

Saturday, October 30, 2010


It's a sad commentary that American politics today seems to be completely devoid of civility with it now being driven by, primarily because of one political party, a very bitter and confrontational form of partisanship. We seem to have far too many of those presently involved in this the world's second oldest profession, failing to make even the slightest attempt to put sufficient emphasis on such qualities as tone and manner regarding how it is that they choose to practice this, the fine art of politics. Unfortunately, these are rather undervalued commodities today, qualities that are seen as having no real purpose, and especially so at the presidential level. As much as any of the present day culprits would love to deny such a reality exists, the public does still look for leaders who are large-minded rather than petty and peevish. And they look for those who choose to engage in public arguments rather than in personal attacks and who want to solve problems rather than settle scores. Tone and approach are important not simply for the aesthetics of politics but also because of what they reveal about a person's predisposition and attitude, temperament and spirit. Obviously, our current president is not a big supporter of such a premise. I'm sure that with very little effort we can all remember back to how it was when it was being touted by any number of Barry’s supporters that, yes, he was "special.” Barry was the "ONE" we'd all been waiting for, he was the guy who promised that under his watch there would be no red states, no blue states only the United States. This is the man who vowed to rid Washington of all the old style politics. This is the man who positioned himself as someone who would become the great uniter. He would be, insisted the state-run media, America's first post-racial President. What a f-ing crock! Of course, Barry's campaign posture was, and still is in most respects, based pretty much on that of your basic community agitator's cynical strategy lifted straight from Rules for Radicals, the Saul Alinsky playbook. But in point of fact, Barry has become the most divisive President in modern times. His politics can best be characterized as being the equivalent of what is nothing more than common Chicago-style thuggery. And as a race hustler, Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright can’t hold a candle to Barry's blatant as well as utter shameless, and shameful, pimping of the Latino vote. And finally, and what’s more than a little frightening, is the fact that Barry does not recognize political opponents as being decent Americans who simply disagree with him as he attempts to transform America into a European style socialist "democracy." No, they are instead seen as being an enemy who must be destroyed no matter what the cost. It is quite the political philosophy that is now being implemented to by our "unifier" of a president. This is the same president that has been quoted as saying, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." And is a man who loves to egg on his supporters brandishing about such sophomoric rhetoric as, "If you get hit, we'll push back twice as hard" as he sent his supports out to “get in the faces” of those folks on the street who would disagree with his goals.

This is but one reason why Barry's on again, off again war on Fox News, as well as Talk Radio, currently being carried out by him and his top aides, is maybe not the wisest thing that he could be doing with his time. This type of ongoing nonsense only serves to create a rather unflattering perception of him and one that even he should be able to recognize as being one that really does him no favors. And with an approval rating now down into the upper 30s, might this be a contributing factor. But it's almost as if such consequences that directly result from such actions are much less important to him than is his attempt to successfully destroy his opponents by whatever means necessary. He seems to be willing to take measures to exterminate, to the greatest degree possible, any individual or organization that isn't afraid to offer up a critique of his performance as president. I'm sure many can remember that one of the main attractions of Barry, practically from day one of the then campaign, at least for those willing to buy into his mystique, was his tone and countenance. It was his "apparent" interest in serious engagement on the important issues, and his “professed” allergy to politics practiced by those who engage in the bitter and brittle side of politics that attracted many to him. We should, he said and many people bought, "resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long." He went on to say, "I will listen to you, especially when we disagree." All very impressive and high-minded sentiments that sounded very good at the time, but that in the end obviously proved to be nothing more than a well crafted, ruse. It was nothing more than a tool that could be discarded after he was safely elected. So how can we now take this guy seriously, a guy who consistently spews such drivel whenever needed? He's a joke, a sick joke. And if what he is currently doing to our country wasn't so disastrous, he'd be funny. We should all know by now that Barry is never the least bit shy or in any way hesitant, about operating from right down there in the gutter with the best of them and to drag anyone he can down there with him. He seems to take great pleasure in describing his political opponents in the most vicious and unsavory of terms or by slandering through the most inflammatory or incendiary rhetoric imaginable. Barry is quite easily the most un-presidential president in my lifetime, always eager to disavow doing any of the actions which they readily accuses his opposition of committing.

We have repeatedly seen from this president, some of the darker, and more sinister, Nixonian tendencies and, or so it would appear, a burning anger as well as a seething resentment toward absolutely anyone viewed as being one if its critics. Whether it's Fox News, the Chamber of Commerce, Karl Rove or any number of companies who sponsor reports that take exception to the administration's assessments on the economy, the Overseas Contingency Operation or any other important topic, there seems to be a rather twisted mindset that has our president viewing his critics as hated enemies in desperate need of being destroyed. Any and all individuals as well as any organizations or groups that dare cross our president by taking any position in opposition to what Barry feels is needed are to be made to feel the full force of retribution. Retribution coming from the White House that singles out adversaries who are then to be ridiculed, de-legitimized in any way, or outright ruined all in an effort to either silence or discredit them. Given the administration's brazen public statements, one can only imagine the level of sordid tactics being advocated privately, behind closed doors, and the potential strategies being plotted should they ever need to be put into action against any perceived enemy. This is disquieting to say the least for any number of reasons. Chief among them is that the presidency is the most powerful office in the world and the temptation for a chief executive and/or his top aides to misuse that power is considerable. Look, we're all very well aware that there is a certain daily give-and-take in politics and there is always going to be some pretty rough stuff said and done. We also are very well aware that we’re only human, and here may be a time when our good nature can, and will, get pushed aside. Especially with the pressure of governing this nation being what it is, and the nature of partisan crossfire that is a permanent feature of politics everywhere. And in even the most even-tempered White House, although this is not one of those, it's very easy to feel that you're constantly being put on the receiving end of some pretty unfair treatment and therefore finding yourself wanting to strike back at those doing the criticizing. But the fact is, that there remains a line that ought not to be crossed, temptations that need to be resisted, and people in the White House who need to say "no" to tactics that begin to drag an administration, and our country, down into the gutter. There needs to be, in short, people who care about character. However, character is something that seems to be in rather short supply in the Barry administration.

Since before it even got off the ground, the Barry "Almighty" White House is showed a rather unique fondness for intimidation tactics that might work very well in the wards of Chicago but that really don't have a place in the most important and revered political institution in America. To see these impulses manifest themselves so often in Barry's presidency, especially given all that he has said to the contrary, is not only quite remarkable, but also rather startling. The danger is that as the pressures mount and the battles accrue, the political heat intensifies, and these impulses will not only grow stronger, but the constraints on them will grow weaker, and the voices of caution and reason will soon come to be ignored entirely. If that should come to pass, the likely result is that the Barry administration, and this nation, will come to pay a very high price. And as his term progresses, apparently our rather paranoid egomaniac of a president sees potential enemies as being pretty much everywhere. And it appears that all anyone has to do to earn a spot on his rapidly growing list of enemies, is to simply disagree with what it is that he sees as being best for America. The type of language that he insists upon using is not only un-Presidential, it's the rhetoric of a bitter and desperate demagogue. The level of anger possessed by this man who has essentially gotten everything he has wanted, is nothing if not completely unexpected. There are more than a few critics who have long maintained that Barry is the most self-absorbed, petulant and thin-skinned individual to ever hold his present office. And he very easily fits the clinical diagnosis of being a narcissist to a tee. Even the New York Times characterized our buddy Barry as being someone who automatically assumes that he's the smartest man in any room he walks into. Which makes him the man in the room who suffers a profound lack of wisdom. A fatal flaw in those who wield great power. You have to ask yourself how could the American people have screwed this up so badly. I can understand the blacks in this country getting and staying on the Barry bandwagon. After all, when your sole criteria for supporting a candidate is based on nothing other than his skin color, it's pretty easy to get duped by a fraud, even one that is as blatantly obvious as is Barry. Which is further proof that the folks that make up the black community really should work on broadening their horizons, if you get my drift. Because anyone who can look into the eyes of Barry “Almighty” and not see the white hot flame of hatred burning brightly behind them, is suffering from a most serious case of denial.

At the end of the day there should be very little doubt left in anyone's mind regarding the only possible destination that can await this country if the Democrats are permitted to maintain their grip on power and remain able to dictate the course we will take as a nation. Barry cannot be permitted to continue unabated in his efforts to fundamentally alter this country. The only remedy to this crisis situation is the complete the thorough house cleaning that is now being called for. So the American people have an important decision to make, and very soon. If this country is going to have any chance to survive very much further into the future, at least as it was originally conceived, things must change, and change quickly, in order to get us turned around and headed back in the right direction. We cannot afford to descend further into an abyss of sleaze that the present administration would have us do. This gutter style of politics cannot result in anything positive. We must return some semblance of civility to the process, and get back to a place where those of opposing opinions do not view each other as being mortal enemies to be vanquished in any manner possible.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


…might it then be appropriate for me to consider you as being too stupid to vote as well?

Well my friends, it would seem that the fate of our Republic now rests, and somewhat firmly I might add, in the hands of a sizable group of people made up primarily of the uniformed, but also included a sizable number of the clueless and yes even, the ignorant. A fact, for me at least, that will most likely be a source of more than a few sleepless nights over the course of the next six days. But, I suppose, it's a fact that I am more than quite conficent will bring a certain amount of joy to the hearts of Democrats everywhere as it causes a certain degree of angst to more folks than just myself. What kinda brought this home for me was a very recent “Letters to the Editor” section of my local paper where there was a letter that sums up my previously mentioned sentiment rather nicely, I think. The writer, whom I’m not sure fits in with the uninformed, the clueless or the ignorant, began his letter by making the “claim” that he is one of those Independents who also just so happens to be a fiscal conservative. He also claims to have voted Republican in 10 of the last 14 mid-term elections but is now having second thoughts about doing so this time around. Now usually when a letter begins with such a disclaimer, I'm immediately made suspicious regarding just what the true political affiliation may be of the person who feels the need to even put that out there in the first place. Anyway, the rationale, on which he bases his supposed dilemma regarding his being conflicted on how to vote this time around, stems from the fact that during the 8 years of “BJ” Clinton’s administration, his investments grew 82.5 percent. During the first 2 years of Bush 43’s administration they fell 21.9 percent. Then he adds that during the first two years of Barry’s administration they have once again grown at 19.7 percent. I guess this moron is one of those stellar individuals who have completely forgotten about 9/11 and the catastrophic effects it had on our economy. I would also like to know how his investments may have performed during the last 6 years of Bush 43’s administration. At any rate, to make such an admission that you're such a complete moron and in your hometown newspaper no less and to then include your name, to say the least, takes a lot of guts. Not much brains, but a lot of guts. Because with all of the other rampant destruction of our country presently going on, to admit he’s basing his decision for whom to vote solely on varying degrees of his return on investments, is pretty idiotic. This is the caliber of intellect that we who are trying to salvage what’s left of our country, now find ourselves up against.

Personally, I am one of those who favors using sound conservative reasoning, not some nonsensical touchy, feely gobble-dee-goop, when it comes to the defending of our individual liberty and free markets. Therefore I fully support the premise that advocates the notion that uniformed, clueless or ignorant people should not be permitted to vote unless they can somehow prove that they possess some semblance of knowledge regarding how our constitutional government is supposed to work. As well, they should at least know the basics about the key issues of the day and where the particular candidates and/or parties may stand on those issues. For those of you who may not be familiar with Sean Hannity’s radio show, every now and again he has this most irritating segment that he calls his “Man in the Street” segment. It’s where he sends one of his folks out onto the street to ask random passers by some pretty basic and generic questions about our Constitution, our government and our current batch of political leaders. More often that not most of these respondents reveal that they’re rather clueless as they are rarely if ever able to intelligently answer any questions regarding even most rudimentary facts regarding what our Constitution actually says or even to recognize the names of our more prominent political leadership. And what’s so sad is the fact that these morons seem to think the fact that they're so clueless is so funny. So can someone please tell me what purpose is really served by the allowing of such people, who so obviously lack even the most basic knowledge on topics that are so important, the privilege of partaking in something as critical as voting? In fact, I think it can be safely said that these people who lack such basic knowledge, and see that fact as somehow being humorous, have an actual duty to the rest of us not to vote. Conversely, it is crucial that those people who do work at staying properly informed about politics and of the key issues of the day, do vote. It goes absolutely without saying that democracy works better when informed people vote. To assist in determining exactly where you are as far as being informed, an excellent place to start would be the website www.dontvote.org. Take the test and see how you fair.

Lame excuses abound and have as their source the defenders of those pathetic individuals who care so little about their country that they just can’t seem to bring themselves to be bothered with making even the weakest of attempts to get and to stay informed. There are many who take personal offense with my advocating such a thing as ensuring voters possess a certain amount of intelligence and informational awareness in order for them to then be permitted to enjoy the privilege of voting. There are those who attempt to make the case that the importance of an informed voting public is really over exaggerated. The point they continually try to make is that the desire to have a public that remains informed is impossible, as well as being unrealistic, because the keeping of an informed voting public breaks down when we consider the difficulties of being well-informed about all of the political options available. In economic terms, voters would need to evaluate alternatives for public policies and programs. Strictly speaking, they say, a rational voter would need to first estimate the overall effects of altering or abolishing specific public policies and programs. In addition, for each federal program or policy there are a range of reforms that may have either positive or negative effect on its functioning. A fully informed and rational voter would then be required to ascertain the best options for governmental reform. It is, however, very difficult to ascertain the effects of reforming even one policy or program. Changing one program or policy typically produces unintended consequences. Given the complexity of the United States, and the world for that matter, a significant change in public policy will cause a series of reactions from the people who feel the effects of these changes. So it is argued, that no one person can accurately predict these unintended consequences. Maybe not, but in today’s world with such things as the Internet, as well as the "new" media, it is not all that difficult to form enough of an understanding of the truly important issues that can then assist one in deciding for which candidate or for which party to vote. I will admit, however, that what does add a certain degree of difficulty to this whole process is when you have someone who is as secretive as Barry, who likes to keep things as far out of the public view as possible and has many surrogates more than willing to do his bidding in that endeavor.

Another excuse frequently provided by those who can’t quite bring themselves to support my premise, is their claim that because of the sheer volume of federal policies and programs that currently exist, it’s simply impossible to expect voters to remain sufficiently knowledgeable on all of them. I’m not saying that one has to get down into the minutia of every single piece of legislation or policy, but one should at least be aware of the basics of what is being proposed. It simply makes no sense to me for us to blindly trust those in power for no other reason than because we’re being told that various policies are just too complicated or beyond the comprehension of the general public, policies that the people would simply fail to possess even the slightest understanding of. Come on folks, that whole concept can only lead to one thing. Can anyone say “Obamacare?” As time has gone by since this horrible piece of legislation was signed into law by Barry, we’ve slowly been finding out just what a catastrophe this supposed "healthcare/insurance" reform has turned out to be. While there is no way that the average voter would have ever been able to make him or herself sufficiently knowledgeable regarding all 2000 pages of this disastrous legislation, by design, warning bells were being loudly sounded all around us. And yet it still become law. Even though there was at the time, with many still being available, several sources in the “new media” where one could go to locate the important facts about this horrendous piece of legislation. And yet, many didn’t, choosing instead to believe what it was they were being told by Barry, Nancy and Harry. Also, those who oppose my premise continue to whine about the fact that the U.S. government has dozens of agencies that implement thousands of policies. No one person can possibly achieve a sufficient level of understanding of all of these programs and policies. The federal government has a level of complexity far beyond anyone's wild imagination. So what's the answer, to simply choose to remain ignorant of all the goings on emanating for our rapidly expanding government? I think not! That’s the problem here, folks, government shouldn't be that complex. We’ve strayed so far from the original concept of limited government that our ballooning government is now wildly out of control. While that may be true in the strictest sense, we should not allow ourselves to be intimidated to the point where we become afraid to complain. Knowledge is power. And it is our primary ammunition in our ongoing battle against those whom we must confront on a daily basis and who will try to bully us into keeping quite. But the sad truth of the matter is that more often than not, people are either too lazy, or are simply unwilling, to use the tools that they have at their disposal to go in search of information that could prove crucial to their decision making process.

All these complaints or excuses are nothing more than half-hearted and lackluster blather, which is just simply another way of trying to explain away my claim that if voters were so inclined they could quite easily locate the requisite information that would keep them at least minimally “informed,” regarding the more important issues of the day. The fact is that while voters could defer to experts in such things as antitrust policy, fiscal or healthcare reform policy, where these experts could then advise voters on various policies, it is argued there are several problems with this potential solution. The problem with experts, or so the other side claims, is two fold. First of all they say that experts offer their “opinions" rather than facts. Since different experts disagree as to how policies should change, voters would then have to determine which experts are correct. This problem negates much of the purpose of having experts in the first place. While there is some basis for this argument, I think that by using this excuse, you’re saying that most people are simply too stupid to identify what makes sense and what doesn’t. Second, experts provide opinions on the overall effects of reforming public policies. Rational voters are concerned more with the effects on themselves and those close to them than with the overall effects on the entire electorate. To assume the changes that benefit the group also benefit any member of that group entails the fallacy of division. All that is honestly required is the requisite motivation to go in search of opposing viewpoints regarding any certain policy, and to then judge which one sounds the more realistic and capable of actually being able to provide the benefits that it claims it will produce. All this is, is a denial of where the real problem lies. Which is in the fact that far too many people just do not see the necessity to search out any kind of usable information. Look, we all know that there are any number of highly suspect sources of information out there, both in the state-run media as well as on the web that make the claim of providing reliable information. Which does make it all the more important that multiple sources be utilized in our search for usable, as well as verifiable, information. Granted that does make the process a bit more difficult. But how important is it to ensure that when walking into the voting booth one is armed with the best information possible. We should all be familiar with the caliber of "news" that is spewed on a regular basis by organizations like CNN, The AP, Reuters, the New York Times or any major network, to name just a few, and that it is nothing more than pure Democrat propaganda. I think that most intelligent people recognize that more often than not, the more liberal the policy the more fanciful are the claims being made regarding any potential benefits. The old adage that, “If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is,” is usually a pretty good rule of thumb to follow.

So the bottom line here is that to be a well-informed voter requires nothing more than the making of a conscious decision to do so and to then actually follow through with that decision. Easy, right? But as we all know, you can’t just go out and hold a gun to someone’s head and force them to become actively involved in the process or to be a concerned and informed citizen. A voter must first determine the importance, to them personally, of “working” toward the uncovering of necessary information all in an effort to discover which policies are seen as being able to actually deliver the best results. Each individual voter must evaluate how it is that the overall objectives of any potential policy will equate into the actual achieving of any individual payoffs against any realistic payoffs for the entire country. And then they ascertain the probability of those particular payoffs actually becoming a reality. Having done all this, a voter is now close to making a rational political choice to either vote for those who support such policies or for those who do not. I think to make the claim that voters cannot comprehend the impact that voting has on their own lives is simply a cop out. It does nothing more than to justify the act of being too lazy to go in search of the information in the first place. And ya know, maybe if we had a decent public school system that was more concerned with educating than with indoctrination we would, in all likelihood, be miles ahead of where we are now. But the sad reality of the situation is that we have a pathetically inept public education system which produces, after 13 years of being exposed to it, a net result which equates to nothing more than a population consisting of mind-numbed little socialist robots. It remains focused entirely on the implanting in the minds of our youth, and to an extraordinary level, a sense of anti-Americanism and anti-Capitalism that is advanced by any number of leftist zealots disguised as teachers. And it is then further compounded by the attending of nearly any major institution of so-called higher learning where the steady onslaught of anti-American rhetoric is continued and built upon by radical ideologues disguised as college professors. What ends up being instilled in people is a mentality, of sorts, that is then exacerbated by a criminally dishonest and heavily biased state-run media conglomerate. But look, that's another issue entirely and a topic for another discussion altogether. There are those who make the claim that casting a single vote, among over 100 million, is an act of futility. I beg to differ. One could argue that while voting is much more complicated than most people realize, we have no alternative, no other way of changing the world for the better. The idea that there is no alternative to political participation is false.

So, in 6 days we the voters will once again be provided with that same opportunity we have every two years to throw the bums out. However, more than likely, many of us will once again fail to do what’s necessary for the good of the country and simply choose to reward those very same politicians who have repeatedly deceived us while at the same time assuring us that, yes, they really do care about our problems. We are told that our democracy works best with an informed electorate, a concept that I very firmly support but that appears to be lost on nearly a majority of voters. Today's voters largely operate from a point as basic as a "gut feel." They cast their ballots based on nothing more than "group think," better known as the "straight ticket." They vote according to strict party affiliation, Republican or Democrat, and they are easily manipulated by those very same extreme, negative ads that have already begun to overwhelm us. Sadly, if not for this bad information coming in the form of negative ads and spin propaganda, most voters would enter the polls with absolutely no information whatsoever. Then, they wonder why once in office those for whom they voted behave so differently than what was promised. Look, if a working democracy is founded on an enlightened electorate, we are most assuredly in very deep trouble. Early on, this election was reduced to being a simple venting of rage by a frustrated electorate and egged on, to a certain degree, by a blatantly biased media. And for those whose conscience is somehow bothered by the lure of lower taxes and not so sure about the economic reasoning behind such a gesture, anger conquers the last inhibitions. Here we are, entering a century in which this country will be severely challenged to maintain some semblance of the living standard achieved at great cost over the past two or three lifetimes, and an election that very well could be decided by those, many of whom, have no clue regarding the true role of government. And what’s worse, they have no interest in discovering what the responsibilities are of their government. And at a time when we have a president talking about having "enemies" and wishing to seat the opposition, soon to be majority, party in the "back seat," I think very safe to say that what we have here is a rabid narcissist who is quite possibly the angriest individual that we have yet had the misfortune to have in the White House. It all just goes to show the urgency in ensuring we all vote! 

Monday, October 25, 2010


Well if this doesn't motivate you to get out and vote, nothing will....

"It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to loose it. If you think about that, you will do things differently." Warren Buffett

In just a little over 2 months, on January 1, 2011, the largest tax hikes in American history will take effect. They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves. So, on January 1, 2011 here's what happens. And this goes for all you who voted for Barry as well. So all that nonsense about not raising taxes for anyone making less that $250,000, that,my friends was nothing more than a bald faced a LIE!

First Wave:

Expiration of 2001 and 2003 Tax Relief: In 2001 and 2003, the GOP Congress enacted several tax cuts for investors, small business owners, and families. These will all expire on January 1, 2011. Then...

Personal income tax rates will rise.

The top income tax rate will rise from 35 to 39.6 percent (this is also the rate at which two-thirds of small business profits are taxed). The lowest rate will rise from 10 to 15 percent. All the rates in between will also rise. Itemized deductions and personal exemptions will again phase out, which has the same mathematical effect as higher marginal tax rates.

The full list of marginal rate hikes is below:

· The 10% bracket rises to an expanded 15%

· The 25% bracket rises to 28%

· The 28% bracket rises to 31%

· The 33% bracket rises to 36%

·  The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%

Higher taxes on marriage and family.

The "marriage penalty" (narrower tax brackets for married couples) will return from the first dollar of income.

The child tax credit will be cut in half from $1000 to $500 per child.

The standard deduction will no longer be doubled for married couples relative to the single level.

The dependent care and adoption tax credits will be cut.

The return of the Death Tax.

This year only, there is no death tax. (It’s a quirk!) For those dying on or after January 1, 2011, there is a 55 percent top death tax rate on estates over $1 million. A person leaving behind two homes, a business, a retirement account, could easily pass along a death tax bill to their loved ones. Think of the farmers who don’t make much money, but their land, which they purchased years ago with after-tax dollars, is now worth a lot of money. Their children will have to sell the farm, which may be their livelihood, just to pay the estate tax if they don’t have the cash sitting around to pay the tax. Think about your own family’s assets. Maybe your family owns real estate, or a business that doesn’t make much money, but the building and equipment are worth $1 million. Upon their death, you can inherit the $1 million business tax free, but if they own a home, stock, cash worth $500K on top of the $1 million business, then you will owe the government $275,000 cash! That’s 55% of the value of the assets over $1 million! Do you have that kind of cash sitting around waiting to pay the estate tax?

Higher tax rates on savers and investors.

The capital gains tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 20 percent in 2011.

The dividends tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 39.6 percent in 2011.

These rates will rise another 3.8 percent in 2013.

Second Wave:


There are over twenty new or higher taxes in Obamacare. Several will first go into effect on January 1, 2011. They include:

The "Medicine Cabinet Tax"

Thanks to Obamacare, Americans will no longer be able to use health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or health reimbursement (HRA) pre-tax dollars to purchase non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines (except insulin).

The "Special Needs Kids Tax"

This provision of Obamacare imposes a cap on flexible spending accounts (FSAs) of $2500 (Currently, there is no federal government limit). There is one group of FSA owners for whom this new cap will be particularly cruel and onerous: parents of special needs children.

There are thousands of families with special needs children in the United States , and many of them use FSAs to pay for special needs education. Tuition rates at one leading school that teaches special needs children in Washington , D.C. ( National Child Research Center ) can easily exceed $14,000 per year. Under tax rules, FSA dollars can not be used to pay for this type of special needs education.

The HSA (Health Savings Account) Withdrawal Tax Hike.

This provision of Obamacare increases the additional tax on non-medical early withdrawals from an HSA from 10 to 20 percent, disadvantaging them relative to IRAs and other tax-advantaged accounts, which remain at 10 percent.

Third Wave:

The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and Employer Tax Hikes

When Americans prepare to file their tax returns in January of 2011, they'll be in for a nasty surprise-the AMT won't be held harmless, and many tax relief provisions will have expired.

The major items include:

The AMT will ensnare over 28 million families, up from 4 million last year.

According to the left-leaning Tax Policy Center , Congress' failure to index the AMT will lead to an explosion of AMT taxpaying families-rising from 4 million last year to 28.5 million. These families will have to calculate their tax burdens twice, and pay taxes at the higher level. The AMT was created in 1969 to ensnare a handful of taxpayers.

Small business expensing will be slashed and 50% expensing will disappear.

Small businesses can normally expense (rather than slowly-deduct, or "depreciate") equipment purchases up to $250,000. This will be cut all the way down to $25,000. Larger businesses can currently expense half of their purchases of equipment.

In January of 2011, all of it will have to be "depreciated."

Taxes will be raised on all types of businesses.

There are literally scores of tax hikes on business that will take place. The biggest is the loss of the "research and experimentation tax credit," but there are many, many others. Combining high marginal tax rates with the loss of this tax relief will cost jobs.

Tax Benefits for Education and Teaching Reduced.

The deduction for tuition and fees will not be available.

Tax credits for education will be limited.

Teachers will no longer be able to deduct classroom expenses.

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts will be cut.

Employer-provided educational assistance is curtailed.

The student loan interest deduction will be disallowed for hundreds of thousands of families.

Charitable Contributions from IRAs no longer allowed.

Under current law, a retired person with an IRA can contribute up to $100,000 per year directly to a charity from their IRA.

This contribution also counts toward an annual "required minimum distribution." This ability will no longer be there.

And worse yet?

Now, your insurance will be INCOME on your W2's!

One of the surprises we'll find come next year, is what follows - - a little "surprise" that 99% of us had no idea was included in the "new and improved" healthcare legislation . . . those who backed this administration will be astonished!

Starting in 2011, (next year folks), your W-2 tax form sent by your employer will be increased to show the value of whatever health insurance you are given by the company. It does not matter if that's a private concern or governmental body of some sort.
If you're retired? So what... your gross will go up by the amount of insurance you get.

You will be required to pay taxes on a large sum of money that you have never seen. Take your tax form you just finished and see what $15,000 or $20,000 additional gross does to your tax debt. That's what you'll pay next year.

For many, it also puts you into a new higher bracket so it's even worse.

This is how the government is going to buy insurance for the15% that don't have insurance and it's only part of the tax increases.

Not believing this??? Here is a research of the summaries.....


as modified by sec. 10901) Sec.9002 "requires employers to include in the W-2 form of each employee the aggregate cost of applicable employer sponsored group health coverage that is excludable from the employees gross income.
So there you go. And I just gotta ask, how's that "Hope and Change" workin for ya?

Thursday, October 21, 2010


The election hasn't even taken place yet and I'm already beginning to hear some rumblings coming from the direction of those that may soon party that is creating a sense of uncertainty. An uncertainty regarding how the Republicans may already preparing themselves to go squishy when it comes to following through with any plans to even make an attempt at repealing this abominable of healthcare "reform" that has come to be known as, Obamacare. Are they already getting a little gun shy? I’m sure we all remember, how after their landslide victory in 1994, it was the House Republicans at that time who succeeded in alienating a good many voters by shutting down the government. It would seem that this time around, Republican wish to create the impression that nothing "extreme" is in the works, wishing instead to focus their desire on advancing more positive policies if they do in fact regain control of Congress in a mere 12 short days. Might they be letting the pendulum swing back too far in the other direction? I mean, to void tackling the hard issues, the reason that they're being sent there, seems more than just little cowardly, if you ask me. What could possibly be considered as being more positive that the ridding from the backs of the American people this albatross that has been firmly tied around their neck in the form of this mess that is Obamacare. Where we have the beginnings of a burgeoning communication breakdown is the fact that, at least from the outside looking in, not everyone in the party views this issue of Obamacare the same way, apparently. Now while many Republicans in Congress do favor the repealing of Obamacare, or at least blocking the funding for it, it would seem that Senator Judd Gregg, R-N.H. on the other hand, the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, and who just so happens to be retiring this year, seems to have a very different opinion. He doesn't see the repealing of the legislation as necessarily being the best way to go. "I don't think starving or repealing [the healthcare law] is probably the best approach here," he said on the Fox Business Network. "You basically go in and restructure it." Look, the only way this thing is going to be "restructured" is to totally scrap it and pretty much start from scratch. And if Republicans don't have the stomach for that, well then I wouldn't be betting a whole lot of money that they'll still be in the majority come 2013.

Enter Sarah Palin. Governor Palin has taken the opportunity, on any number of occasions, to provide what is apparently, some much needed advice, reminding Republicans of the importance that the party follow through on the promises that have essentially been made through out the run up to this coming election. Otherwise, a very dark door may be opened where many voters may just start asking the question, "Why not a third party?" she says. I written about this before and the losing proposition that would be for all parties concerned expect the Democrats from who such a thing would be an electoral bonanza for decades. Having said that, it cannot be stressed enough that unless we are successful in getting candidates like Pat Toomey, Marco Rubio, Ken Buck, Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Sharron Angle, and Joe Miller elected, we may very well never see Obamacare repealed or even the attempt being made. We need to reinforce our opposition to this catastrophic piece of legislation by doing whatever is necessary to get these folks elected. Look, I think we are all bright enough to know that when the Senate leadership staff says not to worry, that we just need to trust them and this is all just Judd Gregg's opinion, that the time has officially arrived to start worrying. They’re trying to convince us that he's retiring and they're just his remarks as he heads out the door. And will try to convince us that this whole notion is nowhere near being reflective of the Senate GOP leadership. There is a problem though. In the past several weeks, there have been far too many closed door, off the record meetings of high dollar donors getting briefings from various elected officials, including several Senators. In each case, the donors have been “reassured” by the Senators present that they have no intention of repealing Obamacare, just restructuring it. Ok so what's the priority here, abiding by the will of the people or pleasing high dollar donors? The only thing that they're liable to succeed in doing here is to accomplish nothing more than to shoot themselves in both feet.

I guess there are more than few Republican Senators who seem to think that the potential concerns of those high dollar donors are of a higher priority than those of just everyday folks. Since, of course, they're not kooks like all those tea party activists and would therefore better understand the practical need to simply “restructure” instead of “repeal” Obamacare. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that these Senators may have badly misread the donors. Regardless of that fact, the American people will be voting for and possibly electing Republicans with one specific goal in mind, the repealing of Obamacare. Because that's what has been the whole premise here. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that Senator Gregg, even though he is on his way out, is not speaking out of turn or behaving as some lone wolf regarding this issue and the topic of repeal. And it is apparently this view that may permeate throughout the Senate GOP leadership to a significant degree despite their rather strenuous protestations to the contrary. We are going to have to be very watchful of these folks, my friends. Don't think for a minute that just because they have an (R) after their names that they are any more trustworthy than those on the other side of the aisle, because they are not. We are no better able to trust them any farther than we can trust Barry or any of the Democrats. Just a little side note here that’s rather curious, it might be of interest to know that neither Mitch McConnell nor Lamar Alexander have signed on as co-sponsors to Senator Jim DeMint’s legislation that would repeal Obamacare. All but six House Republicans have signed on along with one Democrat, Gene Taylor of Mississippi. But very few Senators have chosen to add their names. Only Sens. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., Tom Coburn, R-Okla., Richard Burr, R-N.C., David Vitter, R-La., and the soon-to-depart Bob Bennett, R-Utah, have signed any of the pledges. No member of the Senate GOP leadership has. Now there's a surprise. These fellas had better tread every lightly here. Because if this soon to be election victory is perceived as being more about committee chairmanships and the divvying up of the spoils, then it is about the proper conducting of the people's business, then I'm afraid this new found Republican resurgence is liable to be very, very short lived

Senator DeMint put his bill forward in March to repeal ObamaCare, yet only 22 of his fellow GOP senators have had the sufficient backbone to sign on as co-sponsors. "The House GOP leadership is committed to defunding ObamaCare, but it's the Senate that I'm more worried about," said Alex Cortes, head of DefundIt.org. "I'm a little disappointed that (Majority Leader) Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and (Minority Whip) Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) haven't co-sponsored DeMint's legislation." Ya know, I'm just not getting any good vibes from this type of behavior coming from those in leadership positions. These two cannot be trusted and both bear watching very closely. In what is nothing more than what sounds to be very pathetic excuse, McConnell spokesman Don Stewart stated that "McConnell just doesn't co-sponsor many bills." "And we've already had that vote, in March. Every GOP senator voted against ObamaCare." Sorry there Don, but that was then and this is now. McConnell and Alexander both had better get with the program here and not be so focused on the improving of nothing more than their own positions. Because we all know that McConnell almost certainly won't have votes for repeal, even if the GOP wins a Senate majority. McConnell has said "that he'd like to repeal and replace it," said Stewart. "But with Obama holding the veto pen, he doesn't see it happening unless he can get 67 votes in the Senate." Hell, I think that we can forget about being able to get 67 votes. McConnell will be a long way from the 60 votes necessary to stop a filibuster even if he were to be so inclined. But the failure to even make the attempt at repeal for no other reason than the inability to override a Barry veto, is to do nothing more than to admit failure without making the attempt. Cowardice is not considered to be a leadership trait. Like I said, Republicans are essentially being supported primarily for one reason, and if they fail to at least attempt to follow through with promises made, then they are done before they even start.

The attraction of the so-called piecemeal approach, that is the targeting of some of the more unpopular parts of ObamaCare might make it somewhat easier to garner more of whatever Democrat support there is that can be mined from this group of ideologues. "I would not support full repeal," said Senator Ben "Of course I can be bribed" Nelson, D-Neb. "Making adjustments and improving it, absolutely, but not repeal." I cannot help but ask the question why not. When it remains so obvious that a majority of the American people still do NOT want to be saddled with this thing. I simply do not understand the amount of resistance, present in both parties, to simply working toward the getting rid of this thing entirely. It does absolutely nothing of what was promised and still these f-ing Democrats as well as, apparently, a good many Republicans want to keep it. It sucks, there's just no other way to describe it. Nelson recently supported an amendment by his fellow Nebraskan, GOP Sen. Mike Johanns, to repeal ObamaCare's requirement that a company file a 1099 every time it makes cumulative purchases of $600 or more. That rule may prove onerous to small businesses. Although the amendment failed, it picked up Democratic support from not only Nelson, but also Arkansas Sens. Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and Virginia Sens. Jim Webb and Mark Warner. But this is but one thing on a very long list of many that you need to be altered before this monstrosity would become anywhere near being seen as reasonable reform. The sheer volume of what would need to altered to make even borderline palatable would require more time than we've got.

There is a theory being floated that the two approaches, full repeal vs. piecemeal, aren't necessarily contradictory. That sometimes you have to tear down the wall brick by brick. Well, I may beg to differ with the proponents of that little theory, it that it seems to me, that because of the number of bricks that we're dealing with here, it would save a lot of time to simply demolish this whole at once. And another example used to advocate the piecemeal approach are recent votes put up by the House GOP to repeal restrictions on health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts and to eliminate ObamaCare's individual mandate. Both measures failed, but 10 House Democrats supported the first one and 21 backed the second. This approach just does not make any sense to me. It has been said that the grass roots understands limitations, but not lack of a stance. The point has been made to politicians, on any number of occasions, that we don't just want them voting the right way. What we want is for them to pull every string and cashing in every bit of their political capital to fight ObamaCare every inch of the way. And let's face it, making repeated attempts at repealing this little piece of socialism may provide a fringe benefit of sorts, in helping to keep the issue alive going all the way to the 2012 campaign. It could put enough pressure on a number of potentially vulnerable Senate Democrats, including Nebraska's Nelson and Virginia's Webb along with Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Jon Tester of Montana. But before we get all caught up in 2012, we need to remain focused on the election that's less that two weeks away.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The blatant hypocrisy as well as the outright arrogance of Barry "Almighty" has never been on display more than it was this past weekend while on a campaign swing through Ohio. So, it now appears, according to Barry at least, that the empire is poised to strike back. Have you ever heard a more idiotic analogy come from a president of the United States regarding the opposition party or its supporters? Can this guy be anymore in denial? He seems to be utterly dumfounded that a majority of the American people do not want what it is that he is offering. He seems to be of the opinion that we're just not very bright in our not being able to seeing clear the benefits of that which he has wrought. It was just this past Sunday (October 17) that our buddy Barry capped a weekend of campaigning for some Democrat candidates with 2008 style rally in Columbus, Ohio that he seemed to take issue with the fact that the American people are declining, in substantial numbers, his attempts to have the government usurp evermore control of our lives. It was here that we found him desperately seeking to use every ounce of his perceived charm and smoothness all in an effort do nothing more than to try to will those watching and listening, toward the staunchly supporting of Democrats in what looks to be a drubbing simply waiting to happen for his party in midterm elections only two weeks from today.

Telling a crowd that was estimated by the local police to be somewhere around 35,000 there on the campus of Ohio State University that, “We need you fired up,” I was somewhat surprised that he didn't say, "I need you fired up." Because that's pretty much what it boils down to. He went on to tell those assembled, “You can defy the conventional wisdom.” Conventional wisdom? Gee, how does he come up with this stuff? And Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, who is currently trailing in the polls I might add, threw in his two cents proclaiming the crowd as being “the largest gathering of President Obama’s presidency.” And that's supposed to mean something to me there, Ted? Am I supposed to be intimidated by that, Ted? Sorry, but I'm just not feelin it! It was during this most recent appearance that Barry felt the need to resort to practically begging his supporters to please, pretty please, turn out next Tuesday, and vote in the same numbers they did when he was elected president two years ago. Isn't it sad when you see a president who thinks so highly of himself being forced to grovel like this, where the president is forced to literally beg his supposed supporters to show up at the polls? And to think, all this is self-inflicted. “In two weeks you’ve got the chance to say once again, ‘Yes we can,’” he said, citing his hoarse voice as a result of the campaigning that he will continue to do until the election. Yes we can? Yes we can do what exactly, Barry? Yes we can continue to drive the country even further into the economic ditch, yes we can, raise taxes on every single American, yes we can, prevent those who will try to turn back the government's attempt to steal control of our healthcare, yes we can the cost of heating our homes and driving our cars through the roof. Yes we can? Barry went on to say that the election on November 2 is “a contest between our deepest hopes and our deepest fears.” You know, in a way he's right about that. My deepest fears are that he will be able to continue unabated with his agenda designed to inflict wholesale destruction upon my country. My deepest hopes are that there will be enough Republicans elected in two weeks who possess the necessary spine to, if not stop, at least severely restrict Barry's progress until we are able to win back the White House in 2012.

He went to tell the crowd of whiny malcontents, “And the other side is playing on fear. That’s what they do.” You know, this guy lies so easily, it's really kinda scary. And the rhetoric that he insists upon using just drips of hypocrisy. He seemed to be saying, "We just can't elect those evil Republicans, they'll destroy everything I've worked so hard to accomplish!" Barry, turning once again to his baseless attacks on millions of dollars in campaign ads being run by independent groups that do not under law have to disclose their donors, referring to those special interests as being an “empire.” But, I guess as long as you're a Union or some corrupt community agitation group like ACORN, that consistently support Democrats you don't meet Barry's strict criteria for being labeled as an empire. “The empire is striking back,” he said. You know, it should appear to even the most casual of observers, that those who think America is some kind of Empire to be run roughshod over are the very ones presently in charge, including our buddy Barry himself. Look at the number of occurrences where we have witnessed blatant abuse of power behavior that have taken place in just the last 18 months by this administration. It's absolutely astounding. Far from being seen as some evil empire, those seeking to restore some semblance of prosperity should be seen as an alliance to restore freedom to this country. The ones who should be seen as being evil are the ones who, over the course of the last 18 months, have essentially stole not only vast sums of money from the American taxpayers, but any number of rights from the American people as well. These individuals are the true culprits that we must purge from their well entrenched positions in Congress. They can now deny their actions all they wish, the time has now come for as many as possible to pay the piper and be sent packing.

Now while Barry didn't specifically mention the prospect of foreign money being used by certain outside groups as has been the constant accusation for weeks, he did however, resort to a rather curious new tact of casting the anonymous donors as being "cowardly." “They don’t have the courage, they don’t have the gumption to stand up and disclose their identity,” Obama said. Someone should have taken the opportunity to ask our "Dear Leader" Barry if that same theory would also apply to those many "anonymous" donors who contributed literally millions of dollars to his presidential campaign, and they were numerous. This is just one more sick example of how Barry thinks his above the common man, that the rules simply do not apply to him and his union thug buddies, just to everyone else. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Barry's whipping boy of late, has said on any number of occasions that many of their donors do not want to be identified because they are worried about, and rightly so, retaliation that would most likely come at the hand of certain unsavory allies of the president. And privately, numerous political experts say that businesses are concerned that the White House may try to use the levers of power to penalize those who they know are opposing them. Also a concern that is more than a little justified. Because when Barry talks about fear, he knows of what he speaks, because he uses it as a weapon. Oh, and by the way, just a little side note here. It's the Democrats who have raised more than $1 million from political action committees affiliated with foreign companies during this election cycle. House and Senate Democrats have banked about $1.02 million during this cycle from such committees, reports the Center for Responsive Politics, according to “The Hill.” Meanwhile, House and Senate GOP leaders have taken in roughly half that amount, $510,000, from PACs on the same list. Just one of those things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmm. And that in itself shows the very clear hypocrisy of the man who is our president.

And then there's our First "Not so much a Lady" Michelle Obama. In her first campaign appearance with her hubby since the 2008 election, se introduced the president, referring to herself as “mom-in-chief.” Doesn't that just make you get all misty? “This is a serious moment for our country,” she said. “I’m gonna ask you something: can we do this?” Again, I could not agree with her more! This IS a most serious moment for our country. Her “statist” husband is working overtime to wreak as much damage has as is humanly possibly, economically, culturally, fiscally and internationally on our country. So yes, this IS a very serious time for our country and this election stands to be one of the most pivotal ones in our entire history as a free and independent nation. The crowd roared back: “Yes we can!” Yes we can? Ya, this just goes to show that given the right attraction it really is not all that difficult to gather together a sufficient crowd of morons in one location all at same time. Nicholas Tuell, a student as well as a true dweeb that I'm sure his parents are very proud of, spoke before the first couple, and promised that students will vote just as enthusiastically as they did when Obama was running for president. “The young people are energized,” Tuell said. “We can prove that 2008 was not a fluke.” Boy, now doesn’t that just give you that warm and fuzzy feelin. Ya know, young people are so idealistic. But then it's easy to be idealistic when you're still living off mommy and daddy and don't have a freakin clue about it's like out in the real world. But hey, they're energized. Whoopee! But the crowd’s supposed enthusiasm does not change the fact that the outlook for the president’s party regarding the looming election is pretty grim and it continues to worsen. A fact that could not please me more and brings a rather broad smile to my face! This past weekend brought a steady stream of continuing bad news for Barry and the Democrats, from predictions being made by handicappers to the Republicans’ growing advantage in money for campaign ads as we head down the stretch. And the president’s campaign appearances, because of his rather low approval rating in many battleground state and districts, have been limited to friendly states or to places where there are "pockets" of support within purple or red states, where Democrats hope to keep races from slipping away.

So here we are with just 14 days left. It's been a long journey, but the end is in sight. And if all that is being said is anywhere near being accurate, what a glorious sight it will be. We can ill afford to let up in the level of pressure that is currently being applied. Nor can we afford to begin any premature celebrating until we are confident that victory has been achieved. There will be plenty of time for that later. Also will come the time to recuperate and get some much deserved rest. Rest that will be much more enjoyable after we have succeeded in sending the very clear message that "We the people" have had quite enough of this unscrupulous and scurrilous type of behavior from those in Congress. In the meantime, we must keep our eye on the ball and see this thing through to it proper outcome. We must be careful not to allow our forces to peak too soon, to ensure all stay well energized and focused on the prize. Barry needs to be stopped and the first step in that process is for us reclaim the Congress. And then will come the time for us to hold the feet of the Republicans to the fire. First and foremost the repeal of this Obamanation of supposed healthcare reform should be the very first priority of the new Congress. And if they appear squeamish in attempting to do so, then we must be there to properly encourage them in that direction by any means available. But one step at a time. First we regain control of Congress then we ensure that it's the will of the people that is strictly adhered to.


Friday, October 15, 2010

***A word of warning to the Republicans***

Ok ladies and gentlemen, I'm only going to say this once, so listen and listen good. Now even though I think the point has been made before, both poignantly and rather succinctly, not all that long ago, I am just not all that confident that the message sent was the message received. To put it in terms simple enough for even a politician to understand, if Republicans do accomplish in November, and it does remain a big if, the substantial gains presently being predicted, there will be one thing that absolutely needs to happen. First thing right out of the gate it will need to be made crystal clear that the promises made by many, during your various campaigns, to place some serious restrictions on what our current president is doing to our country, will most certainly be kept. And kept no matter what the level of retribution that will surely be generated in your direction by the Democrats or their surrogates in the media. If not, and your behavior shows that you are only interested in only the maintaining of the status quo, seeming to forget why it was that you were elected, well then, you will have effectively sealed the fate of the Republican Party. Because it will, from that point on virtually cease, for all intents and purposes, to be anything even close to being a viable political party in American politics for the foreseeable future. If this whole exercise that we are now witness to, turns out to be treated as nothing more than solely as only an "opportunity" to get back in power, and not as a serious rescue mission in a effort to save our country as well as our Constitution, then all will have been for naught. And to be very blunt here, the Republican tenure in serving as the majority party will be very, very short in duration. Understand this, and understand it very well, there will be no more chances given, those of you elected should rightly consider this as being that occasion where that final line in the sand is now being drawn. Because if you prove that we cannot trust you, and you insist upon not doing what it is that we are now preparing to send you to Congress to do, then we will go in search of those whom we can trust. There is simply too much at stake here to waste time playing childish games. Either you truly do recognize the severity of our present condition and posses a desire to at least make the attempt to set things right, or you're outta here. And sadly, so will the Republican Party. And as the party goes, so goes the country, with us going head long into that 1000 years of darkness, for God knows how long. And I worry still that not enough of you actually get that, even now. I've seen far too much pettiness already and the election hasn't even been held yet. The priorities had better be pretty clear, and the agenda focused on what's best for American and not on what's best for the Republican Party. All eyes will be on those of you who are elected come 2 November, make no mistake about that. The stakes have become entirely too high for "we the people" to be wasting our time on those more concerned with themselves then about the country. We the people, on the other hand, must be willing to stick to our guns and unwilling to cut anyone any amount of slack. All must be made to understand that if you choose to betray "We, the People" some method of retribution will most certainly be forthcoming. We will hold all of you to account for your actions. What must be understood is that it will not be “we the people” who will be the ones forced to go quietly into the night. If you choose to ignore us we will be left with no alternative but to vote you out. You must be made to realize that this is not about you, it is not even about us, it is about something much, much bigger. It is about our country and the making sure that its future is not filled with the darkness of oppression but is instead filled with the very bright light of freedom.

This election will be "We the people's" prime opportunity to not only send a very clear message to Barry and the Democrats, but also as our opportunity to send a very loud and very clear message to all of you Republicans in Congress. To you newly elected, be careful not to let yourself be corrupted by the “old pros.” And as well, you “old pros” in the Senate who did not have your own turn in the barrel this election cycle, would do very well to alter some of your more questionable priorities. This election will be a clear message that says, tread lightly boys and girls, we're gonna be watching and listening very, very closely. From day one, you can consider it as being safe to assume that there will be no room for error. "I'm sorry," just ain't gonna cut it from here on out. You will be considered as being on "double secret probation" for the duration of your time, and as being either with us or against us, there will be no middle ground that will be seen as being acceptable. Mistakes of the past cannot be allowed, nor will they be permitted to be repeated. What I fear is that too many of you still fail to grasp that which caused the Republicans to be sent packing in 2006, was the fact that they seriously lost their way. They forfeited their conservative principles for nothing more than a pathetic effort to win votes in an attempt to maintain their power. And what a great many of you simply refuse to admit, not even having it dawn on you yet, is the fact that were it not for the blatant socialism of Barry and the Democrats, you would still be wondering around aimlessly in the wilderness with no hope of ever recovering any degree of political power whatsoever. It is a mistake that “We the people” simply cannot afford to allow you to repeat nor will we allow you to get to the point where you get maybe a little too comfortable in your lofty positions. Rest assured that we will be keeping you all on a very, very short leash, keeping your egos in check. The country cannot afford to allow you to lose your way in the same manner as was so obviously done the last time you were entrusted with control of Congress. Especially at this very pivotal, even crucial, time in our history. And should you choose to do so again, any chance at redemption will not come until some time on the very distant future, if ever. If you choose to make another such blunder and once again get tossed out, then my friends, whatever happens to this country, that you could have prevented had you not yet again squandered your time in power, will rest squarely on your heads. So because the alternative is so frightening, “we the people” will take whatever measures we deem as being necessary to strike the fear of God into those of you whom we choose to elect. And we will never be afraid to remind any of you, and in no uncertain terms, exactly who it is that you work for, and whom you serve at the pleasure of. You will be warned once and only once, on Election Day, that to go against the will of the people will be to do so at your own peril. You can count on the fact that we will say what we mean and we will mean what we say. There is much too much at stake to go about repeating the errors of the past, there is simply no time for that, so if the point must be forcefully made that that will not be tolerated, consider it done. It's just that simple. We will stress the priority of being fiscally conservative as well as for the need to approach, from a more conservative perspective, the remedying of any number of social ills that have lead to a serious decline in the quality of our society. Those who refuse to be part of the solution will be considered as being part of the problem. If you prove to be unwilling to follow the dictates of those of us who have put you into office, you should not then be surprised then, that come election time, you find themselves confronted with a primary challenge from a candidate who is more willing to abide by the will of the voters.

So my friends, it is very obvious, or at least it should be, that the time has officially come to now take things into our own hands in an effort to put a stop to this apocalyptic agenda of Barry "Almighty." The name of the game now is for "We the people" to, between now and election day, work as hard as possible toward ensuring that those conservative candidates, who are seen as being the cavalry riding to the rescue of our country, are elected. We are to consider ourselves as being the underdog in this fight and we should never see it as being any other way. In many ways the odds still remain against us. The Democrats have some very potent weapons in their arsenal and some very strong allies in the form of unions and the state run media. But in some instances the Democrats are not our only adversaries. There are also far too many conservatives who seem to possess what can only be described as being an over-inflated sense of importance. Instead of focusing all efforts toward actually bringing about a much needed power shift, that which should be seen as being the primary goal here, far too many seem much more concerned with seeking out ways to further inflate their own personal stature. I have come to question the motives of many who I, at least up to now, had actually come to respect for their conservative stands. I feel quite foolish for being so trusting and have come to be quite disappointed in many supposed conservatives who have now decided to offer aid and comfort, of a sort, to the enemy. The voices of some conservatives have now joined the chorus of voices coming out against some truly conservative candidates. These folks, who like to refer to themselves as being staunch conservatives and as the voices of the conservative movement, apparently have some strings attached to they're being willing to back candidates who are truly conservative. Well, the time has come for them to either put up or shut up, either they are conservative and wish to offer constructive leadership or they are not. And if they are not, they should go work for the other team because they are most certainly neither welcome nor wanted here. In the end these people may run the risk losing whatever credibility they may have. The current level of arrogance, even hypocrisy, currently seen as spewing from those who make up the national Republican political establishment, should be seen by conservatives as a whole, as being nothing more than insulting. At the present time I can only surmise that the "rhetoric" which we've been hearing for years from these people concerning their strong supporting of conservative principles has all been nothing more than a sham. Since we now have some truly conservative candidates running for office and who apparently seem to be deserving of nothing more than varying degrees of disdain, even condemnation, from those who deem themselves as being the conservative power brokers. And they should now be told, and in no uncertain terms, that if they are unwilling to lead or unable to follow, then they must simply get out of our way, because we see ourselves as being on a mission. A mission to rescue our country. Either they are conservatives and wish to be active participants in the fight, or they are not. And if they do claim to be conservatives, then they had better start getting with the program and stop what is essentially nothing more than the slandering of conservative candidates and cease what appear to be their efforts at sabotage. Right now I have two heroes, Senator Jim DeMint and Governor Sarah Palin. The Mitch McConnells, John Cornyns, John McCains, Lindsey Grahams, the girls from Maine, the whole lot of them are nothing but frauds, pure and simple. They seem to have their collective nose out of joint because the people have grown tired of their moderate, middle of the road kind of crap that we've been forced to swallow for far too long. Change is in the wind, my friends, and some of these faux conservatives would like nothing more than to maintain the status quo. A message needs to be sent, a very loud and very clear message. And God willing, that's exactly what will take place in just 18 short days.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


And here's another fine mess Barry has gotten us in! And it's one that has me asking the question, "Just what the Hell is going on here and why am I not hearing more about it?" Apparently the state-owned Communist Chinese energy conglomerate CNOOC has now managed to successfully creep, and I think somewhat under the radar of most Americans, into a position of acquiring a significant interest in U.S. energy reserves. It seems to be busying itself by buying a multibillion-dollar stake in little patch of land consisting of some 600,000 acres of South Texas oil and gas fields, while also taking the time to test the political waters regarding any future attempts at even further "expansion" into U.S. energy reserves. Yep that's right, U.S. energy reserves. Yours and mine! The news came in the form of an announcement on Monday that the Communist Chinese would be paying up to $2.2 billion for a one-third stake in Chesapeake Energy assets, and in so doing CNOOC would now lay claim to a share of properties that eventually could produce up to "half a million barrels a day" of oil equivalent. And along the way, I might add, it just might also pick up some much needed American know-how about tapping the hard-to-get deposits trapped in dense shale rock formations. Also as part of this deal, this the largest purchase to date of an interest in U.S. energy assets by a Communist Chinese company, CNOOC has also agreed to pay roughly $1.1 billion for a chunk of Chesapeake’s assets in the Eagle Ford, a broad oil and gas formation that runs largely from southwest of San Antonio all the way to the Mexican border. CNOOC also will provide up to $1.1 billion more to cover drilling costs. This deal represents Communist China’s second try at making a big move into the U.S. oil and gas market, following a failed bid five years ago to buy California-based Unocal Corp. Intense political opposition at that time over energy "security concerns" eventually derailed that $18.4 billion deal. But this time around everything seems to be just hunky-freaking-dory with analysts expecting few if any political or regulatory hurdles to the CNOOC-Chesapeake deal. "The climate is much more hospitable now," said Juli MacDonald-Wimbush, who is a partner with Marstel-Day, an energy and environmental security consulting company in Fredericksburg, Va. Gee, I wonder what makes things so much more hospitable now? Perhaps because Barry has us up to our freakin eyeballs in debt to these Communists butt licks? And with natural gas prices being as low as they are and a largely difficult drilling climate, I can't imagine why that would be, Ms. Macdonald-Wimbush went on to say that highly liquid Chinese companies will have little trouble in their attempt to find willing partners among onshore oil and gas companies hurting for capital to drill. Again, why is there a need to go to the Communist Chinese, of all people, in search of capital? Thank you, thank you very much, Barry "Almighty!" Look folks, this is but one more example that once again makes very clear the danger that our very own president insists on putting us in. It is behavior that is simply deplorable!!! We have once again been effectively knifed in the back by this America hating piece of dog squeeze, Barry "Almighty."


I must confess that with less than 3 weeks remaining until an election that will prove to be a pivotal one, no matter what the outcome, my anxiety gets a little more heightened with each passing day. Because it will not be until the day of the election that we will come to know, with any degree of certainty, in which direction it is that the American people have chosen for their country to go. As kind of a side benefit of sorts, I suppose, that we will also find out on Election Day, just how far into our society a creeping form of malignant ignorance has successfully managed to spread through our society. With that being said, there does seem now to be an increasing amount of noise coming, I'm told from both sides, that any number of congressional races are now being seen as "tightening," which if true, only adds to my already heightened level of anxiety. If that is in fact the case, what might be the cause for said tightening to now be taking place? Is it because, as the Democrats always love to claim, voters are now beginning to see the light and the wisdom in all that Barry has thus far been able to do "for" them as we draw closer to the election? Or, are many voters continuing to simply live in denial, completely oblivious to what it is that has been, and continues to be, perpetrated against them by the party that's not only presently in control, but pretty seriously out of control? Or, is this nothing all more than a work of fiction and the races are not really tightening that much at all? Especially since we are now finding ourselves in the position of having unwittingly elected the "one" individual who, as it now turns out, is the single greatest threat yet faced by our Democracy. Are there still people who refuse to believe that we now have a president determined to destroy our country to the point where they remain convinced that it's a good idea to allow his train wreck of a presidency to continue completely unabated? It becomes more imperative each and every day that we take the fullest advantage possible of this our first opportunity to rectify the disastrous error that was made in 2008. What results from the election this coming November will tell us exactly where it is that the American people stand regarding their level of commitment to the maintaining of their own freedom and individual liberties. It will tell us how many of us are willing to side with Barry, agreeing with his desire to move our country even further, and ever faster, to the left, and choosing to accept his premise that an ever-expanding government is what is truly best for America. And it will also answer the question regarding how many of us see through that which he and his comrades are working so hard to create, and the strict limits they wish to place on our freedom and our liberty. So, will what Barry and his party are attempting to do be seen as being unprecedented as well as blatantly un-Constitutional? Or will it all be seen as something else, as something seen as even being beneficial? Will Americans choose to elect members to Congress who wish to work even harder toward extending the role of government even further into our lives? Or, will they choose instead to elect those whom we can entrust to at least begin the long, and most likely quite painful, process of turning back some of the most rabid government expansion in recent memory, and who will work to curb some of this mindless, out of control spending? Will we elect those who will get us back onto more of a even keel, fiscally speaking, and to being more on the right track by working to limit the “Socialist” in the White House from doing anymore damage than he has already succeeded in doing? Will we elect those who are willing, able and unafraid to at least try to undo some or all of the damage that has been done and once again put the people in charge? Will we be able to save our future? All are questions that can only be answered come this Election Day.

For the sake of argument, let's just say that there are some races that are now seen as growing a little tighter. If these races are in fact tightening as is the claim being made, are they really doing so in any meaningful or significant way? Or, is this all nothing more election year hype and posturing on the part of those who profess to be the experts in such wizardry or for more selfish reasons that would allow them to later make the claim that they had some impact on the election outcome? And just what might form the basis, exactly, for the even the making of such claims? If it is nothing more that data that has been gleaned from sifting through any number of recent polls, then how reliable is that information really going to be. Because if there is one thing that I think we all know, it's the fact that most polls can be notoriously, unreliable. We know that often times those conducting such polls are never the least bit shy about putting their thumb on the scales, so to speak, to attempt to alter the outcome. And for just that reason, when it comes to polls any conclusions arrived at should be seen as being highly suspect. After all, they are trying to steer people in a specific direction. However, there be another explanation, one that exposes a rather disturbing trend, that having developed over time, shows a definite willingness now present in a substantial portion of the population, to consider their freedoms and liberties as being nothing more than basic commodities. Commodities that can be used to barter with, all in an attempt to obtain increased government benefits of nearly any sort. So might someone tend to vote for someone who they view as being willing to give them a higher return for their willingness to trade their "commodities?" And what might be behind such an idiotic and mindless endeavor? Is it a monumental ignorance, gross naiveté or some weird combination of both? Or can something more dangerous, or even sinister, be seen as being in play here? I'm sure we all very well aware of the tactics or weapons of choice that find a home within the Democrat arsenal when it come to elections. Some of the more frequently used "tools" are such things as their standard form of toxic racism, class warfare, or that ever-present, highly corrosive sense of entitlement, all of which continue to be routinely encouraged, or aggravated, by a power hungry political party who see all as being a means to their end? I am also still sensing a serious lack of enthusiasm from too many Americans for the doing of whatever is necessary in working to more aggressively protecting our freedoms and in keeping the government as far out of our business as possible, and it is really frustrating. Especially coming from those who still take such great pride in their having voted for a man as president, the first since quite possibly Woodrow Wilson, who is most so determined in his efforts to fundamentally alter our ability to remain a free and sovereign nation. As well as being a man who has set out with a single-minded purpose to completely dismantle our capitalist, free market economy at the same time. The fact that this man was even elected speaks volumes regarding the ignorance of a substantial number of those who make up the American voting population. So now because of the idiocy of those who voted for this "Marxist," the rest of us are now being forced to pay a most devastating price for this ongoing fiasco, with the full cost for doing so, in terms of both dollars and liberties lost, having yet to be determined. It is obvious, that unless some sort of drastic action is taken, and very soon, it is safe to assume that the cost will only continue to sharply escalate, so that even those yet to be born will find themselves being required to pay for it through extremely high taxes and worse, through liberties freely given away by today's generation. And far too many of us seem to see anything the least bit wrong with that scenario.

And ya know there's another thing that really annoys me. It’s the fact that as we get closer to November 2, I keep hearing more and more political pundits, regardless of their political affiliation, and all of whom regard themselves as being gurus when it comes to being able to accurately judge the psyche of the American electorate as a whole, constantly exuding so much confidence in the innate ability of the American people to always do the right thing. Well, but both sides can't be right, it's a physical impossibility. Because their definitions of what the "right thing," are essentially diametrically opposed. Looking back over the years of my life, these are definitely the very darkest days that I can remember having lived through up to this point and are something that I would never have imagined that I would be experiencing first hand. And they were brought about by people who were supposedly doing the "right thing" when they chose to elect Barry "Almighty." So, I find myself being forced to question the dedication of the American people who must now take the required stand against the obvious attempts at blatant power grabs and the obvious destructive policies beset upon us by unethical politicians, including our own president. All of whom were freely elected by people who are told, always capable to doing the "right thing." Outlandish legislation has been enacted through all manner of trickery and deceit and literally shoved down the throats of the people whether we thought it necessary or not. Far too many Americans are nothing more than brainless idealists with absolutely zero ability of thinking for themselves and are gullible to the point of swallowing hook line and sinker the pabulum fed to them by patently dishonest and politically corrupt Democrats. Ignorance as they say, is bliss. So if these races are in fact growing tighter, then such must be the case with a growing number of American voters. As a people, I think Americans of today are a rather sheepish bunch with far too many having come to expect the government "to now be responsible" for doing more “for” them. Many seem to have lost faith in this grand experiment in individual freedom and liberty that we call the United States of America. Too many have become no more than trained seals that one sees performing at any third rate circus. We're constantly being played for fools and don't really seem to care all that much as long as we're on the receiving end of some nifty new taxpayer funded government entitlement. With each new handout that we choose to accept from our government, we lose just a little bit more of our soul. I for one don’t really see that as being a very fair exchange, but unfortunately, far too many of my fellow countrymen do and are all too willing to assist our government in expanding its control over each and every one of us.

With the upcoming election firmly in mind, it is increasingly difficult for me to comprehend why it is exactly, that with all of the damage that has now been done, and continues to be done, that so many Americans remain so determined to vote for candidates who represent the political party that has been the main culprit in creating our present mess. That of course would be the Democrats. I cannot help but wonder what the heck their priorities might be. I mean, here we have a political party right here in America that has now risen to a level of corruption that one would normally expect to see oozing from some political party in any third rate banana republic anywhere on the planet. This "It takes a village" mentality that seems to be so pervasive among those whom you would think would know better, either because of their livelihood, level of education, background or possible life experiences, and recognize the fact that this whole cockamamie concept has proven itself time and again as simply not something that is anywhere near being workable. It should not be my neighbor’s responsibility to ensure that I have sufficiently prepared myself for any eventuality that may occur in my life, nor should it be my responsibility to ensure that he has. I work very hard to provide for my family in the very best way that I can, so I question the fairness of being asked to provide for any number of my neighbors as well, especially those who lack the same level of commitment as I have. Liberal or "progressive" policies and/or programs are what have resulted in bringing about so many of our present day afflictions suffered by our society in the age of Barry "Almighty." They were based on nothing more than grandiose ideas, perhaps with the best of intentions, but never all that well thought out, and always result in any number of unintended consequences that succeed only in rapidly consuming so much of our wealth as to have now turned America into a debtor nation on a scale that just a few years ago would have been unimaginable to most people. Like the old saying goes, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." Well my friends, the Democrats, lead by Barry "Almighty," are leading us down that road and they are, in fact, leading us straight to Hell. They presume to know what's best for us and when we disagree with their assessment of things, they either bring out their allies in the state controlled media to berate us or they simply just go about the business of making their ideas a reality in spite of our objections. Therefore we have only one alternative left. We must work to vote as many of the scumbags out as we possibly can. Our very survival depends on it.

So, as that old Merle Haggard song asks, "Is the best of the free life behind us now, and are the good times really over for good?" I guess we'll just have to wait until November 2 to find out.