

Sunday, January 1, 2023


You just have to laugh at the brain dead dolts over at MSDNC, while they are apparently able to hold he interest of certain, albeit very, very limited in size, segment of the American population, that hasn’t stopped them proclaiming themselves to be the go to network when it comes to all things related to American politics. Needless to say, they are not. Come to think about it, I can’t think of a single person on the entire network who might be considered as being the go to person when it comes to anything that effects my life or the lives of my loved ones.

You see, it this past Friday that MSDNC ‘anchor’ Chris Hayes boldly claimed during his show “All In” that the ideology of the Republican Party had “collapsed in on itself.” He said, “I think Republicans’ ideology has collapsed in on itself, and they don’t know what they believe anymore, and it makes it harder to oppose stuff. I think the Paul Ryan-ism, isn’t what the party wants anymore, but they don’t really know what to replace it with. Donald Trump-ism is a kind of series of gestures, and it makes it harder to figure out what their actual agenda is. What do you think of that?"

It was visiting ‘political commentator,’ a bimbo by the name of Donna Edwards, who readily agreed, saying, “I think you’re right. There’s a lot of noise coming out of the Republican conference. But there isn’t anything that really holds them together. And these days, it’s not even a set of values that holds them together. I do think it is going to make it really complicated for any speaker, whether it’s going to be Kevin McCarthy or somebody else, I predict someone else, to lead a very fractured caucus, one that you can’t, you know, pull together on any range of policy issues.

She went on to say, “Remember, Paul Ryan governed because he had policy that he believed in and that he was committed to. I just don’t really see that coming out of Kevin McCarthy and coming out of this Republican conference.” Figures this moron would bring up ‘RINO Ryan’ who was worse at being Speaker than even Boehner was. Right, Ryan had a policy he believed in, it just wasn’t what most Republican voters believed in. What THEY believed in was President Trump’s ‘America First’ policies, and Ryan was committed to preventing those policies from becoming a reality!

And speaking of Ryan, he was, and actually remains to this day, nothing more than a corrupt globalist hypocrite and was one of the very worst things to have ever happened to the Republican Party. When in Congress he was no better than McConnell, Graham, Collins, ‘The Maverick’ McCain, Willard Romney and all of the other big government RINOs who are nothing more than Democrats working on the inside. Sadly, even to this day we have very few actual conservatives in Congress. On the other hand, it’s Chris Hayes is nothing more than a rather confused leftist idiot.

Yes, these peoples’ mouths are moving and there are words coming out, and yet neither is capable of expressing actual thought. And Hayes is nothing more than a socialist gnome, trying to define what conservatism. One thing it is not is anything that has anything to do with Ryan, or any of the many RINOs in Congress that we’re still forced to contend with. But then, I suppose, they’d first have to be capable of actual thought, and they most certainly are not. And if we’re being honest, these people serve only one purpose, they are mouthpieces for the DNC and nothing more.

Hayes confuses Republicans in Congress with Republicans out here beyond ‘the beltway’ and is merely running his mouth regarding what it is that Republicans stand for. You see, those of us out here away from the insanity of Washington seek nothing more than a return to the rule of law, a secure southern border and enforcement of current immigration laws, energy independence, strong military whose only purpose is to defend the homeland, reducing government regulations, no sex changes for minors and an Attorney General that does what he, or she, is supposed to do.

And someone might want to point out to Hayes that political parties don’t have ideologies, what they have are platforms. Parties are coalitions of different groups, and they create a platform on which the different factions within it can find common ground. The Democrats have traditionally been a coalition of different identity groups, while the Republicans have been a coalition of different ideological groups. Back in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan spoke about the “three-legged stool” consisting of social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, and defense conservatives.

One of the issues, however, is there has always been an ideological disparity between the party base and party establishment. The base has always been more paleo-conservative, while the establishment has been more neo-conservative. Neo-conservative meant free trade, open immigration, foreign intervention. Neo-conservatives also often didn't care about the social issues. Paleo-conservative is the opposite. Donald Trump simply represented the traditional paleo-conservative positions of the base. It wasn't “a series of gestures."

And because they dominated the party under GWB, it was the neo-conservatives who felt left out and so chose to retaliate against President Trump and actually work with the Democrats to stymie President Trump’s agenda. But the truth is that President Trump shifted the party closer to Reagan-era policies. Reagan found a balance between the two perspectives, he was reticent to start wars and he supported tariffs, i.e. steel tariffs, when necessary, and was open to amnesty on immigration only on the promise that there would be border security, something he was betrayed on.

The American Left, on the other hand, know EXACTLY what they believe in: Pregnant men and 57 genders; industrial slaughter of babies; sexual mutilation of children; pedophiles in the classrooms; boy in the girls’ restrooms; law-abiding, hard-working, white folks are the primary threat to the country;  math and logic are part of a racist conspiracy; objective truth is a white supremacist construct; lying about global warming; a small group of deranged, depraved billionaire psychopaths are entitled to manage the human race like herds of livestock and so very much more.

Look, we all know that Democrats abort their babies. Democrats are atheists. Democrats are Socialists. Democrats are also enablers of groomers, pedophiles, and political opportunists. Meanwhile, we are against everything that the Democrats are. We have absolutely nothing in common with them and I, for one, prefer it that way. And Hayes makes it very clear how it is that those on the Left still don’t understand that millions of Republican voters look at Establishment Republicans, aka RINOs, as being nothing more traitors to the cause who are worse than Democrats.

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