

Saturday, December 10, 2022


All I’ve got to say is that the Democrats had better hope that the American people, or at least those dolts who insist upon voting for them, never come out of whatever trance it is they are in and come to their senses realizing just how it is that they have been played for fools since the 1960s. And if that were ever to actually happen it would be ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters, and those like her, of which there are many, that should be considered to be the ones to blame for such a startling metamorphosis to have occurred. This woman is nothing less than pure evil. She is toxic, and like every other Democrat she spews nothing but hate. When she dies, it will be a great day!

Waters claimed Friday on MSNBC’s “All In” that Republicans were “not concerned about being successful” because they got elected to Congress to “destroy” the Democrat Party. Now I do agree, sort of, with ‘Mad Maxine in that we are burdened with those in the Republican Party, those we call RINOs, who, in general, seem very disinterested in being successful in any meaningful way. But far from trying to “destroy” the Democrats it’s more often than not that they simply choose to go along with them, occasionally pretending to oppose Democrat initiatives at least until they’re price is met and they’re able to garner for themselves their share of pork.

Anyway, it was in discussing the COVID aid bills, host Chris Hayes said, “Are you confident that a House Majority under Kevin McCarthy can do that? Should there be a national emergency like that? When the chips are down, to deliver on a bipartisan basis that kind of thing?” Waters said, “I am worried. I am worried because in their caucus, in the Republican caucus, you have people who are associated with QAnon and the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys and these are people who are not concerned about being successful. They are concerned about trying to basically undo the Democratic Party, destroy the Democratic Party, and they will do anything."

And she went on to say, “As a matter of fact, I am absolutely worried about our democracy. I am worried that when the ex-president of the United States says that the Constitution of the United States must be waived in some way, that is serious business. And, of course, we have gone through January 6th, and we have gone through an insurrection. What has bothered me so much is that the other side of the aisle often talked about patriotism, and they love the flag, and they were more patriotic than anybody else but watching what has taken place, I am stunned.” Again with the bogus “insurrection” bullshit? This woman is nothing short of disgusting!

And she said, “And I am shocked that they would support those who invaded our Capital, stand up and say, ‘Oh, that was not an invasion of the Capitol, that was not an insurrection. Those are just protesters, you know, doing the work of a democracy. They have the right to do that.’ I am still shocked by all of that.” Give me a freaking break! It was this shriveled old leftwing kook who we have on video out there doing her best to incite all manner of violence against those who actually dared to support President Trump. And it was this same shriveled old racist who encouraged all of the non-violent violence that was occurring throughout the summer of 2020.

Democrats, like Waters, chose to ignore the burning, looting, destructive Antifa, and BLM, and say nothing about the 90 year old Democrat Sugar-Daddy, billionaire George Soros who funds much of the destruction the Democrats are so desperate to bring about. And it’s whenever a Democrat talks about Republicans, that they always project on them what they themselves are doing. And as Waters herself proves, their lies know no limit. It’s they who encourage riots, voter fraud, a complete breakdown of society and the rule of law and encourage open borders, among other things. And yet they continually point their bloody fingers at the Republicans and cry out in pain.

Unfortunately, we have now been put into the position where the only way to save this country is through the destruction of the Democrat Party. Because, you see, it’s they, and not us, who have now made that a necessity. And we wouldn’t just save America, we would make it flourish in an amazing way if they were significantly reduced in numbers. But wiping them out entirely would likely be impossible since there are those followers of the party who will never see the error of their ways. They, like the venerable cockroach, would simply choose to lay low. And I certainly mean no disrespect to cockroaches everywhere, for making such a comparison.

And I have no doubt that if we were able to destroy the Democrat Party, or at least significantly reduce their numbers, that Liberty, meaning complete non-intervention by government, would self-correct our economy and culture at near the speed of light. Look how fast President Trump, courtesy of reducing government regulation and non-compliance with idiotic globalist mandates, turned our economy around. Imagine totally eliminating 90 percent of the bureaucracy overnight. Imagine Americans freely calling out promoters of demonic drag queen promotions and the like. This needs to be our stated goal. Losing the battle for liberty is simply not an option.

Today’s Democrat Party has absolutely zero interest in supporting those traditional values that are so uniquely American, those values that are the basis of freedom and prosperity. Today’s Democrat Party seeks nothing more than a bigger and more powerful and intrusive central government. A government that will control every aspect of our lives. Democrats want to be able to tell us how to raise our young, they want to eliminate our Christian beliefs and replace them with their own perverted ‘religion.’ Democrat wants to “fundamentally transform” the most successful society in the history of the into what? Their version of a perverted socialist utopia.

So the first step in saving this nation would be for American citizens to WAKE UP and recognize that neither ‘party’ is upholding our Constitution or representing the best interests of this nation. Both parties have been corrupted and are controlled by enemies of this nation. Maintaining the illusion of two parties provides a means of keeping citizens divided and bickering among ourselves while the real powers behind the scenes are completing the takeover of our country. I think it fair to says that at least 80 percent of Republicans are nothing more than Democrats pretending to be Republicans. That leaves a mere 12 percent trying to protect us from our government.

Our RINO Establishment has a long history of choosing to fight harder against its own base than against the Democrats. They are perfectly content to be a minority party where all they have to do is make conservative noises without actually fighting for policies and spend two years between each election complaining that there is nothing they can do unless they have both Houses of Congress and the Presidency. Even when they get it they act like a dog that has caught the car it was chasing. Meanwhile, the Democrats continue their work to destroy the country with inflation, high crime, open borders and a woke ‘education’ system with whatever power they have.

And the main reason that these same RINO politicians hate President Trump with such a vengeance is because he showed the American people what pathetic liars they are and how they had been lying to us for decades. Because of him they were made to shit or get off the pot. They chose to get off the pot and to oppose a conservative agenda that would have been beneficial for all Americans. They chose to stand with the Democrats and assisted them in creating all manner of roadblocks and speed bumps the sole purpose of which was to prevent President Trump from making good many of the campaign promises he had made to the American people.

Finally, we have many enemies, both foreign and domestic, who have declared their intention to destroy this country. The assault has been underway for decades and it should be obvious to all that several of our attackers have now joined forces and resources to achieve their stated goal. By using our own laws and paradigms, our public education system and our mass media against us, we have been gradually turned into our own worst enemy. We have been divided into separate groups and factions and guided into arguing among ourselves as a distraction from the real enemies who are in the process of gaining control of our government.

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