for us, then we must have the lousiest HR department in the entire world. And we pay these incompetents starting at six figures. And in exchange for those huge salaries: East Palestine gets poisoned. Our kids are given pornography, mandated pharmaceuticals are harming millions around the world, while the bankers are gonna be just fine.

The response by Buttigieg was nothing less that pathetic, a classic example of that old joke, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” But then, the response by our supposed *president just as was pathetic. The incident occurring in a state that went for President Trump by a sizable margin, so it was only getting what it deserved. It was, in fact, disgraceful how they simply left these poor people to twist in the wind in a cesspool of chemical contamination. The message from our fraudulent *president to these people was clear, “This is what you get when you vote for Trump!"

What a lot of Americans want is for the expensive, and blatantly useless, Department of Transportation to just go away, if for no other reason than as a way to reduce spending and reduce the debt. I’m not even sure what it’s supposed to do. This government boondoggle was created on October 15, 1966 and I believe you’d be hard pressed to come up with anything it has done that was beneficial to the American people. So kindly stop making me pay for it. It continues to serve no useful purpose as we have seen time and time again just over the course of the last two years.

Buttigieg has worked so hard to build up his resume for his next run to be the first diversity hire president of the U.S. and, I’m sure, he was hoping to end up with another bullet in his resume. Ordinarily when one has been an unmitigated disaster at one’s job, a promotion tends to be completely out of the question. But it seems to be just the opposite that is true when you happen to be a politician, and even more so when you happen to be a Democrat politician. So no, I’m afraid Buttigieg is going nowhere and we’re likely to be stuck with this loser for the duration.

But then the same thing can be said for this entire clusterfuck of an administration, from the top down. When I look at where this country was a mere 27 months ago and where it is now, it brings a tear to my eye. I love this country and to see it being destroyed right before eyes and watching the one destroying it being so very proud of themselves pisses me off beyond words. And I can’t help but wonder what makes someone so desperate for power that they would willingly destroy the country in their quest to have power over it. There’s only one way to describe such people, they are evil.

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