

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


If I actually had to pick someone who I thought was one of the most useless individuals on the entire planet and is the perfect example of all that is wrong with American politics, it would be without hesitation that I would say Adam Schiff. The man who has provided us with dozens upon dozens of examples of why he deserves less to be a member of Congress than a member of our prison population for the many crimes he has committed in his effort to undermine our Republic. But, as we all know, since he is a member of the Democrat Party that would be something not likely to happen since Democrats are free to wreak whatever havoc they please.

It was during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Deadline,’ that past Monday that Adam Schiff claimed that President Trump was the first president of the United States “without character.” Seriously? If we dare to look back at just the last 60 years we would find LBJ who was clearly a psychopath, who likely had Kennedy killed, ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton who was a known rapist and, of course ‘BO,’ who I have absolutely no trouble describing as being a psychopath as well. And then we have Joey B., who is nothing more than a political prostitute that can be sold to the highest bidder. But as they were all Democrats, character is never really all that important.

Oh, and let’s not forget FDR, forever the icon of the American Left. It was he who openly intimidated the Supreme Court, went so far as to ban food and hold show trials, put tens of thousands of Americans into concentration camps while giving standing orders that they be shot if they got uppity, and then hid evidence of his involvement so he could get away with it, and solved the labor shortage he created by giving those that POWs free roam of the areas that he had spent years claiming were too sensitive for Americans who lived there for decades to remain in. But Schiff would have us believe that President Trump is the first without character. Not hardly!!!

Anyway, it was on Monday that Schiff said, “We have seen a pattern with Donald Trump, and that is when he’s not held accountable. He goes on to commit worse misconduct. He wasn’t held accountable for his Russia misconduct that led to Ukraine. He wasn’t held accountable for the worst misconduct in Ukraine that led to a literal attack on our democracy on January 6.” And he then went on to say, “If he’s not held accountable and ever given an opportunity to exercise power again, we can expect things that are worst still. We are forewarned about this man.” Never have I seen so many people in power being afraid of just one man. It’s quite amazing.

He added, “We always knew the importance of character in the Oval Office, but we didn’t really know until we had someone without character occupy that office. So, I have to think that whatever motivation brought those documents to Mar-a-Lago had nothing to do with the president wanting to do his homework or the national security needs of the country. There’s only one thing that’s ever been important to Donald Trump, and that is Donald Trump. And that’s just — ought to be an utter disqualification from office.” That’s funny, because I would say that President Trump has more character than at least the last four presidents put together. 

Donald Trump went into politics starting out as a wealthy man. He wasn’t looking at how to go from grocery bagger (bar tender) to billionaire over a four-year span. It has been over the course of decades that many politicians have called for audits of the government, only to be ridiculed. President Trump was, and still is, the sugar in the gas tank about to blow it all up in their faces. Not all politicians are in on this crap, but far too many are, and many are recruited into it to keep the machine under the tables. The majority of those serving in government are essentially bought and paid for by the big money donors, or the Red Chinese. And they fear being exposed.

So how is it that one so totally devoid of character thinks himself able to judge the character of others? And how is it that anyone who calls themselves a ‘journalist’ allows him to so do?  Regardless of whether, or not, one likes his mode of speech or some of his past tweets, President Trump is a mensch. Schiff should know what that means, since he isn’t one. Schiff, whose most prevalent character trait is his pathological lying. And let’s face it, who thinks for a second that if President Trump was as dangerous a dictator as Democrat have made him out to be, that those like Schiff wouldn’t have long ago had their head separated from their shoulders.

This minion tries so hard to be relevant. The only time he pops out from his hole is when it involves President Trump. He’s another one, just like Cheney, who is obsessed with President Trump. Simply put, his obsession is just a different form of jealousy. You rarely, if ever, see him in the ‘fake news’ making a connection with anything meaningful to this country because he lacks the charisma and intelligence to be recognized as influential in politics. He does absolutely nothing for his base until it comes to election time. It’s only then, like his socialist colleagues, that he makes an appearance back home with his hand out begging for money to support his race.

And let’s address the ‘character’ issue of which he speaks. President Trump may have his personality flaws, or let’s call them characteristics that don’t quite fit the D.C. prototype, but his business acumen took this country to record heights in nearly every category recognized to measure prosperity. And although they can’t argue the numbers, they do work very hard in their effort to discredit his success by telling all manner lies and making up things that never existed and couldn’t be validated, and they invented ‘fake news.’ So, if you want to talk character, there you have it. When will they learn that the American public doesn’t want the swamp any longer?

And finally, Schiff is an absolute moron if he truly believes that. He certainly lacks on historical understanding. In politics corruption has now become the rule, not the exception. And it’s President Trump who might actually be one of a very small group of presidents who actually had enough character to try to keep their word to voters and to do exactly what it was that he said he would do, if elected. And so it continues to be those totally devoid of character who continue in their attempts to portray President Trump as being not only one that is lacking character but as one who poses some great threat to democracy, when it’s just the opposite that is so true.

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