

Friday, August 19, 2022


For sure, it’s a strange world in which Democrats reside. And stranger still when one happens to be afflicted with what is very clearly the late stages of Dementia, as is our current *president.  And why do I say such a thing?  Well, you see, word now comes that Joey B. is planning a “unity summit” intended to bring together Republicans and Democrats at the White House after the FBI raided President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago. In a statement released this past Friday, White House Spokesmoron Karine Jean-Pierre announced Joey B.’s plan to host the summit intended to “counter the corrosive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety."

And it was via this statement that she said, “The United We Stand Summit will bring together heroes from across America who are leading historic work in their communities to build bridges and address hate and division, including survivors of hate-fueled violence.” The White House stressed they wanted both Democrat and Republican public officials to be in attendance, as well as members of civil rights organizations, faith and community leaders, technology and business leaders as well as law enforcement officials. It remains unclear which Republicans will be invited to attend or speak although it easy to imagine who might be selected to attend.

Joey B. has a deep appreciation for summits, as he hosted a “virtual leaders summit” on ‘climate change’ at the White House last April and a “Summit for Democracy” last December. The announcement of the “unity” summit comes as a growing number of Republicans are outraged over the FBI raid on President Trump’s home. The priorities of the unity summit were outlined by Joey B.’s domestic policy adviser, Susan Rice. It was in a blog post on the White House website that Rice wrote, “Hate must have no safe harbor in America,” she wrote, noting the summit would “counter the corrosive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety."

And apparently, it’s Joey B. who will deliver the keynote speech of the summit, that should be interesting, if not hilarious. And according to Rice, the summit will also include roundtable discussions and panels on preventing radicalization and violence. Rice also wrote, “Even as our nation has endured a disturbing series of hate-fueled attacks, Americans of all beliefs and political affiliations remain overwhelmingly united in their opposition to such violence.” And she concluded by saying, “The United We Stand Summit will present an important opportunity for Americans of all walks of life to take up that cause—together.” What an absolute crock of shit.

This is nothing more than another lame attempt to vilify a large portion of the American population as extremists bent on overthrowing the government. Joey B. is incapable of uniting anyone, let alone a nation he has helped to divide over the last fifty years. No self-respecting Republican should attend such a dog and pony show, and I won’t vote for anyone who does. It’s all merely an exercise in damage control and a propaganda event, intended to show Joey B. as “reaching out to the other side” when in fact he’s busy demonizing and criminalizing his opponents. It’s a cynical ploy by a shameless and insincere liar, but it will likely pull in some RINO morons.

I always marvel at how the party that’s always so condescending when speaking to the rest of us about “tolerance” and “diversity” and “inclusion,” refuses to tolerate or include anybody who dares to have a diverse opinion, which is the most important “diversity” of all. Their entire political platform seems to be nothing more than, “Republicans suck. They want to murder your parents, and force your children to actually have a childhood, and oppose abortion even in cases of incest and rape! And they’re racists!, because they’re Republicans. They are evil, and the want to destroy our democracy! And Donald Trump is the Worst. Person. Ever. So, vote for us."

Unity? Seriously? Joey B., the same guy who has been in office 19 months and has us more divided than ever. When it comes to dividing people, Joey B. learned from the best, ‘BO’ who was a master at it. This country is now more divided than ever, and it’s because of President Trump? How many genders are we now said to have? We now have an Attorney General who referred to parents as domestic terrorists. And it’s those who refuse to kowtow to the radical left who Joey B. routinely refers to as white supremacists, with some not even being white. Average Americans are now in the position of having to deal a weaponized Department of Justice and IRS.

Joey B. denigrates, silences and does his best to punish those Americans he disagrees with. He calls them white supremacists and domestic terrorists and then expects to improve his approval rating, and help Democrat candidates in the midterms, by hosting some ‘can’t we all just get along’ summit. These people aren’t our brothers, our sisters, our kin or even less, our countrymen. This is a ‘one-world’ CULT on the leash of Marxists on the other side of the planet doing everything it can to destroy this country, financially, culturally and destroying our long-held commitment to national sovereignty. Accept it, Democrats are bought and paid for by the Red Chinese.

And what a joke. The most divisive individuals in the history of this country plan to convene a summit, the sole purpose of which, or so we are lead to believe, is to bring us all, Democrat and Republican, together. Sorry, but I’m afraid I need to be throwing the BS flag on this one because this same ‘summit’ will be nothing more than just another forum to push more of their corrosive, perverse ideas onto American society, and criticize any and all who disagree with them. If Joey B. was serious about wanting to demonstrate a real commitment to unifying the country, then he’d start by firing both Garland and Mayorkas. Until then, Joey B. can go fuck himself!

And so Joey B. wants to have ‘unity summit,’ to agree on what exactly? That the 2020 presidential election wasn’t stolen? Or that the January 6 prisoners actually are insurrectionists, or that those parents who dare to complain to school boards about the garbage their children are being ‘taught,’ are extremists? That abortion isn’t murder, and LGBTQXYZ people aren’t mentally ill? How stupid does Joey B. think we are? The perfect way to “counter the corrosive effect of hate-fueled violence” would be for him to resign and slither back to Delaware permanently. America would now be a much better place had this man not spent nearly half a century in government.

It's just a political stunt to try to boost his poll numbers and to help Democrats in the midterms. A stunt to counter “hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety.” It’s all about the ‘messaging,’ never about issues being dealt with. Joey B. will go down in history as the president who was all about doing nothing while claiming that he did. Democrats don’t want to stop what’s happening, just act like they do and do the opposite. Even though he’s hated by the majority of the country just claim he’s supported by the majority of the country and keep saying it and have the media repeat it ad nauseam in a pathetic attempt to change the narrative.

Look, what this is really all about is Joey B. bringing Democrats and RINOs together in one place to, and in a ‘bipartisan’ way, attack and to blame President Trump and Trump supporters for all of the violence and cultural decay taking place in America. That would be like Hitler calling a ‘unity summit’ with Winston Churchill to blame Britain for the bombing of Germany even though Germany was responsible for WWII. The Democrats know they could be on verge of losing power and so are going to attempt to manipulate Republicans in an attempt to maintain the status quo and paint any opposition as extremists. Do not take the bait. Americans need to wake up.

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