

Tuesday, January 3, 2023


It would seem to me that, as someone on the outside looking in, we have now gotten reached a point in time where most, if not all, Democrat mayors simply no longer care about the level of murder and mayhem that continues to take place in their cities on a daily basis. It would seem that it is simply no longer a priority for them. Instead, they choose to focus on such idiotic policies as defunding the police, no bail initiatives and any number of other leftwing policies that serve no other purpose than to further escalate an already out of control crime rate.

I’m sure most folks are aware of the daily body count in Chicago, but not that far behind is the city of Philadelphia, another city headed up by another Democrat, Jim Kenney. Kenney is another typical Democrat who cares very little about the safety of the citizens of his city. But these two cities are merely the tip of a very sizable iceberg. And yet, even with that said it has become increasingly difficult to have sympathy for those who live in these cities and who continually vote to allow the violence to continue. Especially when the fix is so simple. Stop voting for Democrats!

And while Chicago had 723 homicides in 2022, there were over 500, 514 to be exact, homicides in Mayor Jim Kenney’s Philadelphia, making 2022 the second consecutive year that the threshold of at least 500 homicides has been reached. It was back on Christmas Day that the Philadelphia Tribune reported the city had reached 500 homicides and it was just six days later, on December 30, 2022, that a local radio station announced that the number of deaths had risen to 514. Also, 2022 proved to be the first year ever in which Philadelphia has witnessed over 1,000 carjackings.

The Daily Pennsylvanian noted that Kenny’s Philadelphia exceeded 1,000 carjackings for the year by the end of September. On December 29, 2022, the paper said  that “District Attorney’s Office (DAO) announced it will open a new unit to prosecute carjackers. DA Larry Krasner said the goal is both to prosecute and give youth a second chance if deemed appropriate.” And it was the Philly Tribune pointed out, “There has been a steady increase in murders in the city since 2016, when 268 people were killed.” Mayor Kenney’s Philadelphia set a record in 2021 with 562 homicides.

And what the Democrats never want to talk about is the fact that the vast majority of violent crime occurring in Philadelphia, as it is in any big city, is committed by bIack males. Coming down hard on crime, i.e. the behavior on bIack males, is considered racist and therefore political heresy. Thus, crime is allowed to spin out of control. The people of Philadelphia voted for this, and as I said it’s difficult to feel sorry for them when they refuse to take it upon themselves to fix things. They vote for Democrats knowing that Democrats have no interest in reducing violent crime.

People like Kenney have been in control of the city, like they have in most other of the nation’s largest cities, for over fifty years. A city once famous for the historical attractions it has there is now notoriously one of the urbanized cesspools of homicide on a scale just this side of cities like Chicago. It is sheer and total unrepentant brutality and an example of the worst that we as humans could do to one another amongst other horrific acts. This is all beyond the pale of what can be tolerated and this unrestricted immigration will only serve to make matters even worse.

But according to Democrats, those in Hollyweird and in the ‘fake news’ media the main cause of all the problems in the black neighborhoods are the police picking on black men. It reminds me of a modern axiom that after further replay review the enemy is not the police but the people who live in the community themselves, committing the crimes. They’re their own worst enemies. Problems can never be resolved if they don’t take responsibility for their own behavior. Democrats care more about promoting a false narrative to maintain power rather than solving problems.

But you have to hand it to the Democrats, what other organization could figure out how to completely destroy a free country in such a short period of time? First you claim all black Americans are simply victims, then you make all whites the abusers, and you enforce laws based on that precedent. The problem is, when it all falls apart like it has now, they have no way to undo the damage. And frankly, they don’t want to. They will turn to totalitarian practices and ‘temporarily’ limit our freedoms in order to get it under control, but once those freedoms are lost, they’re lost forever.

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