

Thursday, March 30, 2023


Ok, so riddle me this, boys and girls. Is there a self-respecting conservative anywhere who actually gives a flying fuck about anything that that fat tub of RINO Chris Christie has to say? And dare I ask if there is anyone whose opinion of President Trump matters less than does Christie’s? Apparently, Mr. Sour Grapes still has an ax to grind so he is clearly willing to say anything in his continuing effort to try to do damage to President Trump. Frankly, at this point he just needs to go away, far, far away and find a big fat rock to crawl under. It’s way past time for him to put on his big boy pants and deal with the fact that President Trump didn’t give him the job he so desperately wanted.

And it was just this past Monday at an event in New Hampshire, that Christie, who has reportedly been considering a run for president himself, that took it upon himself to sharply criticize President Trump. It was during a town hall at St. Anselm College’s New Hampshire Institute of Politics on his first trip to the state this year. And in what was clearly an attempt on his part to portray himself as a viable opponent, Christie said, “You know, Donald Trump said a couple of weeks ago, ‘I am your retribution.’ Guess what, everybody? No thanks. No thanks.” And he went on to say, “If I was going to pay somebody to be my retribution, I guarantee this, it wouldn’t be him."

Christie continued by saying, “Here’s why it wouldn’t be him, because he doesn’t want to be my retribution. That’s baloney,” Christie continued, “The only person he cares about is him. And if we haven’t learned that since Election Day of 2020 to today, then we are not paying attention.” Christie, who ran in 2016, supported Donald Trump in his first election after dropping out himself and backed President Trump again in 2020. However, without President Trump being an incumbent and there being an open primary, he seems to view the former president differently. Christie alluded to making his decision to run by June since the first scheduled debate is in August.

Additionally, during this trip, Christie was heard to say that there was “no way” he would be able to help President Trump win. He said, “Look, I just can’t. When you have the Jan. 6 choir at a rally, and you show video of it — I just don’t think that person is appropriate for the presidency.” I’m thinking that President Trump is loosing a lot sleep over that, NOT! And if President Trump does ends up being the nominee, which at this point is pretty likely, he also noted that he could not support *president Joey, claiming that he and President Trump are just “too old” and “out of touch with what’s going on in the world right now.” Right, President Trump is out of touch.

Christie never really supported President Trump. Christie was nothing more than a hanger-on suck-butt begging for a place in President Trump’s administration. As if he was trying to weasel his way into Trump's administration or some juicy post. And when that didn't happen, he turned on President Trump. I don't care what Chrisite has to say about anything. If he runs, he’ll have as much chance as does Pence. Which is zero. That is what so many of these political hacks/operatives do. They hang on to those who they think can move them up in the pecking order. They have no real affinity for that person, and most know that and they all continue to play this game.

Christie, like every RINO creep, did whatever he could to try to undermine President Trump. Christie likely wants nothing less than to see President Trump in prison thinking that once President Trump is out of the way he would have a shot at becoming president himself. But Trump or no Trump, no one is going to vote for his fat ass. He seems to have missed the part where we are sick and tired of RINO’s, especially sore losers who chose to act like spoiled brats because they didn’t did get the cabinet position they were after. He claims it’s time to move on from President Trump and he doesn’t understand that we have moved on from him.

And Christie is another of those who are just fine with peaceful protesters in jail for trespassing. He says President Trump doesn’t care about us, then criticizes him for playing the January 6 choir. President Trump doesn’t need Christie's support, in fact he’s likely better off without it. I certainly don’t see him asking Christie for his support. I mean, who wants the support of some stinking RINO anyway. Nobody cares about Christie. He’s disloyal, stupid, a traitor and a fair weather ‘friend.’ He has zero following, and the vast majority Republican voters no longer trust him. Christie had his chance when he was popular and decided not to run for President and lost out.

I just love to hear all of these whiners complaining about President Trump’s character. And I’m curious, just how is it that any of them actually define character? Because for me, character is choosing to stand up to evil and that’s exactly what we continue to see President Trump doing. He’s taking on this war against the America people by the very same politicians who we elect as our leaders and who, in exchange, do nothing more than to sell us out to foreign countries. This is why President Trump has said he is our retribution, he is exposing the corruption at every level of our government and people are seeing just how corrupt our government agencies have become.

And by badmouthing President Trump I’m assuming that Christie sees it as perfectly fine for various politicians, and any number of those in our ‘fake news’ media, to endlessly slander President Trump as being a Russian, a racist, a fascist, a dictator or a white supremacist and expects him to do what, exactly? Just take it? As far as I’m concerned we’ve had quite enough pussies who have run under the Republican banner. President Trump has acted accordingly, he understands the American people have been at war with the establishment and that most people hadn’t noticed, until President Trump came into office to expose it all, just how bad things had become.

People bash President Trump because he is a little brash, yet they never seem to remember all the harassment that he’s had to endure for the past seven years! I couldn’t care less if President Trump acts in his own self-interest so long as our interests are aligned. President Trump’s critics have ridiculous standards. They are angrier at President Trump than they are at Joey even as Joey destroys the country. Energy independence, lowest minority unemployment, non-violent criminal reform, economic zones in minority neighborhoods, lowest illegal immigration in decades, President Trump’s list goes on. I would gladly return to that, over the horror show we’re living through now.

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