

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


If you choose to believe the professional race hucksters like Al ‘Bull Horn’ Sharpton, Jesse ‘The Extortionist’ Jackson, or ‘Calypso Louie’ Farrakan, then I guess you can also be persuaded to believe that one man’s act of self-preservation is nothing more than a blatant act of very obvious racism. And so it would seem then that no white person, nor even a White-Hispanic for that matter, can ever be permitted to defend themselves when attacked by someone who is black without immediately being referred to as being a racist.

Now I’m not going to try to make the claim here that racism does not continue to exist here in America. After all, racism, in one form or another, exists everywhere on the planet, so what is it that would make America immune? But the truth is, at least here in America, that black on white racism is far more prevalent than white on black racism. It’s simply a fact that there are far more black racists than there are white racists despite the fact that blacks insist upon portraying themselves as being the victim in any black on white altercation.

Now that’s not to say that I don’t look at black ‘differently’ than I look at most whites, because I do. But having said that, I tend to look at blacks in much the same way that I look at those whites who take some level of pleasure in behaving in a way that intimidates others in their general vicinity. You see, blacks seem to take some perverse pleasure in doing all that they can to intimidate people, especially, white people. They enjoy their gangsta persona, in fact they work to cultivate it. And yet they refuse to see that it comes with a price.

For instance, if I’m driving down the road and I happen to see a young black male whose car is broken down on the side of the road. It’s unlikely that I’ll stop to help. And I freely admit that the reason for my not stopping is because he’s black. But the reason the basis for my unwillingness to stop is not specifically related to the color of his skin, per se, but with the behavior that can be said to be directly associated with his skin color. But also, if I were to see a white male with his head shaved and covered in tattoos I’m not likely to stop for him either.

So what many blacks claim are so quick to call racism, really isn’t racism at all. It’s simply a natural reaction, or a reflex that has essentially been created and then nurtured by blacks themselves. And it doesn’t help matters when they can be seen on television, night after night, behaving in what can be said to be a most bizarre and inappropriate manner. You see, where most whites look at blacks with suspicion because of specific kinds of behavior exhibited by blacks, most blacks look at whites out through the lens of pure hatred based solely on skin color.

Blacks continue to murder blacks, by the hundreds, and it’s worth nary a word on any of the nightly news programs. And it does nothing to reduce the level of apprehension or uneasiness one feels whenever alone and in close quarters with any black male whose background one is unfamiliar with. Jesse Jackson has himself made such an admission, once saying, "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved."

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