

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


It was as recently as last year, and therefore well before the incidents involving both Michael Brown and Eric Garner, that there was a survey that was taken which found that more Americans see blacks as being racist than they do whites or even Hispanics.  And I have to say that very little has taken place since then that would alter that perception, except to, maybe, make it worse.  Then it was found that 37 percent of American adults spoken to by pollsters from Rasmussen thought that blacks hold racist views, as opposed to just 15 percent who thought the same of whites.  Of the black adults the survey spoke to, 31 percent said they considered people of their own race to be racist while only 24-
percent thought that whites were bigoted.

From an ideological point of view, the poll showed that almost 50 percent of conservative Americans think that blacks are racist as opposed to only 12 percent had such an opinion of whites. Interestingly, the 21 percent of liberal voters who see black people as racist is almost as high as the 27 percent who see white people as racist.  However, on purely partisan lines, 49 percent of Republicans believe that black Americans are racist while only 29 percent of Democrats think that.  Among independent voters, 36 percent think that black people in the U.S. are racist.  As a nation, 18 percent of people think that Hispanics are racially biased, while blacks think that 15 percent of Hispanics have unreconstructed views.  Among white adults, 17 percent of the population believes that Hispanic people are biased.

Taken as a whole, the survey discovered that only 30 percent of people in the country see race relations as being positive while 14 percent believe them to be poor.  But, almost 30 percent see that race relations are improving across the nation while 32 percent are worried that they are continuing to get very much worse.  The figures show that overall, the current attitude in the nation is receptive to improvement in race relations, with about 35 percent seeing neither progress nor regression.  In the time that the survey was taken blacks seemed to be more optimistic about the then current state of affairs than did either whites or Hispanics - as did liberals more so than did conservatives.  No surprise here.  Liberals, as well as many blacks have trouble dealing with reality. 

Now if we fast-forward a year we find it is now that more than half of all adults now say that race relations in the United States have worsened considerably under Barry “Almighty”.  That according to a new poll. Fifty-three percent of respondents said race relations have gotten worse under the first black president, according to the Bloomberg politics poll. Nine percent think they’ve gotten better and 36 percent say they’ve stayed about the same.  And it should come as no surprise that race relations in this country have come under renewed scrutiny in the wake of two recent grand jury decisions not to indict white police officers who were involved in the deaths of two unarmed black men.  However, had these two men simply done what the police had told them to do, both would be alive today.

Americans also seem to possess differing opinions when it comes to the decisions reached by these grand juries.  We have 52 percent of Americans agreeing with the Ferguson, Mo. grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown over the summer while 36 percent disagreed.  Meanwhile, it was in the ‘Big Apple’ that 60 percent of Americans disagreed with a grand jury’s declining to bring criminal charges against Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the choking death of 43-year-old Eric Garner on Staten Island over the summer. As was the case with Ferguson, the question was sharply divided along racial lines, which comes as no surprise.

But where a majority of Americans now seem to think that race relations in this country have deteriorated, according to Barry, Americans feel worse about race relations not because relations are worse, but because we're talking about them more.  Barry offered that analysis during a year-ending NPR interview.  In a 40-minute talk just before he left Washington on yet another vacation.  Barry said that he wanted 2014 to be a "breakthrough year," when the economy would decisively improve and the nation's toxic politics, that he himself has had a role in creating, might improve too. Though many on the left will claim that the economy did grow, 2014 became yet another year of unexpected disasters and unplanned events.  

Of this year's unexpected events, some of the most difficult and dramatic surrounded two police killings of black men in Ferguson, Mo., and New York City.  Barry seems to interpret the widespread debate over the killings of these two men as being a sign of potential positive change.  And yet a mere two days after Barry so confidently spoke of healthy debate, a gunman murdered, execution style, two New York City police officers while they sat in their patrol cars.  And who can argue that the death of these officers was not a direct result of the incendiary rhetoric we heard, and we still are hearing, from Democrats.  Rhetoric that is now causing the mayor of New York City some very obvious problems.  He’s finding out what happens when you seek to score cheap political points by disparaging the police.  

So on those rare occasions when I’m asked if I think racism still exists in this country, I say of course it does.  In fact we can safely say that racism today is worse than it has been in some time.  And if you have any doubt that what I say is true, simply take the opportunity to see how it is that nearly any black person looks at just about any white person.  Usually what you’ll see just behind the eyes of that black person is some of the most intense hatred imaginable.  Now whether that level of hatred lingers back to the days of slavery, or is nothing more than something most blacks seem to be genetically predisposed to, who really knows.  But make no mistake, it most certainly does exist.  And you can pretty much ignore the idiotic rhetoric than blacks “cannot be racist.”

And it’s that same intense racial hatred that we see coming from so many blacks, however it came to be there, that sleazy characters like Al ‘Bull Horn’ Sharpton, Jesse ‘The Extortionist’ Jackson, ‘Calypso Louie’ Farrakhan and yes even Barry “Almighty’ himself work to intensity and seek to take political advantage of.  They do all that they can to stoke the flames of racial hatred as nothing more than a means of making themselves appear to be relevant and as a way of increasing their stature within the black community.  And sadly, while there are some blacks who realize they’re being played for suckers, there is a far greater number who either do not, or who don’t care that they are being used by the race baiters among them.  Only with a change of attitudes within in the black community will racism come to an end.  

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