

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


You know, much like the little boy who cried wolf are those one left who are today running around and accusing all who disagree with their position on illegal immigration or those who favor the building of a wall of doing so ONLY because they are racists.  And that said, how much longer can these baseless accusations of racism continue before calling someone a racist becomes totally meaningless?  Especially when you factor in how most of those doing the accusing are the ones who are racist.

Take for instance Al ‘Not So’ Sharpton.  Here is a man who proudly identifies himself as a ‘reverend’ and yet is perhaps one of the most racist individuals on the planet.  And as such, how is it that anyone, black or white, can take this this pathetic race-baiter seriously when he identifies the president as being a racist.  This past Monday at Reagan National Airport TMZ caught up ‘Racist Al’ and asked him about President Donald Trump’s supposed “shithole” comments.  His response was as expected.

When asked if the president is racist Sharpton said, “You don’t have to spray paint the N-word over the Oval Office and sleep with a KKK hood to be racist. If you have racist policies, say racist things, operate in a racist manner you are are a racist, period end of story.”  Obviously Sharpton wouldn’t recognize a racist if one was to bite on the ass since he had no problem working closely with the most racist president ever elected.  And that president would of course be none other than Barack Obama.  

Let’s face it, I think it’s pretty safe to say that Al Sharpton is to race relations as an open trench of human feces is to a ‘shithole country.’  In other words, Sharpton is the literal personification of the worst of the worst.  In addition to being a tax cheat and using Jesus Christ's church to spread nothing but hate and venom against all white people, he is a mean-spirited turd and more than a bit of a bigot.  And he has made for himself a rather tidy sum of money, some of which he neglected to pay taxes on.

Despite his title of ‘Reverend’, Sharpton’s behavior is anything but that of a true man of God. And he has very little interest in anything even remotely considered to be spiritual.  But then that’s only because doing so generates insufficient revenue and near zero notoriety.  The only thing religion is good for, as far as Sharpton is concerned, is as a way of getting people to give money, which while intended for doing God’s work, is used to enrich himself and support his bogus organization .

And you know, it says a lot about the current state of the black community that there are still those out there willing to listen to racist tripe served up by this boob and, worse, actually believe much of his racially incendiary rhetoric which is intentional in it delivery.  Of all the black men out there that should be listened to, men like Ben Carson, Allen West or Tim Scott immediately come to mind, far too many young black still tend to migrate toward losers like Sharpton and Jesse ‘The Extortionist’ Jackson.

Sharpton is little more than a racist creep who while hiding behind the title of ‘reverend’ has made a career out of race baiting, going all the way back to the Twanna Brawley hoax back in 1987.  He has frequently engaged in inflammatory, and even incendiary, racist incitement in numerous incidents which lead to deaths of people including the Crown Heights riot in 1991 and the arson attack on Freddy’s department store in 1995.  He is not someone worthy of being looked up to.

The truth is, and what has the Democrats frightened, is that a growing number of Blacks trust Trump far more than they trust those who resemble Sharpton.  Much of that has to with President Trump’s handling of the economy.  And he has managed to turn around, in just his first year in office, many trends in black community that were headed entirely in the wrong direction under Obummer.  And therefore even those in the state-controlled media has been unable to convince them that he is a racist.

How is it that President Trump can continually be called a racist when in just the short time that he’s been in office he has already accomplished more for the black community that Barry ‘O’ accomplished in eight long years?  Is that making any amount of sense to anyone?  Blacks need to start doing a better job in helping themselves and the first thing that they can do in that endeavor is to ignore the race-baiters like Al Sharpton.  Sharpton doesn’t care about them, he uses them.

President Trump is out to ‘Make America Great Again’ for everybody, not just the white folks.  And those who spend their time actually listening to him and not to racist morons like Sharpton very quickly realize that.  His goal is to make it so anyone who wants a job, regardless of the skin color, can get one.  Those who tend to be more willing to side with Sharpton are usually the same ones who have no interest in working preferring, instead, to live off of those of us who do want a job and to work.  

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