

Sunday, August 28, 2022


So riddle me this, just how is it that a guy who ran as Tea Party conservative has since managed to morph into someone who was able to vote to impeach, not once but twice, the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan? And too, how is it that he is one of only two ‘Republicans’ to sit on the Democrats’ January 6 kangaroo court of a committee? I mean, are we to assume that he lied to folks back home in his district in order to first get elected, back in 2010, and continued to mispresent himself to get re-elected ever since? Are the folks back home really that stupid?

And it’s this same man who should serve as an excellent example of how just because one has worn, or continues to wear, the uniform it doesn’t mean that one can be trusted if, or when, one is ever elected to public office. And it’s Adam Kinzinger who should serve as a warning to all that we need to look beyond the uniform when choosing whom we vote for. Kinzinger made that clear during an appearance on Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” when he declared that he will help “left-wing Democrats” win over Republicans who he believes do not respect democracy.

And it was during this interview that proverbial nimrod Chuck Todd asked, “I’m curious. Liz Cheney said in some cases. She may have to help a Democrat win against an anti-democracy Republican win. Do you feel that is what you will be doing the next couple of years or so?” Kinzinger said, “Yes. The biggest issue, not everybody agrees with me and certainly in my party and even Democrats like so say, but you’re still a conservative, yeah, I’m a conservative, but the bottom line here is the biggest threat to our country is democracy.” One thing Kinzinger is not, is a conservative!

Anyway, he went on to add, “If you have Republicans that are running against it even left-wing Democrats that believe in democracy and believe in voting, that person should be elected over somebody who would overthrow the will of the people and, ultimately, destroy this country. This country cannot survive outside of democracy. It will turn into a power struggle between groups of different races, ethnicities, and different religions. Take that away. The country is a mess. Republicans that are for that have no place in office. I don’t care what their policy position on taxes are."

Someone really does need to remind this butt before he exits stage left that few care about his silly threats, and fewer still even know who he is. And clearly, he’s another that needs to be educated regarding the fact that we are a Republic, we are not a Democracy. But the Democrats, including this closet Democrat, use this message even though they know otherwise. They hate America as evidenced by the fact that their efforts to destroy it have now been made clear to anyone with a brain. He’s toast politically, so who cares what this moron says, his career in politics is done.

Kinzinger is not running again for Congress because his district was redrawn by the Democrats, and he was too gutless to run against another Republican incumbent who very likely would have mopped the floor with him. His next stop in life will likely be on MSDNC or CNN. He will be the one called upon to offer the ‘conservative’ perspective, while really doing nothing of the sort. He will allow whichever network he lands on the ability to claim to present both sides of whatever argument is being made when in fact they will offer only one side, the liberal, progressive side.

Clearly it’s the Left that despises our Republic. The anger over the reversal of Roe v. Wade proves that. They want their values guaranteed by government force, and they want all laws to be decided by Washington, not by individual state legislatures or governors. The Left demands that only their opinions are allowed to be heard in the public square. All opposing views are to be silenced by any means. The leaders of Democrat Left are nothing more than bunch of equality hating, Constitution hating, God hating, extremely arrogant supremacists. And Kinzinger supports them!

And there is something very stomach-churning about Kinzinger’s claim that he’s “still a conservative.” What exactly is it, in his view, that makes him a conservative? Is it his concern over growing government regulations and an effort by the left to control of all facets of our lives, the dream of these leftists? Or concern regarding out-of-control government spending on projects of a questionable nature not to mention filling the pockets of corrupt groups that support many of these leftwing Democrats that he will work to get elected? That would appear not to be the case.

Then might it be his concern regarding the America-demonizing Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology becoming prescribed not only in schools all across the country, but in our military as well? Or is his concern regarding how the country being swamped by illegal immigrants seeking to take advantage of our welfare system? Or about, Leftist lust for greater control of people's wealth will further weaken the middle class, along with middle and small businesses, hurt hard working Americans in general. No, I think not. Kinzinger is clearly a believer in “better red than free and prosperous?"

And what remains worrisome is the fact that the Republican Party remains loaded with sleeper cell anti-Americans like Kinzinger. He and Cheney are only two of the more obvious ones. The Republican Party is chock full of elected officials, in both the House and the Senate, and bureaucrats who are working in stealth against the interests of the American people. And it’s a problem not only at the federal level. It’s problem that must be dealt with at both the state and local levels. And unless the American electorate understands this, and acts accordingly, our ‘Republic’ is doomed.

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