

Friday, July 10, 2020


Since being identified as the Democrat candidate for president we’ve been told how ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden is a “uniter and not a divider,” and for the sake of the country we must all now, regardless of our political affiliation, get behind him.  But I have not yet been able to understand how one would be able to unite the country when the policies that one supports are so diametrically opposed by, sometimes as much as, 50 percent of the population.  I mean, everything from his position on abortion, to bogus ‘climate change’ to his latest position on defunding the police, ‘Creepy, Crooked Joe’ Biden would be nothing but an absolute recipe for disaster for this country.

And now we’re being told, and apparently expected to believe, that ‘Creepy, Crooked Joe’ will not only win this November, but he will win by such a substantial margin that it will be considered, at least by those on the left, as a mandate.  Now if such an eventuality does come to pass it will be then that I officially give up all hope of saving my country, realizing that the majority of the American people are in fact nothing more than a population of easily manipulated, thoroughly brainwashed zombies who see no problem at all in relinquishing those rights that were first granted to us by God and defended by countless brave men and women who gave their lives in doing so.  

And so it was just this past Thursday, while appearing on MSDNC’s ‘All In,’ hosted by that pathetic little dweeb Chris Hayes, that failed presidential wannabe Elizabeth Warren actually declared that President Trump was responsible for causing the economy to collapse because of what she apparently considers as being his less than satisfactory response to the Chinese virus which, she claims, will result in ‘Creepy, Crooked Joe’ winning this November’s election with a convincing mandate.  But while the American people know what it is that President Trump supports, things get more than a bit fuzzy regarding what it is that ‘Creepy, Crooked Joe’ truly stands for.  

So anyway, it was on Thursday, in ‘discussing’ things with Warren, that Hayes said, “So, there — I want to lay out a sort of worst-case scenario and hear how you’re thinking about it going forward. There were two things the last time that — the last time a Democratic president was elected after a Republican president left the country in ruins, which was just 12 years ago, there were sort of two constraints on being able to get out of that. One was, I think, a little bit of intellectual mistakes by people who were advising the Obama ministration about how big the hole was and how much had to be filled, how big you should go.”  After a Republican left the country in ruins?

And this boob, Hayes, then went on to continue his idiotic point by saying, “Two, which was bigger, was that the Republicans turned around and suddenly got religion on the deficit, disingenuously and said, no, we can’t spend.”  Hayes continued by saying, “They tried to block everything, right? Well, I mean, obviously, they’re going to try to do that again, should Joe Biden be elected. How are you thinking through avoiding that mistake, avoiding allowing Republicans to essentially stand in the way of what will almost certainly be necessary, should Democrats take power?”  Talk about a nightmare scenario.  If the Democrats ever take over, America is toast!

Warren replied, “Look, Donald Trump is going to spend this election trying to fool people into thinking the economy isn’t collapsing around us because of his failure to lead during this health crisis. But it is. And Joe Biden wants to build this economy back better than before. He’s going to have a mandate from the American people, and he’s going to use two kinds of tools. One of them is, just like you said, there is nobody better than Joe Biden at talking to folks in the Senate, talking to folks in the House.”  So President Trump is now trying to fool people into believing the economy isn’t collapsing?  Perhaps that’s only because it’s not?  Warren is such a liar!!

Warren then went on to say, “We get a majority in the House, we get a majority in the Senate, we’re ready to run.”  And then she continued by saying, “We’re going to make this happen. And, by the way, that’s why it is important not only to win in the White House but up and down the ticket. And I’m going to be out there fighting for that, and a lot of people are. But the second thing is, he’s going to use all of the tools of government. Joe Biden understands this. He’s been in government for a long time. He’s got a lot of experience. And he’s got a lot of good people who want to help him.”  Some might say that ‘Creepy Joe’ has been in government too long!!!

First of all, let me just say that there are no “mandates” for a political party that can only manage a win by cheating, lying, pursuing false prosecutions, undermining our elected government and our rule of law.  After what the Democrat Party has engineered here, if they do manage to win, they will be viewed as an illegitimate government by half of the country, the decent half.  Democrats are truly a vile and disgusting bunch and have virtually no interest in making our country better, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.  They hate this country, and they are on a mission to first destroy it and to then put themselves permanently in charge of what’s left. 

Warren might well want to explain, if she can, how it is that our supposed ‘collapsing’ economy has now seen a rather dramatic increase in the number of returning jobs, as well as a decrease in the net debt of individuals, an increase in personal spending, all signs of pure success.  Might she too be blinded by her ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)?  The actions of her and her liberal friends have damaged this country to a point that’s going to be difficult to repair.  Looting, rioting, general lawlessness, murder and it’s ok according to the left.  But hey, it’s still better that having Donald Trump as your president, right?  How is it that Democrats continue to be taken seriously?

Oh, and let’s not forget the economic ‘recovery’ that was crafted by that dynamic duo of ‘BO’/’Creepy Joe’ before then trying to take credit for the economic expansion that has taken place since day one of the Trump presidency.  ‘Creepy Joe’ is gonna build the economy back... right!  How?  How, with more regulations and higher taxes, and that giant deficit they call the “Green New Deal!”  With all those overqualified lifer politicians to help, how could anything possibly go wrong?  Oh, it will go terribly wrong, have no doubt.  Don’t forget all those open border folks we’ll have to clothe, feed and provide healthcare for, but what could possibly go wrong?

Yup, it’s President Trump’s fault that China unleashed this virus on the world.  He’s also to blame for declaring a national health emergency two days after the WHO called it a pandemic when he should have waited four months as ‘BO’ did after the WHO declared H1N1 a pandemic.  It’s President Trump’s fault that ‘BO’ didn’t replenish our PPE stock after the H1N1 virus.  And it’s also President Trump's fault that terrorists destroyed the World Trade Centers, that JFK was assassinated, that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and that the stock market crashed in 1929. What am I forgetting? Oh, that’s right, he’s also responsible for the ‘original sin’ of slavery.

So in using Warren’s own logic, if President Trump destroyed the economy, how is ‘Creepy Joe’ going to be able to put 22 million illegal aliens on free healthcare?  How will Democrats pay for ‘Medicare for All?’ And the Green New Deal?  And free college? And college debt forgiveness?  And the guaranteed minimum wage?  Oh, I know! They’ll have all that money from defunding the cops, right?  Oops! Forgot: black leaders have determined that reparations of $350,000 per person for 40 million blacks must be paid-trillions of dollars, more than our total national debt.  Tell me, please. Who the hell is stupid enough to believe any of this is reasonable or even do-able?

Look, there can be no doubt that President Trump loves this country, and sadly it’s the same that CANNOT be said of ANY Democrat, including the one now running for president.  Which is odd, don’t you think?  And where President Trump is working hard to save America and to create opportunities for ALL Americans, it’s Warren and her many Democrat friends who want only to destroy America, burden small businesses with all manner of onerous regulations and, ultimately, to divvy up our country among those who comprise the wealthy Internationalist Globalist elite.  For me it’s a no- brainer, I choose President Trump over ‘Creepy Joe’ to lead for the next four years. 

And finally, as we plunge headlong into the coming election it’s those of us who still do love this country who find ourselves in a very unfamiliar position.  We’re in a bit of conflict, of sorts, that has on one side President Trump and we who support him, and on the other side the Democrats, the RINOS, the entire ‘fake news’ media, an untold number of leftwing billionaires eager to divide our country up among themselves and God knows who else.  So I must admit that I’m feeling a bit like George Custer.  To say I’m not worried about this election would be a lie, because in truth I’m absolutely terrified.  I fear I’m on the verge of being forced to watch my country as it dies.

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