

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit! There, I’ve said it, and I must say I found it to be quite therapeutic! And, might I add, it’s every ‘Republican,’ and I do mean EVERY single one, who voted for this guy to continue in his leadership position that is also a piece of shit. Our country is being destroyed right before our eyes and they are doing nothing to stop it. And what’s worse, it was many of these very same people, with McConnell leading the charge, who CHOSE to work with the Democrats to create every manner of roadblock and speedbump imaginable to prevent, or minimize to the greatest extent possible, President Trump’s ability to do what needed to be done.

And it was just this past Tuesday that McConnell once again demonstrated just how worthless he truly is as he set about doing his best to deflect blame from himself and on to President Trump for the abysmal outcome of the midterm elections by claiming that the Republican Party had a “candidate quality” issue in the midterm elections and proceeded to blame President Trump for his influence in the Republican primaries. Yup, now there’s a sign of a true leader. This is guy is nothing more than a Democrat working on the inside. McConnell is a nutless wonder. He’s a fake, a phony and fraud. And he’s firmly in the pocket of the Chinese Communist Party.

It was when a reporter asked McConnell if he expects to “take a more active role in choosing candidates” in 2024, that this boob responded by referencing November’s midterm elections, asserting that he had “never said there was a red wave” on the horizon. McConnell said, “I said we had a bunch of close races, and looking at each race separately, I wasn’t making that up,” before then blaming the lackluster election results on “candidate quality.” To put things in their proper perspective, President Trump had a 78 percent WIN record with those who asked for his support. So I would argue that the guy now doing all bellyaching is simply trying to shift blame.

McConnell said, “Look at Arizona, look at New Hampshire, and a challenging situation in Georgia as well,” before bragging that the Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), a super PAC he is aligned with, influenced the outcome of GOP primaries in Missouri and Alabama. He went on to add, “I do think we had an opportunity to relearn one more time: you have to have quality candidates to win competitive senate races.” This from a Senator married to a Chinese Communist whose family are Chinese shipping billionaires. In truth, McConnell did everything he could to prevent the Republicans from retaking control of Congress. And still he remains in his leadership position?

McConnell then asserted that his ability to influence primary election outcomes was hindered by President Trump and the power behind his endorsement in primary races. McConnell whined, “Our ability to control primary outcome was quite limited in ’22 because of the support of the former president proved to be very decisive in these primaries, so my view was do the best you can with the cards you’re dealt.” While McConnell suggested Arizona and New Hampshire Republican candidates Blake Masters and Don Bolduc were flawed, the SLF pulled millions in advertising from the two candidates at crucial points in their races, choosing to effectively abandon them.

And in late September, just weeks before mail-in-voting began, the SLF reportedly pulled $9.6 million in reserved advertising for the Arizona Senate race, leaving other conservative groups scrambling to make up the difference. When Bolduc was climbing in the polls in late October, just weeks before election day, the SLF ripped away $5.6 million from the race. And at the same time, McConnell put $9 million behind RINO Lisa Murkowski in her race against Trump-backed candidate Kelly Tshibaka. In other words, McConnell pulled funds from Republicans attempting to unseat Democrats in key battleground states but funded a RINO against President Trump’s candidate.

Look at all the candidates that had money pulled from them by McConnell. Was it because they were poor candidates? Hardly. It was because of a predetermined selection of winners. No way in Hell did Fetterman, Hobbs, Whitmer, and others win. McConnell knew it and decided to save the money. Hell, if it hadn’t been for President Trump, all seats would have likely gone to the Democrats. McConnell is a boil on the backside of the Republican Party! He blames President Trump for ‘low quality’ candidates but look at the ‘quality’ of his RINOs who vote with Democrats on spending, amnesty, and ‘marriage protections’ that voters don’t want!

And if the quality of the Republican candidates in the 2022 elections was so poor can’t it then be said that McConnell is essentially implying that the quality of the voters that supported them was also poor. Those in the Republican Establishment, like McConnell, still doesn’t understand that Donald Trump became the 2016 nominee for President because of their continual backstabbing of those in the party’s conservative base that has been going on for decades. Think of the Bushes, John McCain and Mitt Romney when poor candidate ‘quality’ is considered. Their days of lying to the party base voters with a wink and a nod can now be said to be over.

And the first job for whoever becomes the new RNC Chair, hoping that it’s not Ronna McDaniel, should be to tell McConnell that he needs to resign for the sake of the Republican Party. Today’s Republican Party is the party of working- and middle-class families. McConnell is part of the old Chamber of Commerce type ‘country club’ Republican that thinks clearing out our manufacturing base, shipping our jobs to Communist China is a good thing, destroying small to midsize manufacturing towns in the U.S. is also a good thing. The Republican Party is no longer a McConnell party. Will be much easier to get the Republican vote out when McConnell is gone.

Thanks to President Trump we not only have a much better understanding of just who RINOs are, but are able to see that they’ve always been RINOs. And we see how it is that they’ve been lying to us for decades. McConnell was far more interested in making sure that “quality candidates” like Murkowski won. We can’t have too many MAGA candidates getting elected because they might actually want to do something other than roll over for the Democrats. The bottom line here is that there was no candidate “quality problem,” what there was, was plenty of sandbagging of MAGA candidates by ‘Republican’ traitors like McConnell and massive election fraud!

Let’s be clear, McConnell seems to be admitting that the Republican Party has now become so weak, that a former president, under several investigations, now has more power and influence than does the National Republican Party, and hundreds of candidates? I’m sorry Mitch, but the Republican candidates that you are now complaining about were chosen by the Republican electorate. If you don’t like the people that they have chosen, then either switch parties or, better yet and for the benefit of all, just quit. The whole democratic process has the citizens getting to choose who they want to represent them, not you, Mitch, or the party apparatus.

So, if I understand correctly, McConnell’s argument is that we need better candidates? Well, I suppose we could run godless communists like Fetterman, Hobbs, Warnock, candidates who each won their respective contests. Trump or no Trump, Mitch or no Mitch, half the country votes for godless communist candidates because voters seem not to understand what Socialism is. At least half of your neighbors apparently opted to elect godless communists into office. Defund the police, open borders, destroying energy independence, sexualizing children, bigger and more intrusive government, an unarmed citizenry and 87,000 more IRS agents out on the streets are apparently now the winning strategies. Pretty damn sad!

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