

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


I’ve never been one for late night television.  At least since the days, and I may be showing my age here, of Johnny Carson.  And with the arrival of Leno I watched a little less, and I did watch a little Letterman in his early days.  And with those who have now assumed the helm of late night, it’s become no longer worth my time.  Regardless of which of these knuckleheads, Fallon, Colbert, Meyers or O’Brien, we may be talking about, there seems to be not a dime’s worth of difference between any of these supposed late night comics.  They all seem to have forgotten what it was that brought folks back night after night to watch Carson.  They’ve forgotten that it’s supposed to be about being funny, not gross, rude, inappropriate, or political to the extreme.  Which brings me to he who can very easily be considered the ‘Poster Child’ for this the latest batch of imbecilic late night TV hosts, Jimmy Kimmel. 

And to see why it is that I say that we need look back no further than Kimmel’s politically inspired diatribe from this past Monday night when we were supposed to believe that Kimmel was actually moved to tears over the recent Las Vegas attack.  It was during what he described as being his opening monologue that Kimmel set about pushing for more gun control before proceeding to bad-mouth Republicans.  But he said not a word about the number of innocents gunned down in Chicago each and every month.  Knowing as we do what his political affiliation is we shouldn’t have been surprised.  But that said, Kimmel was right to lament the “59 innocent” who are dead as result of the Las Vegas attack, but as is usually the case with these celebrity zealots from the left they are rather selective when it comes to those issues that they choose to highlight and then go on a rampage about.

Because nowhere in Kimmel’s diatribe/monologue was there any lamentations for the more than 63 individuals who were killed on average every single month in Chicago during 2016 (the Chicago Tribune reported a total of 762 murders for 2016).  Nor was there any mention of the nearly 4,400 victims who were shot and wounded during 2016.  But Kimmel, as someone who is likely constantly surrounded by his own well-armed security team, actually suggested that Republicans ought to be ashamed of themselves for not passing more gun control now.  Chicago is a tough one for those on the left because all manner of gun control imaginable has been tried, including an all-out ban on handguns — so Chicago is actually a case study in the ineffectiveness of gun control; an example of how murder numbers rise when strict gun control laws are in place.  So what they do is to pretend that it simply doesn’t exist.

Kimmel responded to critics on Tuesday, essentially blaming them for “the fact that almost anyone can get any weapon they want.”  And it was in making such a ludicrous statement that Kimmel accomplished little more then to make quite clear, to anyone who might have happened to tune in, just how ignorant of the facts he truly is.  He began by saying, “I want to send special good wishes to those watching from Las Vegas, where you know what happened on Sunday night. I’m not gonna get deep into it again, I said what I had to say last night.”  He then went on to say, “But I do want to say something to these nuts who spent most of the day today on television and online attacking those of us who think we need to do something about the fact that 59 innocent people were killed.”  He said, “They say it’s inappropriate to be talking about it because it’s too soon.” 

And it was then that he went on to add, “Well maybe it’s too soon for you, because deep down inside in your heart, you know you bear some responsibility for the fact that almost anyone can get any weapon they want, and now you want to cover yourself until the storm of outrage passes, and you can go back to your dirty business as usual.”  And he concluded his idiotic rant by saying, “But it’s not too soon for us.”  And added, “because we’re Americans, and the last time I checked, the First Amendment is at least as important as the Second Amendment, so we will talk about it, and shame on you for suggesting we do otherwise.”  So what makes this turd, who has a team of ‘writers’ writing his material for him and who, apparently, has Chuckie Schumer as a consultant, think we’re ok with being lectured to?  Maybe before he starts shooting mouth off he should search out the facts.

And yet, Kimmel offered nothing in the way of an apology for his deception during his Tuesday night ‘monologue’, nor did he rectify his failure to ‘cry’ over those killed in gun-controlled Chicago — 536 so far this year — the way he ‘cried’ over those killed in gun-friendly Nevada.  Instead, he doubled down appealing to his First Amendment right to say what he said and mocking those who called him out on it.  By Kimmel's logic, those who are opposed to the Second Amendment can be said to share responsibility for the mass slaughters by governments of their own citizens.  This collectivism is one of the dangers of the socialist ideology.  A collective is a group.  Socialists want people in groups.  They identify their supporters in groups and then they group and attack their opponents in the same way.  They create and continue their division through this collectivist ideology. 

But let’s face it, Kimmel is only doing what his masters tell him to do.  He's virtue signaling like all get out.  His ‘crocodile tears’ are as phony as his acting.  Of course he's going to politicize this tragedy.  His does the same with healthcare and his constant attacking of Republicans.  He's nothing more than a partisan hack doing the Democrats’ dirty work.  His ‘tears’ and ‘heartfelt feelings’ on the tragedy in Las Vegas are all fake...just like him.  Of course he's not going to shed any tears of concern for the people in Chicago getting shot and killed every month there.  He doesn't care.  He didn't get the script with the talking points all laid out for him to speak.  He has cues to learn, you know.  He would never bring what happens in Chicago up because guess who controls that city, and nearly every other big city, the Democrats.  It would make them look bad.  So it all has to be against the Republicans, all the time.

While this recent shooting was indeed a tragedy, I think we need to keep in mind that it’s on average that there are 96 deaths per day in America resulting from auto crashes.  And are those deaths any less tragic?  And where’s Kimmel’s outrage over CAFE standards?  Or for the 91 Americans who die every day from an opioid overdose.  Excessive drinking kills 1 in 10 Americans.  About 1 in 8 Americans, and Kimmel may be one himself, are considered alcoholics.  The top causes of death in America are Heart disease 633,842, Cancer 595,930, chronic lower respiratory diseases 155,041, Accidents 146,571, Stroke 140,323, Alzheimer’s disease 110,561, Diabetes 79,535, Influenza and pneumonia 57,062.  With all the planning and horror the shooter inflicted upon an innocent crowd of 20,000 the numbers reveal 99.7% of them escaped alive and it’s no small measure the miracle that is.

With the radical liberals in Congress and Hollyweird saying that all country western fans are Republican gun nuts and making their insane comments can we also assume then that the shooter was a Democrat or a Hitlery supporter.  Because in nearly every violent act, shooting related or otherwise, the perpetrator is nearly ALWAYS some nut from the Left.  The Left and their ilk are responsible for nearly all major acts of violence in the world. They always dismiss the actual murderers who identify with them, and immediately blame anyone and everyone else who are not on the Left.  Calling them out on their playbook, showing others their instant response is always to defend the criminal or terrorist murderers by providing the cover of blaming everyone else.  Be that the NRA or the Second Amendment.  Maybe what we need to place a limit on is Liberals being able to buy a gun.

The people that are shot in Chicago, and in every other major, Democrat controlled city, are willingly sacrificed by those on the left because it allows them to generate higher gun violence numbers in the U.S. which they can then use to justify the need for more, and far stricter, gun laws.  That is why they tend not to prosecute the criminals to the fullest extent of the law.  And yet where’s the outrage from Kimmel about that?  There is none.  Because to point that out would be seen as breaking ranks.  This is simply selective outrage of the left on parade.   Kimmel has blood on his hands, he is one of the alt left fascists acting as a megaphone for people like Hitlery, Bernie and failed ex-president Obummer. Helping them get out their calls for violence against President Trump and his supporters.  Encouraging alt left fascist violence with a chuckle and a nod.  Well, you leftists got your wish.  

The sad truth is that Democrats care far more about their agenda than they do about the people who foolishly vote for them.  But that seems to bother folks like Kimmel very little.  Kimmel, still isn't being honest with America.  And he seems to have no problem whatsoever when it comes to spewing his dishonest drivel whether he’s talking about healthcare or gun control.  He seems only too willing to intentionally mislead people by failing to disclose, for example, how he had been prepped for months by Chuckie Schumer regarding his recent rant on yet another Republican attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare.  He kept that all very well hidden because had he divulged that information, he would have been discredited as being nothing more than partisan political hack.  Not that many of those who tune in to watch his antics every night would care one way or the other.  They’re as sick as he is.  

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