

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


So you have to ask yourself, at what point will the Democrats be seen by a majority of the American people as being too unhinged to be entrusted with playing any part in the leadership of our country? These crazies are doing the equivalent of racing our country, at breakneck speed, down a road to nowhere. And it’s every time one of these clowns open their mouths that they succeed in making it all that much more obvious that they have virtually no business playing any part in the leadership of this country. None of these people have even the slightest interest in ‘leading.’

And no one better proves that than, Bernie Sanders. It was Sanders who declared just this past Monday that the Republican Party “cannot be allowed to prevail,” calling it a gang of conspiracy theorists who seek to suppress votes and engage in “anti-science vaccine rejection.” Sanders said, “Here is what the modern Republican Party is all about: cult-like devotion to Trump, big lies and conspiracy theories, voter suppression, climate denial and anti-science vaccine rejection.” He continued, “For the sake of our kids and future generations, they cannot be allowed to prevail.”

Now of course Sanders didn’t bother to specifically say how he believes Republicans are engaging in “anti-science vaccine rejection,” although ABC ‘legal analyst’ Sunny Hostin expressed similar thinking on Monday, accusing Fox News of playing a “key role in disseminating anti-vaccine propaganda.” And it continues to remain unclear what, specifically, prompted Sanders’ wide-ranging, accusatory remarks, but it comes amid the battle over the radical left’s attempt to pass a long list of Democrat Party agenda items in a reconciliation bill alongside the ‘bipartisan’ infrastructure bill.

And it was just last week that Chuckie Schumer went as far as scheduling an infrastructure vote despite the fact that lawmakers have not yet seen the text of any bill. That aside, Democrats are also vying to pass radical agenda items, including amnesty and Green New Deal proposals, in a companion reconciliation bill. It was in explaining what the Democrats are really up to that Joni Ernst, Republican, said, “Americans want to see infrastructure like roads, bridges, [and] waterways. They don’t want to see all the extraneous things Democrats are trying to throw at us.”

And it was Ernst who went on to further explain, “What they are planning to do, even if the bipartisan infrastructure bill gets done, what they are planning to do is what they are now calling ‘human infrastructure.’ Really what that means? A bunch of socialized programs that will expand what we think of as, you know, like caring for people. They call it the war on poverty, basically.” She said, “But simply making people comfortable in poverty doesn’t defeat poverty, but that’s what they’re planning to do is to get people comfortable living with less.”

And it was also Ernst who made it very clear that the goal here is nothing more than to get more people heavily “reliant upon the government, and then it’s really hard to undo those social welfare programs.” And she said, “This is an expansion of not only those social welfare programs, but also, as you pointed out, things like the Green New Deal, entirely focusing on electric vehicles rather than continuing to work with the vehicles we have now, expanding that infrastructure, paying for, you know, the grid and updating so we can support those electric vehicles.”

Ernst continued, noting Democrats plan to “jam through” a massive $3.5 Trillion spending bill through reconciliation “with absolutely no Republicans supporting it.” Ernst said Democrats are engaging in quite a bit of “policy gymnastics” to fit their radical agenda items into a reconciliation package. And she added, “These are policy issues that we need to have debates on, we need to have discussions on.” And went on to say, “It needs to be done in open and transparent manners. They can’t just flip it into a bill, ram it through reconciliation when it is policy.”

And as is usually the case with these America-hating, increasingly unhinged, left wing loons, Sanders has not been the only one calling on the Democrat caucus to pursue this long list of radical leftwing agenda items through the reconciliation process. It was Nancy Pelosi who, just last month, said, “Let me be really clear on this: we will not take up a bill in the House until the Senate passes the bipartisan bill and a reconciliation bill.” And in so doing Pelosi earned approval from one of the most blatant nutjob in all of Congress, none other than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Oddly, isn’t it Bernie’s so-called ‘party of science’ that believes there are more than two genders, that thinks carbon dioxide (plant food) needs to be eliminated, that thinks masks are good even though ‘science’ has proven them to be bacteria incubators, that thinks lockdowns actually do work, that thinks shutting down an economy is wise and that continues to perpetrate unscientific hoaxes on a regular basis? Perhaps it’s time for Bernie to retire and to take all of his ill-gotten gain and retire to someplace like the Socialist paradise of, Cuba.

And while it’s we who are anti-science, it’s the Democrats who believe a man can become a woman, who believe a man can have a period and insists upon causing panic over a virus that has a 99.93% survival rate. And it’s they who also enthusiastically deny the science that says only women can give birth or the science that says there are actual physical differences between males and females, and that one can’t turn into the other, or the science that says $100 Trillion in ‘climate change’ efforts won't do a single thing to impact the Earth’s climate? And yet we’re the crazy ones?

And ask yourself something else while you’re at it, just what is it that Bernie and his many Democrat comrades, have actually accomplished for the good of our Republic? Of course, that would be Zip, Zero Zilch, Nada. And why is that exactly? Well because he and his ilk always seek to accomplish the exact opposite of their stated intent. They live in some feel good, alternate universe, covering themselves with a phony veneer, living in a bankrupt fairyland without substance or reality. Yes, by golly, we have a bright future under the ‘leadership’ of ‘Bernie and the boys!’

Most Americans wants law and order. They want to be able to choose the school their children go to. They want to be judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. And they know that the climate has been changing for billions and billions of years and there is no proof that the amount of carbon dioxide produced by humans, which is less than volcanoes and forest fires, is responsible for ‘climate change.’ And yet we’re supposed to believe that we face some existential threat of our own making, when nothing could be further from the truth.

This is standard rhetoric for the totalitarian Left. They view themselves as being the only true moral people, and as such, there are no tactics that are to be considered off-limits when destroying opposition. Just look at how fast they trip all over themselves to silence anyone who dares to oppose them. Sanders is nothing more than a radical leftwing Socialist who has never held a job in the private sector in his nearly 80 years of life, but instead has suckled at the government teat his entire adult life. Americans would be doing themselves a favor by ignoring his gibberish.

And who else has noticed the convenient timing of this new ‘strain’ of the ‘Chinese virus.’ Liberals across the board are losing the argument over masks as people are finally coming to their senses. Now, all of a sudden, a new CDC dictate is issued and is then pushed by Fauci. And am I to understand that every time some leftwing kook says “boo,” I'm supposed to cower and listen to them ramble on about those things that they know absolutely nothing about? And if I don’t adhere to their warning, their natural response is to climb on their perch and screech “follow the science?”

What we need to do is to judge Sanders, and the rest of his kind, on their accomplishments, which are absolutely zero. All these people do is to work on devising new and improved ways to divide us. The Democrats are stoking the flames of hatred and division. These are supposedly our leaders and as such should be thoughtful and rational. On the contrary, these fools are running around like a bunch of lunatics screaming their heads off, spewing all manner of vile and verifiable lies, essentially trying to foment a civil war. This is not a normal government.

And finally, the danger to America is not those like Bernie but is, instead, a citizenry capable of electing such individuals to positions of power. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Sanders than to restore the necessary commonsense and good judgment to an electorate able to vote for such a man. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Sanders, who is a mere symptom of all that ails America. Blaming a prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Sanders, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools who vote for such people.

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