

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Why is it that more often than not whenever someone who has been blessed by God to possess someone sort of talent, be it acting, singing or even athletics, it’s in exchange for being blessed with said talent, that they ALWAYS seem to be completely devoid of any intelligence, common sense, or even common decency.  Take, for instance, ‘singer’ Johnny Legend, whose ‘talent’ I suppose some might question, and who recently made the idiotic claim that its President Trump’s “rhetoric of violence” that is “inspiring” the kind of violence carried out by a white supremacist in New Zealand.  So it’s obvious that he possesses zero intelligence and even less common sense.

You see, it was in speaking about the president that Johnny said, “He needs to apologize for demonizing brown people who have tried to come here and have a better life.” And it was from there that this moron went on to say, “That rhetoric of invasion, that rhetoric of violence, of scaring white people to think that these brown people are going to rape and kill their families — that rhetoric is inspiring people to do these kind of massacres.”  Just how much of a clueless, delusional and, dare I say, ignorant buffoon must you be to make such an accusation?  And in so doing all Johnny succeeded in doing was to leave no doubt whatsoever as to just how stupid he is.

Johnny also seemed to be compelled to blame the United States, the one country that makes it possible for no talent ‘entertainers’, many of whom are black just as he is, to become very wealthy, for all of the racism that takes place in the world.  He said, “I think what’s clear is that there is an issue around the world, and particularly in this country, in America, when it comes to the evil rhetoric and ideology of white supremacy. This ideology and this rhetoric has been spread, a lot of it on the internet, but a lot of it has been either endorsed or tacitly kind of winked at by our president.”  Yes sir, Johnny’s had it pretty hard in life, and all because he’s black.

And he said, “When people of such influence and such stature are endorsing such a hateful and evil ideology it emboldens those who will go out and do something evil and nasty like what happened in New Zealand.”  He also claimed that the U.S. is leading the world in racism.  He said, “A lot of the inspiration is coming from America right now and the American president. Our American president needs to say this is evil, I don’t endorse it, I don’t embrace it, I’m not winking at it, I’m not equivocating about it. This is evil and I speak out against it.”  Why am I not surprised to find out what a blatant liar this fool is?  I would argue that he’s the real racist here.  

It’s Democrats, like Johnny, who can be said to be responsible for more death than the total number of people killed in all of the wars this nation has ever fought.  It is those very same Democrats who today have the blood of roughly 60,000,000 babies on their hands since Roe v. Wade in 1973, with a sizeable percentage of those babies being black.  I wonder if Johnny even knows that approximately 36 percent of abortions involve blacks and 19 percent non-black Hispanics?  Both numbers are considerably higher than is their share of the U.S. population.  So are we to assume that Johnny has absolutely no problem with death of all those ‘brown’ babies?    

Does anyone truly think that Johnny, or any of his Hollyweird friends, really care about these most recent ‘victims.’  They couldn’t care less. They save up their faux outrage for those occasions when the perpetrator is white and the supposed ‘victims’ are non-white.  They then gleefully use their concocted theories to smear white folks, smear America and/or smear President Trump. The reason scum like Johnny are happily going around slandering those people who disagree with them or don’t happen to be of the right color for their taste is really very simple, he, and they, do so out of hate.  Hate is what drives these people, it’s what motivates them.  They’re sick.

And when does Johnny ever have something to say about all of the black on black crime that takes place in many of our largest cities on a daily basis, cities that are nearly all controlled by Democrats, and have been for decades.  But no matter, I’m sure Johnny would argue that ALL of those deaths can also be laid at the feet of President Trump.  After all, isn’t everything the president’s fault?  Well, I guess everything except the fact that minorities, especially blacks, are now experiencing their lowest unemployment rate EVER, or the fact that we now have a bona fide, and sustained, economic recovery underway despite Barry’s claims of ownership.

Johnny is nothing more than another of those hypocrites that Hollyweird has become rather well-known for.  He obviously couldn’t care less about how many of those in the black community are gunned down by others.  Nor does he really seem to care all that much that it’s those whom he proudly endorses, those who enthusiastically support abortion, are responsible for the death of tens of thousands of blacks, every single year.  Johnny is a fraud who, and for whatever reason has chosen to align himself with the left in this country and against those in the black community.  Which is really more than a little odd, or am I the ONLY one who happens to think that?   

John Roger Stephens, aka Johnny ‘Legend’, is nothing more than your typical know-nothing liberal lint fluff.  He's famous and therefore thinks that that alone somehow makes him worthy of being listened to as well as of being taken seriously.  He is most definitely deserving of neither!  Also, since he is armed with a degree in English, with an emphasis on African-American literature, he appears to have convinced himself that that too gives him a near genius level of insight into every issue imaginable.  But in truth Johnny is really nowhere near to being as smart as he apparently thinks himself to be.  He simply chooses to spew whatever it is that he’s heard others say.

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