

Monday, January 15, 2018


I guess you do have to kind of admire the persistence of these RINO-NEVERTRUMPERS, as they continue to ally themselves with those in the Democrat Party who, after nearly a year of his being in office are still unable to accept the fact that Donald Trump is president, continue with their attempts to delegitimize his presidency.  As you know, one of the more vocal opponents of our president is none other than soon to be ex-senator, RINO Jeff Flake.  And it was Mr. Flake who, on Sunday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “KasieDC,” told host Kasie Hunt that he expected President Donald Trump to have a challenger for the Republican Party 2020 presidential nomination.

Hunt asked Flake if he thought Republicans had a moral obligation to oppose Trump when it comes time for him to run for re-election.  Flake responded by saying, “I don’t want to put it that way, but I think he will have a challenge.”  He added, “He’ll certainly have a challenge from somebody as an independent. But I think he’ll likely have a challenge in the Republican Party as well. I am not the only one — the only Republican who is saying, ‘You know, I’m not sure this is my party. We used to stand for limited government and free trade, free enterprise and not this kind of nationalist, protectionist kind of party.’”  That hasn’t been the GOP for a long time.

Later, she asked if Flake himself would run in 2020.  Flake said, “I won’t rule it out.” Flake said. “It’s not in my plans.  But I’m not ruling it out. I don’t think anybody should.”  And to Mr. Flake I say, “Good luck with that, butt-lick!”  President Trump has done more in one year to help average Americans than all of the presidents, and congressional dopes like Flake, have done in the last 20 years. I hope he easily breezes into a second term, it's clear he's feeling more comfortable in the job every day that goes by. I personally don't see the RNC being willing to risk wasting any of its resources on a campaign against this president.  That’s simply self-defeating.

And oddly enough it was on the very same day, Sunday, during an appearance ABC’s “This Week,” that Flake went so far as to compare President Trump to Stalin, claiming the president’s attacks on the press resemble the rhetoric of former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.  Flake said, “When you reflexively refer to the press as the enemy of the people or fake news, that has real damage.  It has real damage to our standing in the world.”  He added, “And I noted how bad it is for a president to take what was popularized by Joseph Stalin, the enemy of the people, to refer to the press.”  Sadly the media HAS become the enemy, and does broadcast ‘fake news.’

So here it is, yet again, that we have the man with the most appropriate name making the rounds on national news for the sole purpose of criticizing our President, and pitching a fit because Trump does not support “free trade” while he chooses to ignore the fact that the problem is China, Japan and Mexico who have all put up barriers that make “free trade” impossible.  What “free trade” Flake supports is actually corporate welfare to help multinationals move jobs overseas and President Trump is dead set against this.  So here we have someone who is not running for reelection because he knows he would lose badly, but he can’t rule out running for President? 

Look, I think we’re all able to see pretty clearly what's really going on here.  A scenario where the drones at MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS keep insisting upon interviewing this boob, Flake, and asking him about a presidential run, over and over ad nauseam.  Flake’s ego is too big for him to realize that he's simply being played.  What's really going on here is a slam against Trump by the media, essentially trying to show that a loser like Flake could be the president just as easily as Trump. They find a moron like Flake and then get him behave as if running for president is something anybody could do.  It’s simply head games played by the state-controlled media.

Flake is a member of a select group of clueless partisans, both Republican and Democrat, who still have no idea why President Trump won the presidency and they make no effort in trying to understand.  Flake hates Trump and he's only floating the option of running in 2020 as a threat to Trump.  He's saying he'll do everything that he can to sink the president.  He's currently doing that in the Senate and if he can, he'll mount a run against him for the Presidency knowing full well he has no chance of actually winning.  He has no vision, no plan, and definitely no leadership skills. But he does have spite and would happily vote for any Democrat just to ensure a Trump loss.

But that's what those who comprise ‘Establishment GOP’ have become.  That's why America-loving conservative needs to work toward removing such people from OUR party. The Republican Party today is run by people who do not support conservatives, or their interests.  But even further, they actively oppose policies and people who support the interests of the American people.  They ran a weak candidate in 2008, they ran a weak candidate, but one who could have won until he chose to wilt in the debates, in 2012. They wanted to run another weak candidate in 2016, but failed and Trump won.  They are a weak party lead by weak people with weak principles.

Flake puts his ignorance on full display every single time he opens his big mouth.  Like when comparing Trump to Stalin.  Seriously?  How much of a complete ignoramus must one be to compare President Trump to a man who was nothing more than a mass murderer responsible for a forced famine that lead to the death of millions of people.  There was a time when such outrageous statements did not go out unchallenged but today the leftist state-controlled media loves this type of rhetoric because they know most Americans haven’t got a clue about who Stalin was.  Flake is one of those useful idiots who can be counted on for this sort of stupid, and very dangerous, rhetoric.

Even with that it’s sometimes that I think perhaps we’re missing the real story here. Flake continues to make the rounds on all of the talk shows every week and yelling sweet nothings that the Democrats are absolutely eating up with glee. Is this because he is “retiring” from politics?  Probably not. I suspect that he is doing little more than laying the ground work for a possible switch to the party that better suits him and aligns itself with his leftist ideology so that he can then perhaps run again.  But Flake has absolutely zero credibility and nothing is going to change that whether he remains a Republican or chooses to become a Democrat.  A clueless twit, is a clueless twit.  

When all is said and done I can only assume that Flake is intentionally trying to burn as many bridges left behind as is humanly possible as he slowly heads for the exit.  He seems to be going well out of his way in trying to be remembered as nothing more than a total turncoat to not only his party but also his state, which doesn’t really look good on one’s resume.  It’s gotten so bad with this guy that it’s very day that he says something more idiotic than he said the day before.  My only advice to him would be to please do the rest of us a huge favor and just stop talking and leave. You have become little more than an embarrassment to Arizona and conservatives everywhere.

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