

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


As 2014 comes to a close, I wish I could bring myself to feel a bit more optimistic about what it is that 2015 is likely to bring with it.  Our country remains in pretty sad shape and yet there seems to be a rather severe shortage of those in Washington when it comes to anyone who might be the least bit interested in doing something about getting our country back on what so many of us see as being the right track.

Today we have more people than ever before who are now, in one form or another, dependent upon government to at least some degree.  Add to that the fact that we also have more people who are either out of work or relegated to working only part-time than ever before and it becomes a little difficult to be optimistic about what the future will bring.  And with the passing of each and every day the future becomes all the more gloomy.

The sad truth is that the millions of Americans who now find themselves in such predicaments do so through absolutely no fault of their own.  They simply have had the misfortune to be on the receiving end of the many Democrat policies that have been put into place over the course of the last 6 years.  Polices that have been designed with a very specific purpose in mind, to get as many people as possible addicted to the government.

And while much has been made about our new Republican majority in Congress, and about how we are on the verge of a new day, somehow I’m just not convinced.  Far too many of those who are members of that newly minted majority, as well as their leaders, seem to be rather disinterested in doing much of anything that can be described as being a serious attempt to salvage what’s left of our once great republic.

I don’t mean to sound so pessimistic, I really don’t, it’s just that I fear that in the coming year we are likely continue down the same path that we are presently on.  The only change will likely be an increase in the speed with which we are made to travel down that path while the ultimate destination remains unchanged.  Because it would seem that those to whom we have now entrusted control of Congress, lack the stomach for a fight.

I doubt that there will any attempt made to bring about an end to the and madness that has us continuing to spend away our children’s futures as if we didn’t have a care in the world without fear of the consequences that will surely come to be forced upon us. Instead of banding together into what would most assuredly be a very formidable force, we allow ourselves to be divided as we are encouraged to fight amongst ourselves.

To be honest, I have now arrived at a place where, when looking at the current state of our country today, I’m quite content to be at this stage of my life.  I feel sorry for our younger folks today, like my daughter.  Those of my generation have done them a great disservice.  We took the country that was handed down to us from those who came before and we squandered its greatness by allowing our politicians to go unchallenged.  And for what? 

So Happy New Year?  No, I’m sorry, I just don’t think so, I’m just not seeing all that much to be happy about.  And I fear things are going to be getting much, much worse before they ever get any better.  And things will never get better if we, the American people, refuse to act as responsible adults and begin to hold our leaders, all of them, Republicans and Democrats alike, to account.  They must be reminded of whom it is that is in charge.

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