

Monday, February 20, 2023


As someone who is now approaching the ripe old age of 71, I personally see nothing wrong with requiring those in public office to take some sort of competency test, when they reach a certain age, in order to either run for office or to remain in office once elected. Look, no one wants to admit that they’re getting older, and that they may not be quite as sharp as they once were. But it’s a fact of life, and no one is immune to the effects of age. Granted, there are those who are less affected than others and there are those who exhibit the ravages of age far sooner than do others.

And it was during an appearance this past Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” hosted by bimbo Margate Brennan, that 81-year-old Bernie Sanders took great offense at Nikki Haley’s suggestion that politicians, over the age of 75, be made to take a competency test. He said such a suggestion was “absurd.” So according to Bernie, as long as you support the same things he does, you can be senile and incapacitated as and its cool. But if you’re someone like, say, Donald Trump then all bets are off and those like Sanders can demand that you prove you’ve not gone round the bend.

And it’s a partial transcript of the above mentioned exchange that follows:

MARGARET BRENNAN: Former ambassador Nikki Haley is running for President, as you know, and she said there should be a mandatory mental competency test for politicians older than 75. You’re 81. Do you take offense at that? Do you agree?

SANDERS: What did she mean? I don’t understand what- [laughs]. Yeah, no. I think that’s absurd. You know, there’s a level-

BRENNAN: Absurd.

SANDERS: Yeah, you know, we are fighting racism, we’re fighting sexism, we’re fighting homophobia, I think we should also be fighting ageism. Trust people, look at people and say, you know, this person is competent, this person is not competent. There are a lot of 40 year olds out there who ain’t particularly competent. Older people, you know, you look at the individual, I don’t think you make a blanket statement.

BRENNAN: Okay. So when it comes to the current president or the former president and their age range, it doesn’t concern you?

SANDERS: Look at what they do, what they believe in. What are they fighting for? What does Donald Trump stand for? Do you believe in that? Well, I certainly don’t. What does Joe Biden stand for? What is he doing? Has he accomplished- look at- look at him in that way, not on age.

Look, Joey clearly has some serious cognitive issues going on. He can no longer hide that fact and his family and handlers are doing him no favors by trying to square a circle. I find his expressions mirror that decline. It’s, more often than not, that he appears confused and a bit befuddled. For his family and staff to continually prop him up and speak in his behalf only confirms what the vast majority of Americans long ago concluded. He is not fit for the Presidency; he simply lacks the intellect to do the job. What few gains our country has attained are in spite of Joey, NOT because of him!

The American people deserve to know the truth when it comes to those in charge of leading this country regarding whether they are ‘all there’ or are suffering from some disqualifying medical condition. Sanders may think it’s absurd, but I wonder what all those who risk their lives under his command think about Joey’s mental health. And wasn’t Sanders one of those in the Democrat Party demanding that President Trump submit to a competency test? He did and he aced it. Bernie has been incompetent his entire life, which is why he’s been a politician for most of his adult life.

Of course Sanders doesn’t want any part of a competency test for politicians, he’s the poster boy of insanity and incompetency. If Sanders is so confident that Joey is in possession of all his marbles then why not just take such the test, if for no other reason than to be able to say, “There, I told you!” It’s like the Democrats claiming that the 2020 election was the most accurate in history and then turning around and fighting all the recounts? Why not allow all the recounts to take place to then be able to, again, prove that you’ve been right along, and that Joey DID win fair and square!

The U.S., as well as the world, are becoming more complicated. Social and economic issues are becoming more complicated. International relations constantly shift. I seriously doubt that few in our eldest generation have the perspective and the values to be able to shepherd the U.S. through this change. Granted, there are exceptions, but there’s nothing exceptional about Joey. His only strength seems to be his salesmanship because that’s what he’s constantly doing, selling Socialism. And mentally impaired people rarely know, or believe, that they are mentally impaired.

Competency tests could have prevented Joey from running for office as far back as 2008 and prevented Dianne Feinstein from running for election 10 years ago. Sanders worries that his mental competence is waning as it does for nearly every person of advanced age. How many people would be removed from government if we started expecting our politicians to be mentally competent, I can name about a dozen or two just off the top of my head. And oddly enough, they’re all Democrats. And I’m quite sure that it’s the very same names that come to mind for just about everyone.

And why should Sanders be offended? Politicians are, after all, employees, so please explain to me the difference between an employer demanding urine samples of its employees in order to prove its employees aren’t abusing drugs, and the government requiring mental competency of politicians over a certain age? It only makes sense. It’s like how some states require senior citizens over a certain age to take a driver’s test. If we had a mental competency test for older politicians, I have no doubt that more than a few who would like to run for office would be prevented from doing so.

Joey has destroyed the economy with his reckless, and inflationary, spending. He’s surrendered our national sovereignty by opening the southern border and allowing an invasion of 5 million illegal immigrants over two years. He has us on a path to WWIII in Europe. Not exactly the actions of a man who is not at least partially impaired. But then would cognitive tests be nothing more than a waste of time. Let’s say Joey volunteered to take one, would we be told the actual results of that test? Joey is clearly mentally deficient and yet was recently declared, “fit to serve.” Seriously?

Term limits would be an acceptable alternative,12 twelve years in the House and 18 in the Senate. That would eliminate many of these bums like Joey and Sanders. Being a member of Congress was never meant to be something made a career of. And it was not considered a mean by which someone could amass great wealth. It was supposed to be a means by which one could perform public service in the name of making America a better country. How many of today’s politicians, other than President Trump, seek election with the desire of making America better and more prosperous for all?

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