

Friday, October 20, 2017


Just one more thing about this belligerent, racist, piece of garbage, Frederica Wilson, and then I’m gonna stop talking about her and consider the horse to be officially dead.  That said, I do think that it’s high time to find out just how many of the American people support the rather demented perspective that the Democrat Party has on the truly important issues from national defense to illegal immigration to healthcare.  And I think the next election should be framed as being a referendum, of sorts, on where it is that the Democrat Party, and the Establishment Republicans, wish to take this country.  The 2018 election could very well turn out to be a defining moment for American politics, because it could very well determine what sort of future the American people want for their children and their children’s children. 

And what I think would be the perfect representation of the Democrat Party is the smirking mug of one Frederica Wilson, who now claims to be a “rock star” because of her recent, and rather incendiary, attack on President Trump over a phone call made to the widow of a soldier killed on active duty.  This brainless liberal hack who is one of the more anti-military members of Congress now claims to have her panties in a bunch over what she says was a rude and callous phone call from the president.  This scumbag is nothing more than a political opportunist who couldn’t care less about this young man who lost his life, nor about the widow that has left behind.  And what does this latest trip into the bizarre by this walking/talking freakshow of a politician say about the people who voted for her?  Only that they must be as stupid as she is.  

It was Miami’s 7News WSVN that reported how, during an interview on Thursday, Wilson responded to criticisms from the White House by stating that it’s “amazing” that she’s become important enough to be followed by the White House and will have to tell her kids “I’m a rock star now.”  According to 7News, Wilson responded to White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly’s criticisms of her by stating, “Let me tell you what my mother told me when I was little. She said, ‘The dog can bark at the moon all night long, but it doesn’t become an issue until the moon barks back.'”  The video of this piss-poor excuse for a human-being should be played over and over again in all manner of campaign ads between now and next November.  Because this is how disgusting Democrats, ALL Democrats, truly are.

Now you would think that somewhere along the line the Democrat Party would have embarked on a different path than many longtime Democrats, having moved much further to the left, but when I see the number of those still willing to vote for Democrat candidates, I do have to wonder.  Because it seems that no matter how outlandish, or how far to the left, the party becomes there are still those who will vote Democrat for no other reason than because they always have.  Are these people living under a rock?  The national debt now stands at over $20 Trillion and still there seems to be no interest in cutting back on the amount of money being spent.  But it’s anyone who advocates for spending cuts that is almost immediately attacked as being someone who wants to hurt minorities who ‘need’ government ‘assistance’.

If you pay close attention it’s in pretty short order that after a while you begin to notice that we have a pattern developing.  Because as time goes by we seem to see the same people crawling out from under their rock, with each one spewing the exact same drivel as they attack both President Trump and conservatives in general.  And once we tire of one, it’s very quickly that they’re replaced by another and the cycle repeats itself with a new face spewing the same old rhetoric.  You’ll notice that the more vocal critics tend to be black, and Democrat, and tend to migrate most often to MSNBC and CNN with exactly the same talking points and with exactly the same agenda.  And it is a list of the usual suspects that follows, those who willingly throw their fellow blacks under the bus in exchange for a little political power: 

John Lewis
Elijah Cummings
James Clyburn
Al Green
Corey Booker
Keith Ellison
Hank Johnson
Kamala Harris
Sheila Jackson Lee
Gwen Moore
Marcia Fudge
Maxine Waters
And now this most recent idiot, Frederica Wilson

And you know, all of these people, besides being incredibly disingenuous, more than a little dishonest and just a tad bit creepy, are also incredibly corrupt individuals who are not the least bit afraid to use the color of their skin as their main bargaining chip in their continuing effort to get, and to keep, a place at the Democrat Party decision making table.  And while they seem quite content to be excluded from the actual decision making process, they are always willing to follow the orders they are given to go into the black community and to con black folks into believing that it’s still the Democrat Party that has their best interest at heart.  And it says a lot about both Wilson and her party that she could, and so casually, use the death of this soldier and his widow to do nothing more than to attack President Trump and Republicans.

To be perfectly honest, this truly is one very twisted woman.  And as much as she might want us all to think that she is somehow some great friend of those who serve in the military. She is, in reality, anything but.  Wilson has voted against anything and everything that can be said to be even remotely connected to our military.  She opposed a bill Expanding Benefits to the Families of Fallen Soldiers and she voted against a bill Protecting Whistleblowers within the VA.  Also, Wilson opposed the “Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act,” which prevented a government shutdown and provided funds for the U.S. military and the VA.  And these are but a few of the examples of just how hypocritical she is when it comes to our veterans, as well as those who are still serving on active duty

Let’s face it, Wilson is the perfect example of how it is that the Democrat Party of today has come to be comprised solely of those who are so consumed by hate that they have reduced themselves to the equivalent of someone who has no soul.  They hate the president, they hate those who voted for the president, they hate the country, they hate, hate, hate, and then they hate some more.  It’s what they do, it’s what gives them their purpose and yet it’s what they constantly accuse those of us on the right as being guilty of.  And how is that anyone, regardless of their skin color, ethnic background or social status can look within themselves and say yes, I can vote for someone who is a Democrat?  It’s absolutely mind-boggling!  Democrat politicians, as well as many the Republican Party, are no longer worthy of our votes.  

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