

Friday, July 9, 2021


I continue to be more than a little amazed that we continue to have reasonably intelligent individuals who absolutely insist upon taking anything said by Tony Fauci about the ‘Chinese virus’ with anything other than a grain of salt. I mean, seriously, at this point it’s nothing that he says that any longer makes even a lick of sense. And if we’re being honest Fauci is, in reality, nothing more than the ‘medical’ profession’s one hit wonder. After all, the guy has had the very same gig practically since the day he left medical school and has never once seen a patient as a physician.

As I have said before, Fauci is a quack. He’s a fraud, a fake and a phony. He’s a bloviating, inconsistent, attention seeking narcissist of whom no further attention should be paid. I can’t remember, exactly, when it was that that finally dawned on me, and I ceased taking him seriously, seeing him instead as someone who cared far more about being in the spotlight than he did about providing genuine medical advice regarding a virus that he himself had had a hand in creating. But I’m pretty sure it was pretty early on. Fauci is today, just as he was then, such a disgusting little man.  

And it was Fauci who, once again during a recent appearance just this past Wednesday on MSDNC’s “All In,” chose to spew more of his idiotic drivel by actually arguing that if people were not getting a coronavirus vaccine as a “political statement,” they should get over it. Fauci said, “It’s absolutely accurate. Where there are high levels of vaccination, there are low levels of infection, low hospitalization, almost no deaths. Where we have no vaccination, here we have higher levels of infection, higher risk of hospitalization. It is not complicated.”

He continued, “We have a vaccine that is highly effective in preventing diseases, certainly in preventing severe disease and hospitalization. It’s easy to get, it’s free, and it is readily available. You’ve got to ask, what is the problem? Get over it. Get over this political statement. Just get over it and trying to save the lives of yourself and your family.” Fauci has zero credibility on the topic of the ‘Chinese virus,’ the primary reason being is because he was complicit in the development of it. Far from being our point man on dealing with it, he should be behind bars!

Anyway, Fauci went on to add, “One of the threats that’s worrisome to everybody is that the more circulation of a virus you have, without completely crushing it, the greater chance of the evolution of yet again, another variant, which we may not be able to handle as well. Lucky for us, the variants that are circulated, are handled quite well by the vaccines that are available.” So we’re “lucky” to have these vaccines that have handled the virus and the variants “quite well?” Tell that to the families of perfectly healthy people who died because they took the vaccine!

And Fauci said, “We are pretty lucky in that regard. If we keep allowing the virus to circulate, wherever it is, whatever red states, or whatever states are the ones who are not getting vaccinated, then you are the threat of the entire system getting in trouble because you have a new variant.” Fauci is a corrupt charlatan and deviant, who has perpetrated the greatest medical scam, through coercion or encouraged with falsehoods, in human history. And he’s uncoincidentally gotten filthy rich for pushing an experimental treatment with unknown long-term side effects.

It is not a political statement on my part to not get vaccinated for a disease with such a low chance of hospitalizing me, let alone killing me. That’s MY decision to make. The political statement being made here comes from folks like Fauci, who are trying to create the narrative that anyone who doesn’t get the jab is some sort of anti-vaxxer. Not true. I’m sure the shots are perfectly fine, for a majority who take them. I just don’t feel the need to take it. The same way I don’t feel the need to have zero deductible car insurance, because I'm comfortable with some risk.

Fauci and the Democrats need to get their stories straight. If the vaccine works then there’s no possibility that a vaccinated person can ‘give’ the virus to an unvaccinated person, let alone contract it themselves! Vaccinated people are virus-free, entirely, and cannot be carriers, isn’t that obvious? The simple fact is that after vaccination you cannot contract it, nor can you give it to others because the vaccine has energized your immune system to hunt down and destroy the virus wherever it may lurk in your body, isn’t that precisely what vaccines are supposed to do?

Instead of making more of what are his typical elitist comments, perhaps Fauci should do a little self-reflection and realize that by being so blatantly dishonest with the American public, from the very beginning of our scamdemic, he will never be trusted by the public again. He may think he had a good reason to mislead the American people regarding masks and shutdowns, but there is never a reason good enough for a government worker to lie to American taxpayers. It should never cross his mind that he needs to be dishonest to protect Americans from ourselves.

Fauci is just trolling everyone now. Showing up for his regular cameo on MSDNC and then accusing those people who have doubts about his experimental vaccine as being driven by politics. That’s either epic level trolling or a complete and utter lack of self-awareness. He has lied and changed his position so many times that it’s become impossible to believe what he says anymore. He’s no longer a suitable messenger. But hey, the science changes all the time. Today we’re told the vaccines are safe, tomorrow they aren’t. But still, Fauci is never wrong, only in his mind!

What is worrying to me is how freaked out the Democrats have now become in their effort to convince people to get vaccinated. I get the health implications, but is there more to it? I mean, going door to door, sounds awfully desperate to me. Democrats can’t stand being told no. A lot of this ‘door to door’ stuff is to force their opinions on us because they think they’re always right. They can’t handle independent thought or choice because they don't understand it. When they encounter it, they think force is the answer. They can never be persuaded they are wrong, so it’s pointless to try.

Maybe the vaccine is right for more Americans and maybe not. However, Fauci touting it is absolutely immaterial and should be seen as statements from just another politician. Americans can dig into the efficacy and side-effects of these available vaccines to make decisions on their own without any ‘help’ from a completely outed political hack, like Fauci. The American people should look into what doctors think of the vaccine and the possible side-effects. However, as for considering anything that Fauci says about vaccinations, his input is worthless and no longer credible.

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