

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


I’m sure that anyone the least bit familiar with, Mr. ‘I-was-a-Republican-before-I-was-an-Independent-before-I-was-a-Democrat,’ Charlie Crist is clearly able to recognize him as nothing more than a blatant political panderer. A more pathetic individual you would be unlikely to find anywhere. And its now that this loser is once again trying to become Florida’s next governor. And it’s in that endeavor that Crist, who has a rather long history of promising to just about anything, has once again shown himself to be someone who will say whatever it is he feels he must to get somebody, anybody to vote for him. He comes across as being as desperate as he is stupid.

Crist, of late, has been sounding the alarm, attempting to rally the left’s base here in Florida by claiming Gov. Ron DeSantis is the “biggest threat to democracy” since President Trump. Crist recently took to Twitter decrying Gov. DeSantis as a threat that must be avoided. Crist said, “We’re going to go up against the biggest threat to democracy we’ve seen since Trump: Ron DeSantis.” Crist continued, “Victory will only be possible if we show up in large numbers,” in what was nothing more than a cry for help hoping his followers would retweet his battle cry in an attempt to gain more followers ahead of Florida’s primary contest in which, as it turned out, Crist won.

It was throughout the primary contest that Crist attempted to out-radicalize his closest competitor, Nikki Fried, with him going so far as to declare Gov. DeSantis a threat to democracy itself. This despite the fact that the governor had risen to the national spotlight after standing up against big government mandates, making rules, and restrictions throughout and after the Chinese coronavirus plandemic. Notably, Crist said on the campaign trail that he would be open to forcing masks on Floridians if so-called experts advised it. He remains in like-minded company, however, as his primary opponent Fried has also described DeSantis as a “danger to democracy."

In the months following the plandemic, DeSantis prioritized protecting children from woke indoctrination in our schools, signing the Parental Rights in Education bill, which bars inappropriate classroom discussions on the subject of gender identity and sexual orientation for children in kindergarten through third grade. At the time, Crist mourned the law, declaring it a “grim day” now that teachers could no longer inject transgender ideology into classrooms of young children. Further, Crist proudly announced, in June, that he would prioritize protecting the dismemberment of unborn children, under the guise of “reproductive freedom,” on day one in office.

Gov. DeSantis, on the other hand, signed a 15-week abortion ban bill back in April, and, despite legal challenges, the governor has continued to hold steady. And it was over the summer that the governor had said, “These are unborn babies that have heartbeats, they can feel pain, they can suck their thumb. And to say that the state constitution mandates things like dismemberment abortions — I just don’t think that’s the proper interpretation.” And Crist’s desperate plea for massive turnout was not an unwarranted cry. And unfortunately for him it is now that registered Republicans now outnumber registered Democrats in the state by more than 200,000 voters.

Those like Crist reveal their ignorance every time they speak of us being a ‘democracy.’ We are, in reality, a Constitutional Republic. The Founders specifically, and in no uncertain terms, made very clear that they did not want pure majoritarianism, aka, a democracy. Specifically, because a simple majority could become an emotional mob and trample on the rights of minorities. And either the Democrats truly do have no idea, or they are once again simply distorting the truth. And it’s amazing, considering that many of them are lawyers, that so many of them obviously have no idea of our founding principles or the reason behind them.

Crist is finished, he just doesn’t know it yet. After being a Republican, then an Independent, and most recently a Democrat, he’s reduced himself to being nothing more than a joke to most voters. What sane individual would choose to vote for someone who can so easily flip from one end of the political spectrum to the other? And who’s to say that the day wouldn’t come when he’d try to switch back, again in the name of political pandering and a change in political beliefs or a change in values. No self-respecting Floridian would ever vote for this political chameleon. He doesn’t even know what he believes in, other than power…he is a true loser.

And it’s strange how Democrats continue to whine about threats to Democracy while they scream threats to “pack the Court,” ignore immigration laws, complain about systemic racism, refuse to allow parents to have a say in their liberal indoctrination system and more. It’s those like Crist who see parents as terrorists and believe that sexualizing children and/or mutilating them should now be the norm. They believe that rapists should be free to rape again, in empowering the criminals and thugs while punishing the law-abiding. And every time they find themselves on a losing side of an election, they repeatedly accuse their opponents of being threat to democracy.

Crist is a career, incompetent politician who managed to get himself elected Republican governor of Florida. His performance was so poor he was not reelected, and Republicans criticized him. As a career, incompetent politician, he first switched to being an Independent and then to being a Democrat. He managed to use the state redistricting to get elected in a predominately Democrat district to the U.S. House. He even got married, but nor for very long, and the rumor that he’s gay seemed to be confirmed. Crist has never accomplished anything of significance. He’s a career politician now using baseless accusations in an attempt to win an election.

Contrary to Crist’s claims against Gov. DeSantis, the biggest threat to our Republic are scams such as mail-in voting and vote harvesting, both are scams employed by Charlie’s current party. You see, it’s the Democrats who are the ones who want to have mail-in voting nationally, to kill the Filibuster, to flood the country with illegal voters, to send even more jobs to Communist China, and to spend us into bankruptcy. But in going up against DeSantis I’m thinking Charlie is going to have to come up with a better diatribe. Charlie embodies the full meaning of the word LOSER, it’s a case of not having any convictions. And in short, DeSantis is going to eat Charlie’s lunch.

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