

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


There is nothing that Willard Romney can say these days that any longer surprises me.  The man is blinded completely by his hatred of the president to the point where he no longer cares what happens to the country as long as Donald Trump is no longer its president.  And you have to ask yourself, just how sick is that?  Willard recently had some pretty harsh criticism for his ‘fellow’ Republicans regarding a push by some of those in the House who are now mulling the idea of challenging the Electoral College vote in an effort to keep President Trump in office another four years.

It was on Tuesday that Willard told reporters, “This is madness. We have a process. Recounts are appropriate. Going to the court is appropriate. Pursuing every legal avenue is appropriate. But trying to get electors not to do what the people voted to do is madness.”  And then it was in true RINO fashion that Willard went on to say that he is very confident that any effort by House Republicans to overturn or invalidate state electors for the presidency would fail in the Senate.  But he neglects to mention that the ONLY reason that it would fail is because of RINOs exactly like himself.

And it’s the “effort” which Willard made references to is the one advocated by Rep. Mo Brooks who just last week said that he planned to challenge the Electoral College vote when Congress meets to officially certify the election results after the first of the year.  It was then that Brooks said, “I'm doing this because in my judgment this is the worst election theft in the history of the United States. And if there was a way to determine the Electoral College outcome using only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, then Donald Trump won the Electoral College.”

Since many of those in the ‘fake news’ media have ‘projected’ ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden to be the winner of November’s presidential election, President Trump and his allies have alleged that it was widespread voter fraud that led to a “rigged election.”  And the amount of evidence that has now been presented to back up that claim has been nothing short of overwhelming.  And yet it has been wherever the Left has the power to do so, either through various state Supreme Courts or courtesy of various state governors, that evidence has all been declared as being grossly insufficient.

Members of the House Freedom Caucus also held a press conference late last week criticizing Attorney General William Barr for what they say is a failure on the part of the Justice Department to sufficiently investigate allegations of voter fraud that occurred in the election.  Freedom Caucus Chairman Andy Biggs said, “There is nothing more important for Attorney General Barr [and others in federal law enforcement] to eliminate false claims of fraud and verify the veracity of claims. We are running out of clock. There is not much runway left to land the plane.”

I have no doubt that ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden, if the Democrats succeed in their attempt to steal the election and if he does remain in office after his inauguration, will destroy our country is much less than four years. His policies to throw open the borders and pay for health care, housing, food stamps for all the illegals who will flood into the country will both bankrupt the country and destroy the culture and fabric of America in very short order.  Also, once he grants citizenship to the over 20 million illegals currently in the country no Republican will ever again be elected.

And for one to deny that voter fraud took place would indicate that one lacks a basic understanding of both math and statistics.  And one would have to deny what is right before their eyes, courtesy of a specific video from Georgia, or ignore how it was that Republican poll watchers were not allowed to watch vote counting or proper handling of mail-in ballots, or how the Pennsylvania Supreme Court changed election law when they are not permitted to do that, by the state’s Constitution.  By anyone’s definition this election was stolen and any reasonably intelligent person knows it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with demanding that fraudulent votes be thrown out and that only legal ballots be counted in determining the winner of the 2020 elections.  Those states that allowed fraudulent, constitutionally unauthorized voting have disenfranchised over 70 million Americans who cast legitimate ballots for President Trump.  Texas is filing suit to stop the disenfranchisement of those voters and has now been joined by 17 states in this very important fight.  Measures must be taken to ensure that this level of fraud is never allowed to happen again!    

There is simply no way that ‘Creepy Joe’, by hiding in his basement, won the presidential election, there is simply no way.  The Democrats want us to believe that voters chose to vote for ‘Creepy Joe’ as president while at the same time voting Republican when it came to those candidates running for various House and Senate seats.  How does that, in any meaningful way, make any kind of sense.  It doesn’t! The Republicans aren't trying to steal an election, they’re trying to prevent the election from being stolen by a consortium of Big Tech, Big Media and the DNC.

Rural Americans have every right to have a say in who it is that becomes their president.  Those who live in more populous locales, and who tend to be far more ‘liberal’ in their political beliefs should not have sole say in the electing of a president. The Founders instituted the Electoral College to provide a level of protection for rural America.  And while we are not going to be getting rid of the Electoral College, the Democrats have many ways of making it essentially irrelevant.  The bottom line here is that ‘Creepy Joe’ must never be sworn in as president.

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