

Saturday, March 4, 2023


I think it fair to say that you would be hard-pressed to find a more twisted individual in all of the Democrat Party than Howard Dean. And when you’re talking about the Democrat Party, the party that seems to have more than its fair share twisted individuals, that has to be seen as quite an accomplishment. But then we all know, or should know, that if there is one thing that Dean has long excelled at, it’s being a raving lunatic. Hence the reason that it’s always been a mystery to me why anyone, even the schmucks on MSDNC, would be the least bit interested in anything he has to say. I mean, he’s been spewing the same gibberish for as long as I can remember.

And it was during an appearance just this past Friday on MSDNC’s “All In,” that Dean claimed to be having fun watching the “whole Republican Party” falling apart. Discussing the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit against Fox News for defamation, anchor Chris Hayes said, “They don’t respect you. They have a fear and loathing in contempt for you. You know, stop clock is right twice a day, Howard. There is something to that as it comes through with those depositions.” Howie on MSDNC, is like a fly on horse sh!t. Dean’s been living in his little fantasy world for decades. I think it's finally time he was rounded up and put in a rubber room somewhere.

Anyway, Dean said, “Well, look, Murdoch cares about two things one is how much money he can make, and the other is how he can influence American politics by running his propaganda organization. It’s not a news organization. Fox News is an oxymoron. So the interesting thing Bannon is just — he’s just kind of descended to the position of being a silly twit. Nobody’s going to pay attention to him or take him seriously. Unfortunately for CPAC, nobody takes them seriously anymore, for good reason, given their behavior of the executive director. So the whole thing is a mess.” Dean’s a fine one to be talking about someone who’s no longer taken seriously.

He continued, “It’s interesting. I saw your piece on Jim Jordan, who’s basically Marjorie Taylor Greene in shirt sleeves. The whole Republican party is falling apart. It’s really fun to see it play out. It’s probably good for the country because they are really the party of racism and hate, and that’s what they sell when they campaign.” So says the guy who supports taxpayer funded partial birth abortions, on demand, the castrating and the forcing of mastectomies on 13-year-old children without telling their parents, indoctrinating kindergarteners into the world of Drag Queen perversion, open borders bringing Fentanyl in to poison thousands, and so very much more.

Dean is now 74 years old and has never said anything intelligent in his entire life. Actually, what’s NOT fun to watch is all the mentally ill Democrats being arrested for child pornography or having the mentally ill now running our country! Pelosi, falling apart. Fetterman falling apart. Feinstein falling apart, and Joey who has already fallen apart. And MSDNC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS all propaganda mouthpieces for the Democrat Party no longer trusted by the majority of the American people. Why would ANYONE take ANYTHING that Dean has to say seriously? This guy has been on the wrong side of every important issue throughout his whole life.

Democrats, like Dean, have been shouting that the right is “falling apart” for decades, in fact they started saying it right after the Democrats lost control of the House for the first time in over 40 years back in the 1990s. And yet upon a inspection it would seem that it’s just the opposite that might be occurring. More and more of those who so proudly refer to themselves as proud Democrats have become increasingly unhinged. They profess nothing but hatred for their country and it’s a message that more and more Americans, including many minorities, are just not buying into. And instead of altering the message, they continue to be doubling down in it.

Dean is like all the many other Democrat retreads that those in the ‘fake news’ media insist upon digging up to provide commentary that has no real basis in any fact. The truth is the Democrats have nobody to run in 2024 except Joey B. But really, in that regard, the Republicans aren’t in a much better situation either. Because if it’s not President Trump all we have are a bunch of pathetically squishy RINOs. So, no matter how you look at things, or from which side you’re looking, what we’re faced with in 2024 is pretty much a do over from 2020. And it will be another opportunity for the RINOs in our party to prove either they love this country, or they do not.

But if we’re being honest here, Dean is simply doing what he’s being told to do by party leaders. He’s trying to excite the ever-shrinking Democrat base. After all, what else has he really got to do. It’s not a real tough gig, show up on some stupid show watched by a handful of people and spew hate about the opposition. He was the guy who won a primary and the powers that be decided ‘not him’ and all of his beloved media trashed him for a goofy banshee-like scream. Had he been the man they all wanted they wouldn’t have even made a ‘news’ story out of it. He’s a true gelding. Seeing Republicans clean out the party is strange to a company man like Dean.

Yup, a blast from the past, a guy who never made America’s Top 40 because he couldn’t convince anyone he was a rational, thinking human being rather than a robot programmed to generate artificial severe indignation and fits of apoplexy over any subject as directed. Thank you, Howie for projecting. It confirms my thoughts exactly about the Democrat Party. Unfortunately, no matter how bad that party falls apart they seem to be able to come together and cheat. And while I wouldn’t say the Republican Party is falling apart, it is fun watching the RINO establishment falling all over themselves in their effort to prevent President Trump from running in 2024.

Finally, look at the kind of leadership Democrats have provided to this nation, our nation’s enemies abroad are freely getting stronger while we get weaker courtesy of series of self-inflicted wounds. Dean says the Republicans are falling apart. Could it be that he’s really gloating about the single-mindedness and focused goal of the Democrat Party to bring an end to the Constitution and the individual liberties it guarantees in order to usher in the proven failure that is Socialism and all under the guise of fairness, equity, more government oversight, ‘climate change,’ free healthcare, free college education and basically the end of individual responsibility? Just nod if you agree.

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