

Thursday, January 26, 2023

TRUMP 2024???

So we’ve been told by all manner of RINOs, and leftwing loon across the entire spectrum of cable news, that Donald Trump is NOT going to be the Republican nominee for President in 2024. And we’ve all learned over time to take most polls with a grain of salt as they can be made to say anything you want them to say. Now taking these two things into account, it’s Donald Trump who appears to have a commanding lead over those who could be potential rivals heading into 2024. So, are we looking at faulty polling data, or are people tuning out the RINOs, and the media, who continue to come out against President Trump? Or is it a combination of both?

But be that as it may, if a recent poll can be believed, President Trump apparently holds a 35-point lead over the rest of the potential 2024 Republican primary field. The Premise Data poll conducted between January 19-23 found that 59 percent of participants who view themselves as Republicans back President Trump in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, more than doubling the support of his nearest competitor, Ron DeSantis, at 24 percent. No other potential candidate reached double-digit support. RINO Mike Pence landed in third place at eight percent, followed by RINOs Liz Cheney and Nikki Haley with two percent each.

Premise Data also gauged a hypothetical general match-up between President Trump and *president Joey B. among 2,288 U.S. adults, and, oddly enough, found they are in essentially a dead heat at 50 percent of support apiece. And a Joey versus DeSantis general also yielded a 50-50 split among the same sample. Which does make one wonder about the current mental state of the American public. And it was another survey released by Emerson College Polling this pasy Tuesday that also showed President Trump dominating the Republican primary field and holding a three-point lead over Joey among registered voters at 44 percent to 41 percent.

This current poll from Premise data also examined what a Democrat primary field would look like if the 80-year-old Joey, whose approval rating registered at 35 percent, does not seek a second term. Kamala Harris leads the pack in that scenario, with 33 percent of support among the 987 U.S. adults who said they were Democrats. Hitlery sits behind Harris with 19 percent of the support, Gavin Newsom at nine percent. Eight percent of respondents say they would support Pete Buttigieg, seven percent report they would for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, five percent would back Elizabeth Warren, and another five percent are behind Stacey Abrams.

So, the question that remains to be answered is, have the Republicans learned anything? They left President Trump, a member of their own party, twisting in a whirlwind. After that experience Trump is the new Teflon Don. But in order for anything he accomplishes to endure he needs the entire Republican Party on board and fighting with him. Call me cynical but I just don't think the Republicans have any fight in them, they are self-preservationists, opportunists raking in campaign cash with their prose to the base, while delivering promises to their globalist masters. Would a second term be a carbon copy of the first? We can dare to hope that it’s not.

Of course, President Trump will be greatly received by the American people because they do not want four more years of lies and destruction of our society by those in the Democrat Party. The Democrats continue to promise us everything from health, to happiness, to wealth and to security, but they deliver nothing more than high crime, corruption and self-serving politicians. MAGA is the ‘great reset’ for our nation’s future. The comparison of President Trump’s accomplishments with those of ‘BO’ prove that we made the right choice in 2016. And now we currently have ‘BO’ 2.0 and the horrible consequences of leftist lunacy so once more it’s into the breach!

It took 48 years and two unsuccessful attempts at the presidency and finally Silicon Valley acting in concert with the ‘Deep State’ to install Joey as *president, versus one attempt by an outsider to clinch the highest office and to then survive four years of endless, unfounded, attacks by many of the same people who now support throwing Joey overboard. As for me, I am good with this news of a President Trump lead, but we know that those in ‘fake news,’ from Fox News, to CNN, to MSDNC and everywhere in between, are going to be pulling out all the stops with lying polls showing President Trump losing ground. None of these people can be trusted, none of them. Not one.

Anyone with a brain understands that President Trump possesses a desire for America to be great again, and to NOT relinquish our national sovereignty to the great global government dystopian nightmare. In the first two years of his first term (prior to the false flag Covid lock-down and take-down of the entire economies of the west), President Trump had the economy in the best condition in 80 years. His policies made possible the lowest unemployment for blacks, Latinos, and women by simply doing what any real U.S. president should be doing. He got rid of restrictive regulations and freed up our industrial base, and made the U.S. energy independent.

And President Trump made the southern border more secure than it had been in over 50 years. President Trump accomplished all of this because he DIDN’T act like the previous four presidents, or the current boob in the White House, who all worked, and are still working, against the American people and for the managed decline of our country. And he accomplished all of this while the entire Democrat Party, along with many within his own party, the entire corporate owned enemy media, the entire Deep State entrenched and unelected government agencies, worked 24/7 to do all that they could to thwart, and to destroy, him and his supporters.

And finally, I do have a rather difficult time trying to understand those who actually seem to prefer the way America looks today, with its high crime, high energy prices, high food prices, a nonexistent southern border and so much more, compared to the way America looked just a little over two years ago. I mean how much of a mental midget must one be to ignore completely just how far this country has been purposely  made to fall in a very short span of time, politically speaking. How idiotic is it to put your hatred of a single man above being able to provide for your family. Is your hatred of the man that important to you? If so, you must be one miserable human being.

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