

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Since when should it seen as being in any way appropriate, or even acceptable, for the leader of some third world country to come into this country and to dictate to us, the United States, how it is that we MUST go about the allowing of immigrants to enter our country. Who does such a person think he is that he is somehow entitled to make such demands, especially when his own country has far stricter laws for doing so than does this country? And especially when it is his country that has been holding an American citizen whose only crime was that he got lost, in his prison for the last 5 months!

And in sounding very much like your basic card-carrying member of our very own Democrat Party it was Mexico's president, Enrique Pena Nieto, who recently spoke about what he referred to as the need for U.S. immigration reform. Nieto was in this country on a two-day visit to immigrant-friendly California. And what he said sounded eerily familiar to the continuing rhetoric that we have been hearing, ad nauseam, from our own president as well as many members of his party. Nieto made the same idiotic claim that those who reject diversity and inclusion will ultimately be proven wrong.

It was in a speech given just yesterday that we heard this leftist imbecile say, "We want to be a factor of cohesion, not division, with full respect for the sovereignty of the United States." He then went on to say, "This, at the end, is about — and only about — a matter of justice for those who contribute so much to the development of the American society." Nieto was of course welcomed with open arms by none other than Jerry "Moon Beam" Brown, who played up his own immigration credentials in a speech that highlighted the close cultural and historical ties they share across borders.

Old ‘Moon Beam’ very proudly declared, "It wasn't very long ago that the governor of California was outlawing driver's licenses for people who were undocumented from Mexico." He added, "That's not the law anymore." Brown signed a bill into law just last year that will enable immigrants to get driver's licenses next year. He said he got the message after a visit to a Monterey artichoke field where the workers yelled "licencia, licencia." I think we are all able to see through what was ‘Moon Beam’s’ very obvious political motivation for doing so. He’s not nearly as clever as he thinks himself to be.

You it was in 1994 that the people of California voted in sufficient numbers to ensure the passage of Proposition 187 which sought to ban immigrants who are in the country illegally from access to social services including health care and education. But as is usually the case the will of the people was later overturned by some activist judge who likely put politics above all else. Especially since Hispanics have now become a political force to be reckoned with in California. They now make up the largest of any racial or ethnic group in the state, though their voter registration numbers still lag behind whites.

On Tuesday, ‘Moon Beam’ will host a luncheon in the Mexican president's honor in the state capital, Sacramento. Nieto will then address the Legislature at the state Capitol. ‘Moon Beam’ invited Nieto to California after visiting Mexico last month and signing several nonbinding agreements on trade, education and environmental cooperation. The two politicians, Mayor Eric Garcetti and community leaders addressed hundreds of enthusiastic Mexican and Mexican-American leaders at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. One wonders how many were actually here legally.

Nieto took it upon himself to criticize what he called those unethical governors who had cracked down on immigrants, though he didn't name any specifically. "There are still states that have not evolved so much as California, that still skimp on recognition and, even worse, the rights of immigrants," he said. "Those who still believe and bet for the exclusion and discrimination or the rejection of diversity ... I only have one thing to say: the future, and a very near future, will demonstrate your ethical mistake. Time will show we're right." If I didn’t know better I’d swear I was listening to ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid.

What follows here is but a brief excerpt from what is current Mexican Immigration Law. It would greatly behoove America to follow Mexico’s example when it comes to how they address those who wish to enter our country.

• Mexico welcomes only foreigners who will be useful to Mexican society:
– Foreigners are admitted into Mexico "according to their possibilities of contributing to national progress." (Article 32)

– Immigration officials must "ensure" that "immigrants will be useful elements for the country and that they have the necessary funds for their sustenance" and for their dependents. (Article 34)

– Foreigners may be barred from the country if their presence upsets "the equilibrium of the national demographics," when foreigners are deemed detrimental to "economic or national interests," when they do not behave like good citizens in their own country, when they have broken Mexican laws, and when "they are not found to be physically or mentally healthy." (Article 37)

– The Secretary of Governance may "suspend or prohibit the admission of foreigners when he determines it to be in the national interest." (Article 38)

• Mexican authorities must keep track of every single person in the country:
– Federal, local and municipal police must cooperate with federal immigration authorities upon request, i.e., to assist in the arrests of illegal immigrants. (Article 73)

– A National Population Registry keeps track of "every single individual who comprises the population of the country," and verifies each individual’s identity. (Articles 85 and 86)

– A national Catalog of Foreigners tracks foreign tourists and immigrants (Article 87), and assigns each individual with a unique tracking number (Article 91).

• Foreigners with fake papers, or who enter the country under false pretenses, may be imprisoned:
– Foreigners with fake immigration papers may be fined or imprisoned. (Article 116)

– Foreigners who sign government documents "with a signature that is false or different from that which he normally uses" are subject to fine and imprisonment. (Article 116)

• Foreigners who fail to obey the rules will be fined, deported, and/or imprisoned as felons:
– Foreigners who fail to obey a deportation order are to be punished. (Article 117)

– Foreigners who are deported from Mexico and attempt to re-enter the country without authorization can be imprisoned for up to 10 years. (Article 118)

– Foreigners who violate the terms of their visa may be sentenced to up to six years in prison (Articles 119, 120 and 121). Foreigners who misrepresent the terms of their visa while in Mexico — such as working without a permit — can also be imprisoned.

• Under Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony. The General Law on Population says:
– "A penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine of three hundred to five thousand pesos will be imposed on the foreigner who enters the country illegally." (Article 123)

– Foreigners with legal immigration problems may be deported from Mexico instead of being imprisoned. (Article 125)

– Foreigners who "attempt against national sovereignty or security" will be deported. (Article 126)

• Mexicans who help illegal aliens enter the country are themselves considered criminals under the law:
– A Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to up to five years in prison. (Article 127)

– Shipping and airline companies that bring undocumented foreigners into Mexico will be fined. (Article 132)

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