

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Look, I know I have long complained about the idiocy of labelling as a racist those who happen to oppose you politically, and as I have said my reason for that is when we get to a place where everyone is somehow a racist, essentially no one is.  And trust me when I say, there are racists out there, and plenty of them.  And strangely enough, the vast majority of them happen to be…black.  Case in point is none other the liberal Democrat Jimmy Clyburn who has been, or so we’re told, representing the folks there in the 6th District of South Carolina, since 1993.  Now I find it pretty hard to believe that in all that time they couldn’t come up with someone better than Jimmy.      

But be that as it may, it was on Tuesday’s episode of MSNBC’s “Hardball” that those who happened to tune in heard Clyburn describe the supporters of President Donald Trump as being “ignoble voters.”  Jimmy said, “You know, Chris, I think there’s a little thing we talk about a lot, and it’s already been mentioned on the show. It’s one thing to have a base of support. It’s something else to have base supporters.  Those are totally two different things.  I beg to differ with those who say that this president is doing things to appeal to his base of support. No, he’s doing things to appeal to his base voters. Those people who are ignoble in their pursuit of stuff.”

He added, “And I would ask any of your listeners to look it up, and you see a base voter is totally different from a base of voters. And that is what’s going on here. And so every time I hear them saying his base supporters, I think of the real meaning of a base supporter and the word, the best word I can think of is ignoble voters.”  So, we who support the president have now gone from being merely deplorable to being what Jimmy defines as ignoble, which is just a fancy way of saying that we’re dishonorable, vile, unworthy, contemptible and/or despicable.  I’m curious how he came up with that term, since I know he’s not smart enough to have come up with it all on his own.

Meanwhile, we all know that it’s the Democrat ‘base’ that’s comprised of people who lack the wherewithal to even acquire a photo ID for voting purposes.  As well, it’s the Democrat ‘base’ that thinks murdering their progeny is normal behavior.  It’s also the Democrat ‘base’ that denies the very simple scientific fact surrounding the pairing of X and Y chromosomes in lieu of their pseudoscientific ‘opinion’ of gender fluidity.  And it’s these people who lack the basic acumen to even look in a mirror and figure out which bathroom they belong in.  And Clyburn calls Trump voters “ignoble?”  This denizen of the shallow end of the gene pool, Jimmy Clyburn, epitomizes hypocrisy.

Jimmy’s nothing more than an overseer on the Democrat Plantation.  He’s starting to see blacks beginning to realize they’ve been lied to for the last 50 years, and he’s one of those select “Super Negros” who have been put in place by the party to keep other blacks in line and to keep from being exposed what the party truly believes in.  And it’s these overseers who would likely lose their positions of power if those in the black community were ever to finally wake up, and they know it.  They have done nothing for their districts and now the Democrats want the illegal aliens to take even more of the jobs away from blacks and these overseers are only too willing to go along with it.

And whether he wants to admit it or not, likely not, Jimmy is little more than one of the lap dogs of the Democrats.  They created a ‘leadership’ position for him out of thin air to pacify him when they made Hoyer the House Whip.  And just like ‘Little Dick’ Durbin he has sheltered the blacks there in his district from the ‘bad’ effects of President Trump's economic agenda.  After all, we can’t have the black community being threatened with economic opportunity.  If blacks were able to get jobs, buy houses, build wealth, and become self-reliant they might actually come to realize that they don't need, nor want, the Democrat constructed welfare state.

Jimmy is nothing more than your typical liberal Democrat where there is one standard for them; a different standard for everyone else.  This black racist has no problem calling Trump supports “ignoble voters,” and yet if President Trump really did make a comment about people coming from “shithole countries” then he is a somehow racist and unfit to be president. Telling illegal aliens that they have to leave is also racist. Putting up a border wall to keep illegals out, is racist.  Not allowing people into this country who want to destroy it, is racist. Banning people from countries that support terrorism, is racist. Jimmy thinks it’s racist to want to keep the America safe.

Those who the president seeks to keep from entering the country represent a threat to the American people, a threat that the Democrats are willing to overlook for no other reason than because those people are seen as being a whole new crop of Democrat voters. The Democrats are desperate to regain control of Congress and are willing to do so by any means necessary.  And anyone who dares to get in their way will be smeared.  Anyone who thinks this is about anything other than politics is a bigger moron than Jimmy Clyburn.  However, I do encourage Jimmy to continue forward with the standard Democrat tactics of class hatred and identity politics.

These tactics are the main reason why the Republicans, today, control the White House and both Houses of Congress.  Now granted, the Republicans have done themselves few favors regarding the coming election.  But at least they did recently pass the tax reform legislation.  And for those of us who have no desire to see the Democrats regain power in the end have to be satisfied with that, at least for now.  I’m confident ‘the wall’ will come if we keep the Republicans in charge, and I feel safe in declaring that it will NEVER come if we’re foolish enough to hand power back to Schumer, Pelosi & Co..  Their main focus will be on impeaching the president. 

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