

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Let me start off by saying that the last person who should be questioning anyone’s patriotism, and I do mean the VERY LAST one, is some damn leftwing, undereducated creep from Hollyweird!  This time around it was Tom Hanks who was busy slamming those Americans who don’t buy all the garbage about having to wear a mask, again because of the ‘Chinese virus’, and going so far as to actually call into question the patriotism of those who don’t.  A Hollyweirdo questioning someone’s patriotism?

It was during an idiotic exchange with fellow Hollyweirdo, the very unfunny Steve Colbert, that Colbert asked Hanks, “As somebody who’s gone through this and knows firsthand this is not a hoax, how do you feel when you see people not wearing masks out there?”  Hanks responded by asking “Are they Americans?”  He then went on to say, “You know, I don’t get it, it’s literally the least you can do… a mask and wash your hands, and try to stay 6 feet away from a person. Is this impossible now?”

Earlier this month, Hanks said “Shame on you,” to those opposed to wearing masks.  He apparently told ‘People,’ “If you can’t wear a mask and wash your hands and social-distance, I’ve got no respect for you.”  Hanks also criticized the Trump administration’s handling of the ‘pandemic,’ arguing that their position has left “nothing but question marks” about their official position and the steps people should be taking.  Right, but I’m sure he feels his buddy ‘BO’ would have done much better?

And so here we have yet another Hollyweirdo chastising others as if there is any basis in fact for what he says.  He must think that he is of sufficient stature that he can say whatever he wants and people will just do it?   I’m not going to speak on the mask issue, other than to say that Hanks does not have the moral authority to question whether or not someone is patriotic for choosing whether or not to wear a mask.  He just needs to shut his piehole, count his money and leave the rest of us alone.

But I can’t help but wonder if Hanks also questions the patriotism of those who choose to kneel during the National Anthem, or those who criticize our military personnel, or who tear down national monuments and burn the American flag, or who throw bricks at police officers?  Somehow I rather doubt it.  Perhaps we should question his patriotism because he once said World War II was motivated by racism?  Every time one of these Hollyweirdos open their mouth they prove just how ignorant they are.

I guess my recommendation to Hanks would be that perhaps he should stick to acting since that seems to be a profession that someone with his level of intelligence seems capable of performing.  But he really does need to understand that just because one is an actor, it does not make one’s opinion any better than anyone else’s.  I mean, these people, these actors, are nothing special.  As I have said before theirs is the most useless profession on the planet, they provide nothing to their fellow man!

Personally, I’m thinking that Hank takes himself just a bit too seriously.  Does he really think that someone out there who isn’t wearing a mask is suddenly going to start wearing one just because he said to?  Especially when he “questions their patriotism”??  I personally don’t have an issue with wearing one, but I understand why others do and the out of touch elitist crowd like Hanks, are doing more to discourage people from wearing them because of their holier than thou, arrogant attitude.

So while we have people attacking cities, the elderly, babies and young children, people muscling in on property that is not theirs, people threatening homeowners, people killing people of their own skin color, Hanks sees fit to call into question the patriotism of those who doubt the benefits of wearing a freaking mask?  What about the Latino business owner who, because of his support for our president, now faces calls from goons for his business to be boycotted?  How about their patriotism?

I’ll stack up my “patriotism” up against Hanks, or another of the many other Hollyweird losers, anytime.  It was this very same bunch who were enthusiastic supporters of such ‘patriotic’ haters of America as ‘BO’ and Hitlery, and who are likely reliable supporters of ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden.  And have you ever noticed how once any of these Hollyweird elites have made their fortune they don’t really care who it is that they might offend?  Might we start tearing down some Oscar and Emmy statues?

Now I will admit that there is at least one of his movies that I am actually able to watch in its entirety, ‘The Money Pit.’  But other than that, I simply can’t stomach the guy.  I mean when your only claim to fame is being able to pretend to be someone who you are not while speaking words that were not written by yourself, where exactly do you get off questioning ANYONE’S patriotism?  Does he seriously think he can shame people into wearing a mask simply because he’s…‘Tom Hanks?’

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