

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Every time there is a tragedy like the one on Las Vegas, the first thing out of the mouth of liberals everywhere is gun control. They don't particularly care about those who died or were injured, it just makes them sound like they care and is another way of trying to get more of their kind elected.  Chicago and Detroit have continually killed inner city people for years and yet Democrats simply sit on their hands and do nothing because this is not about public safety, it’s about controlling the people.  And what Democrats, and their friends in the media, seek to do is not to find a solution to the problem, but instead to use these dead bodies as the basis for their propaganda that this can all be solved if only we make ‘commonsense’ changes to our gun laws. 

Question: Has the Democrat Party now gotten its kook base so worked up over the issue of gun control that one of their own would willingly take it upon themselves to commit an atrocity on the level of what we witnessed in Las Vegas, in the hopes that it could then be used to advance the cause?  Now of course the primary recipient of Democrat outrage is now, and always will be, the National rifle Association (NRA).  But I’m thinking that if there truly is an interest on the left to determine who it is that is truly at fault, they really need look no further than the nearest mirror.  And let’s face it, if stricter guns laws were truly the answer to gun violence, would not Chicago be the safest place on the planet, instead of the planet’s murder capital.   

And Democrats now have every ‘fake news’ organization out there screaming the stricter gun laws are the only possible way to finally rid us of these mass shooting tragedies.  This is how they exploit a tragedy.  What they either don’t realize, or simply choose to ignore, is that there is no gun control law that would have prevented this tragedy.  The shooter was using a machine gun which is illegal to own.  All the stupid laws that the Democrats, and their allies in the media, continue to come up with only effect law abiding citizens because the simple fact is that criminals will ALWAYS be able to get any type of gun they want illegally.  And by continuing to go after our law abiding citizens they reveal what it is that they are really up to. 

And in their continuing effort to never let a good tragedy go to waste, the Democrats wasted precious little time in tripping all over themselves in the effort to be the first to get to the nearest microphone in order to exploit the nation’s latest mass shooting.  And a perfect example of someone who exhibits such a warped mentality as this would be none other than Democrat Senator Chris Murphy, who called for pushing gun control immediately following a mass shooting in Las Vegas, and then went so far as to actually say that he believes any grieving period is nothing more than a “tool of the gun lobby.”  Now just how sick do you suppose one has to be to make such a brutally ignorant comment?  But then he is a Democrat, so perhaps that explains it.

And so it was that during an appearance on MS(LSD)’s ‘Morning Joe’ the esteemed Mr. Murphy said, “It’s a very convenient tool of the gun lobby to say that there’s got to be a 24-48 hour waiting period before we talk about change.” He ultimately blamed Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock for Sunday’s massacre, but also blamed federal and state laws.  He went on to say, “The reality is that much of it is rooted in the evil inside this one individual, but much of it is also rooted in our laws, which allowed him to get his hands on weapons that are illegal in almost every other civilized country.”  And he reiterated his support for banning semi-automatic rifles and bump stocks, and said he wants to start pushing for these changes “immediately.”

And it was this very same imbecile, Mr. Murphy, who went on to say, “Maybe he still would have taken a pistol and shot through the window. Killed perhaps dozens below. But it would have been difficult without the semi-automatic weapon and the modifications that are still legal to this day, in this country. So I think we’ve got to talk about change immediately.”   Mass shootings represent one percent of gun casualties in America, he claimed and said murders with 10 or more victims have doubled since an assault weapon ban expired.  Murphy continued to name the infamous “gun lobby” as Public Enemy number one, and believes the lobby purposely focuses on the most recent mass shooting to distract from past tragedies.

He said, “I think the gun lobby wants you, in the wake of a mass shooting to only talk about the policy changes that would have affected the shooting that happened the day before.”  And, of course, he went on to compare Paddock to Newtown, Conn., shooter Adam Lanza, claiming mass shooters would think twice if they were denied rifles and tactical gear.  He said, “In Newtown we ask ourselves whether Adam Lanza would ever have walked into that school if he didn’t have tactical weaponry.”  And he concluded, “There is a false bizarre kind of courage that comes with attaching yourself to these kinds of very powerful weapons, and there is a question as to whether these shooters would ever take up position if all they had was a pistol.”

So perhaps the ever-so-sophisticated Mr. Murphy might want to tell us exactly what laws could have been enacted that would have prevented this latest tragedy?  Do we need laws to force people to buy guns with a background check?  Oops, this guy did buy his guns after submitting a background check.  Maybe we need to force gun manufactures into making guns that can’t be changed over to fully automatic?  Oops again, they already do that.  So just what, exactly, is this clown’s point?  Does he even have one?  Personally, I don’t believe he has a point other than to advance the claim that if only we had stricter guns laws there would never be another of this type of tragedy.  This boob is the Poster Child for the politically demented.

Murphy is another radical leftwing socialist Democrat who hates the Constitution and individual liberty.  He’s little more than a political grandstander who, like all Democrats, is always seeking only to create some level of political advantage out of any tragedy.  Murphy is as deranged as those who decide to pick up these weapons and kill innocent people.  And what he and his fellow Democrats seek to accomplish is the complete removal of guns from law abiding citizens, which would result in nothing more than an escalating body count which would then be further exploited to put all those who manufacture guns out of business.  Which would leave the American people as being little more than sitting ducks against an increasingly tyrannical government.   

And keep in mind that if Democrats are so desperate in their attempt to advance their call for complete gun control and confiscation, might they go to the extreme of orchestrating attacks like the one in Virginia on Republicans practicing baseball or even this Las Vegas massacre?  Frankly, I wouldn't put anything past them and all you have to do is to see listen to liberals like this boob Chris Murphy who will say absolutely anything, and do anything, to be relevant just before an election years and especially when he's up for reelection.  And personally, I’m wondering just how long it’s going to be before we find out that this Paddock guy was a registered Democrat.  Or, is that one of the facts that our media folks will manage to keep concealed?  

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