

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Much like one’s crazy old uncle who continually reminisces about events that never occurred, we now have a *president trying to convince us all of what a wonderful job he’s doing as *president, despite the fact that he was not actually elected president. It was recently that he was again out trying to make the argument about how our grocery bill is actually coming down. Now, of course, anyone who’s made a recent trip to their local grocery store knows that that’s not even wishful thinking on the part of our *president, what it is nothing more than another lie in what has been a continuous string of lies with each one told more outrageous than the one before.

It was just this past Tuesday that Joey B once again claimed that food prices are coming down after Tuesday’s inflation report revealed prices at the grocery store actually increased in January. It was in delivering a keynote address at the National Association of Counties that Joey said, “Today’s report on inflation shows the good is that inflation in America is continuing to come down.” He said, “Food prices at the grocery store are coming down.” So once again we have someone who never goes to the grocery store telling everyone that prices are getting lower. Even Democrats who haven’t stepped foot in a grocery store in the last year know this is an outright lie.

Regardless of Joey’s claim, it was according to the consumer price index report released Tuesday morning that the price of food at home jumped 0.5 percent compared with December. Over the past 12 months, grocery prices have gone up over 10 percent. Many common grocery items increased in price rather dramatically, including eggs prices up 70 percent, cereals up 15.6 percent, and coffee up 12.6 percent. Overall, the consumer price index, which measures inflation, soared 0.5 percent in January compared with a month earlier. In previous months, the index had increased by one-tenth of a point in December after rising two-tenths in November.

And despite Joey’s best attempt to paint a rosy picture, a Moody’s report in 2022 projected Joey’s 40-year-high inflation would cost American households on average an extra $5,520 in 2022, or $460 per month. But we shouldn’t be surprised, after all persistent pathological lying is what Joey’s regime is known for. They all do it, and yet the ‘fake news’ media refuses to expose them for the liars that they are. It was once upon a time that we had an actual independent media that would hold presidents of both parties accountable, but no longer. And Joey has gotten away with lying his entire life, so why would he change this pattern at the ripe old age of 80?

When was the last time those in our ‘fake news’ media held a Democrat president accountable? The only time they ever pay any attention to the wrongdoing of any Democrat President is after they’ve essentially been shamed into doing so and usually much later, after the scandal has long since passed. Think of the many scandals that took place during the ‘BO’ presidency or the many Clinton scandals, both his and hers, that those in the media never paid any attention to. Those in the ‘fake news’ media long ago ceased being the watchdog of government, instead taking it upon themselves to provide cover to those who seek nothing more than the end of America.

Joey spews nothing more than pure political BS! What cost $100 at the grocery store under President Trump is now over $140. It only makes sense, if energy prices are higher, then everything that gets shipped using a form of fossil fuel is higher: and with inflation running between 6 and 8 percent everything costs more. And when Joey says nobody making less than $400,000 will be taxed, while that may be true his energy policy has caused the prices of everything made of oil, or distributed using fossil fuel, to rise. Joey has caused Americans to spend much more than they did just two or three years ago. Again Joey shows himself to be a professional liar.

Yes, Joey is lying, and he knows he’s lying. And, trust me, most Americans know he’s lying as well. And Joey knows we all know he’s lying, but he doesn’t care. In fact, he couldn’t care less. Joey has been lying nonstop for 50 years. Joey has never worked a day in his entire life. He’s spent his entire adult life doing nothing more sucking from the public teat. Now granted, Joey is certainly not the first *president unfamiliar with the reality of what daily life is like for average Americans. But what makes Joey different is that he is a bona fide threat to the continued existence of America as we know it. Lying is second nature for him, it comes as easily to Joey as does breathing.

Joey is the dumbest, the least transparent and most corrupt *president that we’ve ever had and EVERY ONE knows it. The biggest problem is that the Democrats, as they always do, put party over country and right now the party has shifted sharply to the left. And it’s not that Joey is merely out of touch, it’s that he doesn’t care. Also, like any narcissist, he will say anything that he believes is to his, or his party’s, benefit. He's not that bright and, to be honest, he never has been. But, sadly, neither are those few who actually voted for him. The hatred and contempt for average Americans oozes out of Joey, he cares nothing for the plight of average Americans.

There is no longer any accountability for the lies spewed by Joey, those in the ‘fake news’ media or politicians in general. Lying has become acceptable for two reasons: 1) The citizenry, in large part, has become disengaged and disinterested with so many of the current issues; and 2) we collectively have the memory of a gnat. The consequence is, again, no accountability for all the rhetorical nonsense; and that is a genuine problem for us all. The Democrat mantra is, “It doesn't have to be true, it just has to be said.” This works because our ‘fake news’ media refuse to fact-check Democrats, and because the public’s attention span rivals that of a goldfish.

Finally, you have to ask yourself, when was the last time Joey B. paid for, well for ANYTHING? And frankly, I’m more than a little surprised by his supporters who still stand behind the policies that are, quite literally, destroying America. The elites will not come to their rescue, they will not lose a moment of sleep when their families go hungry, when they can’t pay their bills or when they have no heat. And yet these followers of the Democrats seem to be ok with that as long as the Democrats bring the rest of us down with them. They seem not to care how much they and their families suffer as long as others are made to suffer too. Divide and conquer, they’ve played it well.

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