

Saturday, January 13, 2018


Come a week from today Donald Trump will have president for an entire year, and yet many within the Democrat Party are behaving as if the election he won was just recently conducted and they may still be able of coming up with a way of altering its outcome.  But it’s now been well over a year since the election and the Democrats, as party, have yet to admit defeat and accept the fact that the candidate that represented their party lost.  Instead they’ve decided to take a far more dangerous path.

They remain unable to get over the fact that their candidate was unable to defeat a man who was, at the time, a complete political novice.  And they have convinced themselves that they will be successful in overturning the election for no other reason than because they lost.  And it has been in their attempt to do just that that they have left no stone unturned in their continuing effort to, if not remove Trump from office, at least delegitimize his victory to prevent him from getting anything done.    

Maxine Waters, who has been a critic of the president’s since the day after the election, recently took her anti-Trump rhetoric to what I think most would view as being a whole new level by referring to the president as “the most despicable human being that could possibly ever walk the earth.”  It was this past Friday that Waters was a guest on MSNBC’s “All In With Chris Hayes” with guest host Joy Reid when she simply couldn’t hold back her angry rhetoric, and let it all come out.

Waters continued her rant saying, “I have called him what I know him to be for a long time. Remember when I called him a scumbag. I’ve called him a racist, deplorable, despicable, adding to what others are calling him––a moron, ignorant, on and on and on. The United States of America is being represented by the most despicable human being that could possibly ever walk the earth.”  Am I to assume that Waters, as well as other members of the Democrat Party, somehow feel they are entitled to win? 

She said, “I don’t know when Americans are going to tire of this lying man. It has been documented that he has told over 2,001 lies since he has been in office. He name-calls. He basically disparaged a United States congresswoman and basically said that she would do anything for a contribution. Talked about, as you know, during the campaign grabbing women by their private parts. What more do we need see or hear from this racist man. Not only is he racist, he is an embarrassment for this country.”

To tell you the truth my patience with these black politicians in the Democrat Party is beginning wear pretty thin.  It seems that the only thing they know how to do is further divide the country. It's obvious that they hate whites and even look down on fellow blacks and Hispanics.  What was it, exactly, that they and Barry did for blacks?  Nothing!  Enter President Trump and we now have the lowest unemployment rate for blacks, ever.  And still they insist upon calling him a racist and worse. 

Do you remember when the Democrats joked about getting all of their shots and taking lots of disinfectant before attending a NASCAR event?  Should we have a “conversation” about how the elites on both coasts look down on Middle America?  And do you remember when the Democrat Party held the White House and super majorities in both the House and Senate for two full years and how they proceeded to help Americans out of work and addressed our immigration system?  No?

Well that’s only be because the Democrats, including Waters, were concerned with far more important matters.  Matters like bringing about a way for the government to seize control of our healthcare system.  That’s what was then deemed to be the issue in most urgent need of being addressed.  With the Democrat Party it’s all about politics, all the time.  It’s about posturing, and it’s about votes. Humanity, decency, and doing what is best for America really has nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Every time she opens her mouth Waters takes another step forward in making the case that she is everything that she accuses Trump of being.  She is a scumbag, a racist, she’s despicable, disgusting and an embarrassment not only to the nation, but to the entire human race.  So will the Democrats ever throw in their towel regarding their effort to resist, undermine and destroy the Trump presidency?  Doubtful.  And matters will only get worse if they regain control of Congress.

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