

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Yup, you can always count on guys like Jimmy Clyburn to provide us with all the proof we need regarding how it is that Democrats continue to be of the opinion that not only do the rules not apply to them, but that they also consider themselves to be above the law. And now that the Republicans control the House, Jimmy is fretting that it would somehow be inappropriate for the House to investigate the goings on regarding Joey & Co. You see, according to Jimmy, Congress should not interfere with the job being done by various agencies, such as the Department of Justice (DOJ and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), because they’re part of the administration.

Now keep in mind that Jimmy thought very differently back when Donald Trump was in the White House. But then, isn’t that the way it always is with scumbag Democrats, like Jimmy. It’s always do as I say not as I do, and it’s Jimmy who’s one of the absolute worst. For example, it was during an appearance on Monday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “The Last Word,” that Clyburn reacted to plans by House Republicans to investigate various government agencies, including the DOJ by stating that the DOJ and its investigations are “part of the administration, and we ought not be interfering with the Justice Department doing its work.” There’s some true liberal logic for ya!

Clyburn said, “I don’t know what it takes for people not to understand that this is a democracy. This is a body of the Congress that we are trying to maintain credibility with, and we’re not going to do that by opening up all kinds of suspicions about the institutions in our society. I know a little bit about the institutions not being trusted. We need to build trust in these institutions, and you cannot do that by opening up investigations into the investigations that are, in fact, taking place. That’s exactly what they’re talking about doing. They want to investigate the investigations that are underway by the Justice Department that ought to be independent of all that we do here."

He said, “That is part of the administration, and we ought not be interfering with the Justice Department doing its work.” So there we have it, folks. Clyburn has just verbally confirmed that accountability for the U.S. government should not happen, and that totalitarian rule is perfectly acceptable. And it just goes to show you that career politicians do NOT care what their constituents want, they do NOT care what the majority of citizens deem reasonable, ALL they care about is covering their own asses! In other words, they ONLY care about “democracy” when it’s convenient for THEM. But when it looks like it will hurt them, then “democracy” is just a hindrance.

Clearly Clyburn's statements have to be some of the most ignorant heard from any elected official to date. After all, whenever obvious wrongdoing is discovered, it’s the duty of our elected officials, all of our elected officials, to investigate and to put a stop to that wrongdoing. Of course, Clyburn is against it because the wrongdoing has been to the advantage of his party, and the party is all that matters. Turn it around and he’d be squealing like a stuck pig for an immediate investigation. Clyburn, once a national civil rights figure, has been reduced to just a corrupt old man who refuses to see the truth or reality. He is the very reason we must have term limits for all.

And again, I would argue that someone needs to explain to Clyburn, and those like him, how it is that we DO NOT have a “democracy.” What we have is a constitutional, representative Republic whose members are elected by the democratic process. And YES, you racist old dolt, there IS a difference! Democrats are obviously incapable of absorbing that fact that the Constitution prohibits MOST of what they have done up to this point and ALL that they seek to do in the future. The reason they insist on calling us a “democracy” is because they are using unconstitutional programs and handouts to buy the votes and loyalty of the lazy, incompetent and dope addled in our society.

And it’s hilarious that we have Clyburn claiming that it’s his party that’s “trying” to maintain credibility! Seriously? After the past two years, does he really think that his Democrats have ANY amount of credibility? Maybe now that there’s something that may now hold this political hack “accountable” to the people! You have credibility when there’s genuine accountability, Democrats have NO CREDIBILITY because of the way things have been running with their Kangaroo Courts that ‘allow’ only ‘limited’ details and information into your congressional hearings. ‘Limited details’ sounds like a government running out of control. Now, perhaps not so much.

Clyburn clearly thinks everyone should accept the Democrat’s political preferences without question. Democrats believe that it’s good for ‘Deep State’ officials to investigate President Trump’s taxes, but not Hunter Biden’s. And it’s perfectly acceptable to aid Trump’s Presidential documents, but not Joey B’s. And it’s just fine to certify rigged elections, as long as Democrats win. Democrats defend Ukraine’s borders but leave ours wide open. They defend illegals, but not American citizens. Clyburn must think we’re stupid. His voters certainly are. How long have they been electing this corrupt POS to office? Clyburn is a sour and soulless blowhard.

Most politicians today are complete idiots. And there is a difference between doing their ‘work’ and doing their ‘job.’ Their ‘work,’ in the eyes of Democrats, is to secretly spy on, and investigate, Republicans and their followers. Including the ‘work’ they have done intimidating parents who object to CRT and other woke initiatives. Their ‘job,’ as I recall, is to protect the U.S. from terrorist attacks, protect the U. S. against foreign intelligence operations, and cyber operations, combat public corruption at all levels, protect civil rights, combat transnational criminal enterprises, combat major white-collar crime, and combat significant violent crime.

Clyburn's position is absurd. Congress has always investigated corruption and abuses of power by federal employees and office holders, except when crooked Democrats refuse to do so against other Democrats. So, if there exists reasonable suspicion of malfeasance, even just the appearance of corruption, in an Executive Branch agency, say, the Justice Department, it shouldn’t be investigated by Congress, charged with oversight? Well, at least whenever it’s a Democrat who happens to be in the White House. If that’s not the case, then all bets are off. Clyburn saying that we better not investigate is all the more reason to do so, and to leave no stone unturned.

When the Democrats took over the House in 2019 they did NOTHING but investigate Trump and Trump associates to the virtual exclusion of all else over four years. And now the show is on the other foot and Clyburn is squealing like a stuck pig. Not recognizing the distinction, is undermining the credibility. The Democrats have been out of order since ‘BO’ first took office. They have worked to do everything they could to destroy our Constitution and Bill of Rights. In order words, to strip the American people and welcome the Illegal Immigrants in their place. Speak about evil doings, it doesn’t get any dirtier than that by our elected officials.

Democrats thought that endless hearings were just fine, so let’s have them. They also thought that witch hunts were ok. So let’s go hunting Democrats. And Democrats thought that their star chambers were a good idea, so let’s have some of our own. Democrats thought that leaking like a sieve was acceptable, so let’s rain down like a damn showerhead. They thought that using their own “witnesses,” that only they could question, was ok, so let’s have our own too. They thought that unilateral committees were cool, so let’s make sure only conservatives participate. Let’s turn their own tactics against them and see how much we can make them squeal.

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