

Wednesday, July 21, 2021


I have watched not one minute of ‘Fox News’ since election night 2020, not one. And, I might add, it has been since that time that they have done nothing that would cause me to change my mind about that. On the contrary, they only continue to reinforce my rationale for keeping them off of my TV. Granted Tucker has not yet moved to the dark side but even he is not enough to bring me back to ‘Fox News.’ He is severely outnumbered by others on the network, those who leave no doubt as to where their allegiance lies. There is now quite the cast of characters, those with names like Baier, Wallace, Rivera, Williams, Roberts and Cavuto, to name only a few.

So the network that I once spent most of my waking hours watching has now been lumped in the rest of those who now comprise our ‘fake news’ media after having essentially reduced itself to what is nothing more than a carbon copy of CNN and/or MSDNC. And it was as recently as this past Tuesday that that was again made very clear. You see, it was then that Neil Cavuto chose to defend the indefensible when he chose to defend one of the biggest frauds the medical field has ever managed to produce when he chose to defend Tony Fauci on his show “Your World.” Cavuto went so far as to describe Fauci as being a good man at his core.

And it was referencing a heated exchange between Fauci and Senator Rand Paul earlier in the day during a Senate hearing, Cavuto said, “I’m not going to replay the bites from earlier today. I think it turned to a circus.” Cavuto went on to say, “But this pile-on on Dr. Fauci, what he knew, when he knew it, whether he had sinister plans and was putting a hoodwink on us. I thought he was thinking in real-time. Didn’t have a handle on stuff. Following it as you were at the time, others. Do you think this pile-on is fair?” And it was another apparent cheerleader of Fauci, Dr. Bob Lahita, who said, “No, I don’t, Neil. I don’t think the pile-on is fair.” Of course not.

And it was Lahita who then went on to say, “Because I know Dr. Fauci is a very professional man.  He’s been the director of the NIAID for years and years and years.”  And he said, “I used to work at the NIH reviewing grants, and I remember Dr. Fauci’s guidance. He’s been around since Moses parted the Red Sea. He is a very ethical, prudent individual. So I trust him.” Cavuto, in trying to be funny, I guess, said, “I think he was providing medical advice for Moses.” Lahita said, “Probably so.” Cavuto said, “I kid there, but the bigger point, he has been vilified to the point that you’d think he was Lex Luthor. I don’t know how productive that is.”

Cavuto added, “What might have been missed and the source of all of this, I get that. But to make him the target of attacks, I think that a lot of this has to go back to his departure from former President Donald Trump at the time. But whatever is behind it, I don’t see it being constructive.” Lahita said, “I agree with you. I remember Tony Fauci back when George H.W. Bush was president. I believe that was Bush 41. He was a point of light in the country. Remember Bush’s thousand points of light? Tony was very, very prominent at that time and very good leader in the biomedical research community. He’s an excellent individual, an excellent doctor.”

Lahita ended his nauseating little rant by saying, “I have known him as a physician for, I guess, it’s been about 40 years or more. And so I think it’s unfortunate that we have to attack an individual who has such an important role in our society.” Let’s be honest, the only thing that Fauci is good at is lying. And he doesn’t do it all that well either. No doctor in his right mind would tell people to wear two masks. What a fraud. The whole ‘scamdemic’ has been a fraud. But that didn’t prevent Cavuto from coming to the aid of Fauci and making his idiotic claim that, “At his core, he’s a good man, a good doctor. We all have to step back, take the chill down.”

So Cavuto thinks the man who lied about his involvement in the killing of millions across the globe, denied many the ability to work and to socialize, kept people from spending time with their loved ones in hospitals and homes for the aged, caused weddings to be delayed, or funerals that saw no way for loved ones to grieve together, caused those with diseases to be denied treatment and lost their lives, caused children to have their education seriously curtailed, and so much more, is somehow a good person “at his core.” Cavuto’s comment only serve to further convince me that ‘Fox News’ is now fully in the tank for the Democrats.

“A good man” does not shift funds to another country when a controversial, and unethical, line of scientific enquiry is shut down in his own country. There is no question that he funded a lab doing experiments that he knew were banned in the US. A good man does not attempt to obscure the truth or divert government funds. He may be “a good man at his core,” but we are judging his actions, and lying to the American people, to Congress, giving hundreds if thousands of dollars to advance gain of function research at a lab with a history of serious safety breaches, and then trying to cover it up. His actions decides being despicable, and are also likely criminal.

Ask the many dead people, first from the AIDS epidemic and now with the ‘Chinese virus’, who were denied the ability to use drugs that might help and were, instead, forced to use medications and methods that killed them if Fauci is “a good doctor.” He is not a practicing physician, what he is is a megalomaniac. If Fauci is what Cavuto calls “a good doctor,” then what would be an example of a bad doctor? This guy participated in a Chinese bioweapons program that produced COVID-19. A good doctor? Fauci has been an administrator for so long, I wouldn’t trust him to put a band-aid on right. A graduate from medical school does not a doctor make!

Fauci has been nothing more than a very well-paid government bureaucrat since the day he left medical school. There is no way he can be considered a bona fide MD and is even less of a scientist. He’s been nothing more than a glorified paper-pusher for the last 40 years. And yet he continues to be portrayed as being the resident expert, the go-to guy on everything related, no matter how remotely, to the ‘Chinese virus.’ He knows what he’s saying is false yet he keeps pushing mass masking because he is now vulnerable as a result of his idiotic ‘virus research’ funding decisions and his collaboration with the Communist Chinese Party. He is therefore a crook.

For hundreds of years, medical professionals have followed a Hippocratic Oath that says, “Do no harm.” Fauci helped promote the development of a virus that killed millions of people. Then he lied to the American people and even lied to Congress in order to help left-wingers and outright Marxists destroy the economy. This little twerp compels free Americans to cover their faces with masks. Far from being heralded as some medica genius, Fauci belongs in prison. As for Cavuto, he has been a rabid NeverTrumper since forever. Like his buddy Chris Wallace, he gets irritated and talks over any guest who tries to say anything positive about President Trump.

The question here is why is Cavuto working to hard to defend the obvious fraud, Fauci? Because Fauci is a good honest man? What kind of a commentary is that? Fauci knows much more than he is willing to openly discuss. And it was during hearing referenced by Cavuto that there was nothing said by Senator Paul that was not true. And yet Fauci claimed Senator Paul didn’t know what know what he was talking about. Seriously? Fauci deflected questions and made this a personal issue about Senator Paul rather than about the origin of the virus. Classic deflection. Cavuto is doing the same. At His Core, Cavuto IS NOT a Good Man. He's a sellout!

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