

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I think most will agree that they have, at least, suspected for a very long time that the Democrat Party nearly as a whole, puts a very high premium on political power.  Both on obtaining it and doing all that they can, no matter how perverse of unethical, to maintain it. This overwhelming need for power is more important to them than even is the survival of our country which, it seems, they are only too glad to sacrifice if, in the end, it is they who will be able to control whatever is left of it once the dust settles.  And some recent actions by some should effectively remove all doubt that what I say is true.

Because what we’re witnessing today, all in the name of racial injustice, can, I think, be described as an all new low for Democrats.  We have in Congress today a rather perverted collection of individuals who are, in all likelihood, some of the most despicable people to ever hold their high office.  They are a group who truly hate this country and all that it stands for.  And what might it be, you ask, that makes them so?  Well for one thing, it’s their unquenchable thirst for political power, a desire that is so consuming, and so overpowering, that there is literally nothing that they will not do to satisfy it.

And it was just last night that several of these individuals of very questionable character took to the House floor to take advantage of, and to exploit, rather than to work to heal, a situation that has been made into something that it was not.  Their “Hands up, don’t shoot,” gesture was said to protest the police shooting, albeit in self-defense, in Ferguson, Missouri, of the black thug by the name of Michael Brown.  First we had Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat of New York, who said as he took to the floor, “Hands up, don’t shoot. It’s a rallying cry of people all across America who are fed up with police violence.”

This racist piece of human excrement went on to declare, “In community, after community, after community, fed up with police violence in Ferguson, in Brooklyn, in Cleveland, in Oakland, in cities and counties and rural communities all across America.”  Jeffries added that people are fed up with injustice, a broken criminal justice system and “continuing to see young, unarmed African-American men killed as a result of a gunshot fired by a law enforcement officer.”  But why is it that it’s the justice system that’s considered to be broken simply because we have black youths who have never been taught how to behave in a civilized manner?

Jeffries went on to say, “Now this is a problem that Congress can’t run away from and the [Congressional Black Caucus] stands here today to make sure that Congress runs toward the problem.”  He then added, “That we come up with constructive solutions to breaking this cycle, this epidemic, this scourge of police violence all across America.”  Now the sad truth is that is these so-called black ‘leaders’ were genuinely concerned about the fate of young black men, they would challenge our black president whose policies have resulted in double-digit black unemployment and allowed those in horrendous inner city schools to remain trapped there.

But it’s unlikely that we’ll be seeing anything like that taking place, because these demented individuals support those very same policies, policies that only serve to keep blacks in bondage to the government.  Individuals with names that I’m quite sure most are very familiar with.  Joining Jeffries’ gang of miscreants included such notable racists as Yvette Clarke, another Democrat from New York, Sheila Jackson Lee, from Texas and Al Green, also from Texas, who actually went on praise the handful of St. Louis Rams’ players for also making the “hands up” gesture as they entered the field for their game on Sunday.

The pathetic loser, Green, was heard to say from the House floor, “This has become the new symbol, a new statement, a statement wherein people around the country now, are calling to the attention of those who don’t quite understand that this is a movement that will not dissipate, it will not evaporate. It is a movement that is going to continue.”  But what does it say about the character of these supposed ‘leaders’ who can, and so casually, take the name of a black thug who was himself responsible for his own death, and use it as a rallying cry for a ‘movement’ the direct result of which is that ‘movement’ becomes based on nothing more than a lie?

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