

Thursday, December 22, 2022


It’s getting so you have to wonder just how more unhinged the Democrats have to become before enough Americans finally recognize that the entire Democrat Party has now been reduced to nothing more than a bunch of kooks. And that it is this same bunch of kooks that’s now running the country and who seem determined to run it into the ground. And yet, it’s this very same bunch of kooks, along with their allies in the ‘fake news’ media that continually accuse Republicans of being nothing more than a cult that poses a threat to our democracy and President Trump of being its leader.

One of the more vocal of these unhinged, at least as of late, has been none other than that greasy creep, Jamie Raskin, Democrat from Maryland. And it was just this past Wednesday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Beat” that this creep went off on yet another of his imbecilic rants this time claiming that the Republican Party, under President Trump is “a paranoid cult of an authoritarian personality.” This moron would be doing himself a ‘yuge’ favor by simply shutting up. This sloppy commie, a man of consummate mediocrity, really needs to be put out to pasture.

Raskin said, “I felt, you know, a measure of closure and satisfaction about the question of individual accountability. And, you know, justice in an individual case like that, anybody who has suffered, you know, a crime or lost a loved one to a crime, that kind of justice never equals the sense of sadness and anger that you go through. This is not equal to the immensity of the crime against American democracy, the assault against our officers. It doesn’t equal up.” Raskin is nothing if not an absolute buffoon and he comes across as being little more than a court jester and a clown.

Raskin said, “So for me, you know, the work that I want to pour myself into now is the collective accountability.” And he went on to add, “Let’s fortify American democracy against the coups and insurrection and political violence electoral sabotage that’s coming from these people. Let’s hope that the criminal prosecution scares a lot of them off. But the truth is that Donald Trump’s party which alas is the same party that used to belong to Abraham Lincoln, used to be an anti-slavery, pro-freedom, pro-democracy party, and now it is a paranoid cult of an authoritarian personality."

And Raskin continued by saying, “That party he thrives on anti-democracy, on voter suppression, on gerrymandering and the filibuster. We need to get democracy moving again. So we need statehood for the disenfranchised populations in Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico. We need a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to vote. We need to repair The Voting Rights Act, which has been dismembered by the Supreme Court in the Shelby County v. Holder. We need to get democracy moving in the right direction, so we don’t lapse back into the authoritarian stuff."

Authoritarian? Seriously? Just who was it that wielded the pen which arbitrarily halted the Keystone Pipeline, ending thousands of jobs. Who decided to try to buy votes by severely depleting the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? Who decided billions could be given away by halting the interest and principal payments on student loans which were freely taken out, and to wipe out a portion of the principal due? Who was it that decided 87,000 new IRS agents, many armed, was a good idea? Who wants the IRS to monitor the transfer of as little as $600 between individuals?

And also, I might add, who decided to ignore existing immigration law and allow the flow of hundreds of thousands into our society? Who was busy dictating who had to be jabbed even if they had already had the Chinese virus or they would be dismissed from the military? Who signed the bill which prevents railroad unions from striking? I think we know on which side the true authoritarians reside. The sad truth here is the fact that there are people who actually believe liars like this and therefor it’s why our country has “leaders” like this, which is why our country is in the condition it is in today.

If Raskin was correct about President Trump, and those who comprise the MAGA Movement, the 300,000 Trump supporters who showed up in Washington, DC on January 6th 2021, would have dismantled the Capitol building brick by freaking brick - and NOTHING could have stopped them. The FACT that the Capitol building is still standing proves Raskin, like most Democrats, has NO idea what the fu*k he’s talking about. He, as is every other Democrat, is nothing more than a liar. Period! Choose to believe them if you wish, but to do so is to endanger your children and their future.

The real story of January 6 is not what the protesters did, but what they did NOT do. They didn’t come armed. They didn’t use explosives or other destructive devices. They didn’t occupy and hold the building. They didn’t cut power, water, or other utilities. They didn’t try to burn it down. That said, I guess they didn’t learn anything from the West Coast leftist loons who took over city facilities during the previous summer. Or maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t really an insurrection at all. The raving Ratskin, the son of another raving communist lunatic, is merely projecting again.

I mean, think about it, I’m no expert on the subject but it would seem to me that it’s more than a little difficult to mount an “insurrection” without out being in possession of some rather significant weaponry, without threatening or harming anyone, with the Capitol Police ushering you through the door, nearly begging you to come inside. Raskin personifies sleaze. He is the face of the January 6th Committee that continues to hold prisoners without trials and hold in unacceptable conditions. So much for the Constitution that he claims to be such an ardent defender of. This guy is pathetic.

And so it’s according to this genius that the party that wants to protect the unborn, wants a secure southern border and to limit entry into this country to those who come here legally and have something to contribute, who want a return to American energy independence and return to the days when our children actually went to school to learn and not to be brainwashed, who want a military that is second to none in what has become an increasingly dangerous world in the last two years, thanks to those like Raskin, it’s they who are the people who are the ones causing all of the problems.

Finally, it’s always amazing to me that people continue to vote for someone like this. And how those in our ‘fake news’ media who claim to be ‘journalists’ NEVER challenge him, or those like him. But that’s because those in our ‘fake news’ media have all been given a part to play, and they’re playing to the hilt. Much to the detriment of our country. Imagine, just for second, if we had a news media that held people like this puke, Raskin, accountable. Just how differently might this country look today? And that is why they don’t. And it proves that they are just as sick as the politicians they protect!

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