

Friday, December 11, 2020


So just in case you might be unaware, word now comes from one of our most brilliant political ‘experts’ of all time, Al Sharpton, who also happens to be one of the dumbest individuals to be found anywhere on the entire planet as well as someone who has yet to master the English language, that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the 17 state attorneys general and the Republican lawmakers who support his lawsuit to contest the presidential election results of four battleground states are now involved in “a clear racist attempt to disenfranchise black voters.”  Who knew?

Sharpton made his latest idiotic rant during an interview with fellow MSDNC ‘host’ Joy Reid, someone else who has quite the reputation for being a racist.  She’s the ‘host’ of something called ‘The ReidOut’ that has, I’m quite sure, a viewing audience that is maybe in the hundreds.  And it was in getting things rolling that she said, “This is nothing short to me of white nationalism in action in our political system. It’s anti-democracy.”  She added, “They are only going after cities where the prominent black voters and saying that is where the fraud is. It’s a direct war against Black voters.” 

Sharpton said, “you’re absolutely right. When you look at where they have methodically gone off Black voting districts, Black voting areas, they’re not questioning all the votes in the city or state, just certain areas. They are directly trying to disenfranchise and criminalize Black voters. And we need to call it for what it is. This is a clear racist attempt to disenfranchise black voters by people a that celebrated the nuking of the Voting Rights Act.”  As we all know, or should know by now, Sharpton is another of those who sees a racist behind every tree.

But let’s face it, Sharpton is right, in a way.  It is racist that the Democrats chose cities with large black populations to execute what was the largest exercise in election fraud in American History. They didn’t pick some yuppie leftist white districts to conduct this fraud, they picked the poorest cities in America. The use of black poll workers to do the actual criminal ballot stuffing means that the Democrat Party is still using blacks as slaves. Will the white elites go to prison? Probably not, but at least some of the low level black poll workers may yet be sent to prison.

And can anyone answer this, how is it that we can have hundreds of sworn witnesses all willing to attest to examples of voter fraud that they themselves witnessed, firsthand, and yet Democrats, as well as many RINOs, can simply say there is insufficient evidence.  And yet one or two “anonymous sources” can make the claim that President Trump called dead soldiers “losers” or that he knew about Taliban Bounties, and it’s that level of ‘proof’ that the Democrats are very willing to run with.  Even after named witnesses refute what these ‘anonymous’ sources claimed! 

Hell, Democrats impeached the man on a whistleblower who wasn’t even in the room when some phone call was made, and whose accusations were based on hearsay.  Democrats also claimed President Trump colluded with the Russians, that he was a Russian agent while at the very same time it would seem that we have quite a number of Democrats who were either sleeping with Chinese spies, were busy employing them, or both!  And now Democrats are essentially being allowed to steal an election, with their blatant act of thievery taking place in broad daylight and in plain sight.  

Look, black America is always the first to die whenever Democrats are involved, whether its abortion, drugs, various poverty programs, their destruction of the black family, incarcerating black men, and more, so it’s no surprise they use them in their schemes to gain power and then throw them under the bus.  And yet, all we hear from those like Sharpton is how it’s those of us who support President Trump are racist for doing so, you would think that this record would long ago have worn out its grooves.  It continues to be the only thing that comes out of Sharpton’s mouth.

Despite what Sharpton, Reid and a whole host of other race baiters would like everyone to believe, Americans are not an inherently racist people.   But that said, if these people continue with their patently insane, and blatantly false accusations I have no doubt that there is going to come a time when they have created for themselves what is nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy.  I mean there is going to come a time when people will come to believe that if they’re going to be accused of exhibiting racist behavior no matter what, then they might as well be racist.  

If the shoe were on the other foot, and it was a Democrat candidate for president who was the victim of this level of voter fraud, we know what Democrats would do.  They would send the FBI in to pick up every Dominion server that glitched and have them forensically tested. They would have already arrested the people in the video pulling out suitcases and counting ballots after they ran everyone off. They would already have had them in front of a congressional committee. They would be screaming bloody murder at the states whose people arbitrarily changed the rules.

Plus, those in the ‘fake news’ media would be showing us, on an hourly basis, all of those who have signed affidavits and testified at the numerous hearings, they would be interviewing them and their stories would be all over the place, including on social media, 24/7. They also would have already picked up the Republican candidate if he were involved in any criminal activity along with his son and claim that he was unfit to run and disqualify him. If they found the servers were rigged, they would make sure that the ballots that went through those machines were discounted.

They would be questioning and investigating every single poll watcher and person who was in the rooms with any Dominion servers during the glitch and they would already be smearing them all over the media.  That Democrat president would have already called for Martial law and would set about arresting every single person even remotely involved in the coup that did nothing but try to get him out of office from day one then just rigged the election and took over the country.  So shut up you Racist, Bigot and White Hater. You are rich, fat and happy living in a free country.

And I can’t help but wonder just how much longer blacks are going to continue to believe this kind of drivel that streams from Sharpton, and the many of those just like him.  Frankly I would have thought that patently false garbage would have long ago run out of steam with it having finally being recognized for what it is.  But since that has not yet been the case, I can only assume that blacks aren’t near as bright as I have given them credit for being.  Are blacks really that desperate to keep their gravy train on the tracks dooming their children to a future of servitude?

I guess I would end things by simply asking what must it be that the Democrats are so afraid of?  If they truly are confident that their guy actually did receive 80 million votes, which they seem to be, wouldn’t you think they would be anxious to prove that if for no other reason than it would allow them to rub in our face the fact that their guy actually did win fair and square?  And yet, that would seem to be the very last thing they want to do.  And another thing, what does race have to do with the FACT that there were places where we had more ballots counted than voters to cast them?

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