

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


According to a recent poll, conducted by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and NBC News, it’s even a majority of whites who apparently now believe that “American society is racist.”  Described as being the “deepest look at race in America in two decades,” this survey found that, overall, 56 percent of American think American society is “racist.”  It was 51 percent of whites who say American society is “racist.”  Now as a 68 year old white guy I would have to agree, but it’s not whites who I see as being racist, it’s the vast majority of blacks that I come into contact with, and pretty much on a daily basis, that I see exhibiting what is a blatant racist attitude against whites.

But be that as it may, it’s apparently 78 percent of Blacks and 60 percent of Hispanics who also believe that American society is “racist.”  And it should come as no surprise that this specific survey also found that 82 percent of Democrats think American society is “racist” compared to 30 percent of Republicans and 45 percent of independents.  As the Journal noted, voters “remain split on the root cause of racism and how to address racial bias and discrimination.”  Perhaps if blacks were ever to stop blaming others for the problems that they themselves continue to create for themselves the perception that our society is racist would be seriously diminished.

The specific survey which was conducted July 9-12, and had  a margin of error of +/- 3.27 percentage points, found that while 65 percent of black voters “said that people of color experience racial discrimination because it is built into American society, including U.S. policies and institutions,” which is pure BS.  I guess I would only ask, what else is it that blacks want to have handed to them that hasn’t already been handed to them?  Meanwhile it was a plurality of white voters, 48 percent, that “attributed racial discrimination to individuals who hold racist views, as opposed to institutions and society as a whole.”  And it’s in that regard, most blacks are racist.

We’re told that because of the ‘Chinese virus’ and the George Floyd protests, polls now show President Trump losing ground in the black community to ‘Creepy, Crooked Joe’ Biden, which, if true, does nothing more than to provide further evidence that blacks continue to allow themselves to be easily manipulated by both the ‘fake news’ media as well as by the Democrat Party.  Blacks continue to be their own worst enemy.  And the fact that President Trump has done more to improve the lives of Blacks than was done even by our first black president, should make it pretty clear to all that most blacks would, I guess, rather not have their lives made better.  

As I have said before it’s not difficult to imagine how much better off our country would be today if blacks had never been brought here in the first place.  And you have to wonder, if America is such a horrible place then why is it that blacks even want to remain here, other than, of course, where else could they skate through life while having to expend as little energy as possible.  And when you consider the TRILLIONS of dollars that have been wasted over the last 60 years on all manner of social programs, combined with the costs of rebuilding neighborhoods destroyed in the name of some perceived racial injustice, would we be $20 Trillion in debt?

And another thing, I’m getting more than a little tired of hearing about how because I’m white I’m somehow privileged.  Because from where I’m standing the ONLY ones possessing any level of privilege are the minorities in this country.  Those who essentially have everything handed to them and yet who demand still more.  Sorry, does that make me racist?  And what it is that might never have been invented or left undiscovered had blacks never been brought to this country?  Likely very little, if anything.  And why is that my fault that whites have invented or discovered everything of importance in this world, just because I happen to be white?  

Blacks are the epitome of all that it means to be racist in America. The majority of them hate white people, of that I have no doubt. If they had their way, whites would all be dead and gone.  Look no further than nations built by whites in Africa, and what happened to them once they had black rule. Yes, there is ‘racism’ in America (defined as an open animus against one race) and it’s whites who are increasingly the targets, and the victims of it.  Anti-white racism is the real racism in America, and whites had better stop their feelings of white guilt, driven into their heads by decades of increasing anti-white propaganda that has become glaringly open and bold.

Isn't it amazing that the more ‘progressive’ society becomes, the more systemically racist it becomes? It’s ironic that the Antifa/BLM coalition can find lunatics to firebomb churches, yet somehow leave Planned Parenthood ‘clinics’ untouched.  Which group is it that’s more dangerous to minorities: places of worship, or abortion clinics?  The most racist people in America are the ones who play the race card, who commit 93 percent of the crime against their own race, who are responsible for 99.9 percent of the shooting deaths of their own race, allow the murder of 1000 babies of their own race everyday through abortion, and blame others for their bad choices.

I’m white but not a racist.  I don’t like people who don’t take responsibility for their own actions, who don’t take advantage of our education system, who make no attempt to provide for themselves but depend on government handouts for generations, who destroyed public housing the taxpayers provided for them, who are responsible for most crime, who believe I should pay for someone’s participation in slavery which whites ended over 150 years ago, and who think I am “privileged” because I worked hard to educate myself while working a full time job, was successful in my occupation, raised and educated a family, and am a law abiding citizen.

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