

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Somebody really should take the time to tell Chris Christie that nobody likes a whiner. And have you noticed how it is that all of these whiney little RINOs are all the same, and yet they all view themselves as somehow being presidential material. Speaking for myself, I don’t want some sniveling little bitch as my president, which would exclude every one of these RINOs now making noise about running against President Trump or claiming how he is somehow unfit for the job. Christie is now claiming to be the latest “target” of President Trump after stating, during an appearance on ABC’s This Week, that President Trump was so “toxic” that “boring” Joey won in 2020.

The bottom line here is something that Christie should already have a pretty good understanding of, that you can’t take a shot at President Trump and then cry victim when he returns fire. Anyway, it was over the weekend that Christie told ABC’s Jon Karl, “Joe Biden’s president because Donald Trump lost. Joe Biden didn’t win, and Joe Biden’s never taken possession of that fact. So he continues to do what he did when he was running which he thinks was great, because ‘I won.” He added, “No, you didn’t win, Trump lost, and you can’t change who somebody is, Jon,” Christie continued, admitting that Biden is “old” and “boring."

However, Christie said Joey was successful in the last election because he was “running against someone … who was so toxic that he won anyway.” President Trump then took to TruthSocial, hitting back against Christie, pointing to the former governor’s rather abysmal approval ratings as well as the failure of the 60-year-old’s presidential campaign. President Trump said, “‘Sloppy’ Chris Christie, the failed former Governor of New Jersey, spent almost his entire last year in office campaigning in New Hampshire for the Republican Nomination for President.” And unlike what Christie had to say, what President Trump said was true!

President Trump said, “Much like his term in office, where he left with an Approval Rating of just 9 percent, his Presidential campaign was a complete disaster. He endorsed me the following day, later recommended Chris Wray for the FBI, went down in flames, and then was SALVAGED by ABC FAKE NEWS. I never wanted him!” Christie then claimed to be the “target of Donald Trump’s new tantrum.” And he added, “None of his lies about me today bothered him when he asked me to prep him for every general election debate or offered me 3 different cabinet posts. He’s the only man to lose to Biden outside Delaware. That loss to Joe still stings."

But look, this is far from the first time that Christie has publicly criticized President Trump, asserting, back in December, that President Trump was helping Democrats, not Republicans, win, pointing to former Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker’s loss. Christie also urged Republicans to dump “selfish” Trump after the midterms, but poll after poll shows President Trump leading in the hypothetical 2024 presidential primary race by double digits, and some even showing him leading *president Joey as well. Christie is nothing more than a backstabbing RINO, in a party full of backstabbing RINOs content to sit on their hands while Joey destroys the country.

You can’t choose to attack someone on some ‘fake news’ network’ and then cry when he who you chose to attack decides to respond? It’s Politics 101: Pretend you’re pertinent and/or important enough that those who actually are pertinent and important are somehow actively working against you. It’s also happens to be one of Hitlery’s favorite tricks. Christie has no problem with appearing on any show hosted by those who are confirmed Democrat operatives masquerading as ‘journalists.’ Chris is once again just playing the part that he’s told to play for Sunday morning shows. Christie will shill for anything put in front him in exchange for a little attention.

I tend to use RINOs like Christie as my personal political barometer. Because whatever it is that they tend to be in favor of, it only makes sense that I should probably be against it. Christie is one of the swampiest of the swamp creatures. I remember that photo of Christie on the beach in the lounge chair, with him and his family, after he had closed down the beaches for everyone else. Christie is typical of all RINOs. They continue to attack President Trump on his personality but never on his policies. If they were to define their policy differences with President Trump it would reveal just how closely they are aligned with “their good friends across the aisle."

Wouldn’t it be something if these Republicans (RINOs included) spent just a fraction of their time attacking the Democrats in Congress, or ‘BO, or Joey, or the weaponized DOJ or FBI? Or how about going after all the perverts who are grooming our children, instead of constantly attacking President Trump! Christie is desperately trying to remind us all of what a loser he is. Nobody remembers him at all unless he’s on some lying ‘fake news’ show selling out those who are real conservatives. Poor Chris Christie. Struggling to become relevant after years of being a nobody. Here’s some news for him, no Never-Trumper has ever amounted to anything.

Like so many others, this once rising star of the Republican Party turned out to be just another RINO, and then wonders why he’s not the cool kid anymore. The man makes himself a target, not because of President Trump, but because he’s a RINO. This man’s political sun is already crossed the sky, and about to set. He offers nothing to conservatism. When it comes to working to advance the conservate agenda what’s required is DOERS, not TALKERS, and certainly not WHINERS. Christie assists the ‘fake news’ media and their continuing demonization of President Trump and tries to say the 2020 election was not rigged and that it’s President Trump who is somehow toxic.

After all that they have put this country through all of these RINOs still have no clue on how much they are despised. And I love it when they go about ignorantly exposing themselves for all to see, all the while clueless to the fact that they’re fooling no one but themselves. Christie is just another politician yearning for the media spotlight. Christie has nothing to offer and is only mentioned by the Trump hating media when he claims that he’s a target. We need real solutions. Christie is not relevant enough to be the target of someone who is relevant. President Trump has never attacked anyone who didn’t first attack him. It’s hilarious when those who attack him claim victim.

Christie is nothing but a crybaby. He’s still pissed he didn’t get what he thought he deserved from President Trump while he was in office. So in response he goes on any ‘fake news’ shows to direct all manner of incendiary accusations at the guy who he feels done him wrong. And yet he, and those like him, still think themselves able to win. But Democrats will never vote for them over one of their own and, likewise, no true conservative will ever vote for them. So, these attacks on President Trump are either just to get attention, or perhaps they are being paid to carry out these attacks on President Trump. These RINOs are truly despicable people, worse than Democrats!

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