

Monday, April 6, 2020


As I have said so many times before that I think I’ve finally lost count, there is no more despicable a creature on the face of ‘God’s Green Earth’ than a Democrat politician.  And it has been throughout the presidency of Donald Trump, and more specifically during this time of supposed ‘crisis,’ that Democrats have succeeded in making that even more abundantly clear.  What they see before them, courtesy of their political allies in China, is a prime opportunity to, in the words of racist, leftwing wacko Jimmy Clyburn, when speaking about the current coronavirus ‘crisis,’ seize what is a “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

And then there’s Kentucky’s newly elected shyster of a Democrat governor, Andy Beshear, who very recently chose to veto legislation that would have mandated state voters to show a photo ID when showing up to vote in the 2020 presidential election, and every election to come thereafter.  According to this hack, Beshear, it seems that requiring voter ID creates “an obstacle” that results “in fewer people voting.”   This despite the fact that all manner of research and data shows just the opposite is true.  For instance in Alabama, which has a mandatory voter ID law, black American voters came out in droves in 2018 to help elect Democrat Doug Jones to the U.S. Senate.

It was in trying to justify what was obviously a political decision that Beshear wrote, “I am vetoing Senate Bill 2 because the provisions of the law would create an obstacle to the ability of Kentuckians to exercise their right to vote, resulting in fewer people voting and undermining our democracy.”  And, he went on to add, “Furthermore, no documented evidence of recent voter fraud in the form of impersonation in Kentucky has been presented.”  A January poll by the Washington Post asked black Americans 18-years-old and over whether they had experienced voter suppression in the last ten years.  Roughly 92 percent said they had not experienced any voter suppression.

With luck Beshear’s veto of the legislation will soon be overturned by the Republican-controlled state House and Senate, as the voter ID requirement was passed out of both by a supermajority.  Keep in mind that it was this very same leftwing clown who with a stroke of a pen, back in December, also saw fit to restore voting rights to more than 140,000 convicted felons via executive order.  The felons are those convicted of “non-violent” crimes, though violent criminals often plead down to non-violent drug offenses to shorten their prison sentences.  So again, what we have here is really nothing more than another average, run-of-the-mill leftwing political hack.

Sadly, it was in electing this boob, Beshear, that voters screwed themselves.  Oddly enough it was all of the other political seats that were up for grabs there in Kentucky, the Republicans won quite handily.  All except for the governorship, strange don’t you think?  Now, there were three political parties on the ballet for governor, the libertarian candidate got almost 28,000 votes, and the Republican lost to the Democrat by about 5,000 votes.  So again we have an example of where the voters allowed themselves to be conned into electing a Democrat, because had they not chosen to vote for the libertarian, the Republican would have won!!!

Democrats have absolutely no other way to win elections than through measures that are blatantly fraudulent.  The majority of Americans are simply not buying their political sewage.  And yet we seem unable to bring an end to the massive voter fraud that is essentially rampant in this country and remains the primary reason Democrats are able to gain access to higher office.  And if that remains to be the case then it’s in likely in short order that we’ll become nothing more than another Venezuela.  We are at the crossroads right now, America.  It’s time to wake up!  What kind of country do we wish to leave to our children, or do we ourselves wish to live in today?

Why do you think it is that Democrats continue to so vigorously oppose any and all attempts to make it more difficult to cheat the voting system, and at the same time enthusiastically support policies that actually make it easier to cheat?  Obviously Democrats believe that the more cheating is allowed, even encouraged, to go on, the better their chances are of achieving an increasing level of electoral successes.   So what does that say about Democrats and their supporters?   It says that winning at all costs is what’s most important.  The Founding Fathers, knew this day would come.  We must work to see that as many as possible of these rogue politicians are removed!

I very much doubt that anyone is able to name a single Democrat politician who is in favor of voter ID requirement.  While Democrats spend a great deal of time talking about preserving one’s right to vote, it’s at the very same time that it’s something they care remarkably little about.  With strict voter ID laws in place Democrats know that they don’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning elections outside of their typical strongholds.  The only way we can beat these Democrats, is if we all go out to vote. We can beat the illegal alien vote, IF, we all get out and vote, and if we don’t, then I’m afraid we’ll get just what we deserve, and screw ourselves in the process. 

Voter ID is absolutely needed in all elections in this country, it’s the only thing that prevents rampant voter fraud and forces the Democrats out from the shadow and to be far more open about those dangerous policies that they actually support.  What’s the point of allowing people to vote without ID, other than to increase the opportunities for cheating?  To advance the claim that having to provide proof regarding you are who you say you are would in any way prevent people from being able to vote is beyond ludicrous! And yet that remains the primary Democrat argument.  This does nothing more than to make more voter fraud possible.

But then, voter fraud is one of the mainstays in the Democrats’ toolbox.  They have a great little system in place that effectively cancels out a good amount of legal votes. They pay all manner of shady organizations to ‘register’ people to vote. These groups provide all manner of ‘incentives’ from meal vouchers, to booze, to any number of other things.  Once registered, tabs are then kept on these ‘voters’ just in case they are needed.  Their votes are then collected, again in exchange for whatever ‘favors’ might be called for.  Democrats have created for themselves quite the efficient system.  They didn't expect Donald Trump to win, next time they will be ready.

We can’t expect them to make the same mistake twice. This next time around they will spend a lot more and devote even more time on improving their methods of cheating.  It's easier and cheaper for them to cheat if they can just have people fill out the ballots and mail them in or, better yet, if people can just phone in their vote, rather than having to arrange for people to schlep off to the polling places.  And it is courtesy of legislation the purpose of which is to aid those now made to suffer because of what the Chinese have unleashed, that the Democrats are now hoping to create for themselves an absolutely foolproof way of guaranteeing electoral victory.

It will be through such legislation, unless our Republican in Congress decide to finally grow a spine, that the Democrat will continue in their effort to put into place that which would result in nothing other than voter fraud on steroids.  And it’s the preventing of just such a thing from taking place that should not rest solely with the president.  The spineless wimps that we elect to Congress must step up to the plate and put the kybosh on any and all such measures that Pelosi & Co. may try to leverage through the legislative process. Because as old Jimmy Clyburn said, the Democrats view this as a “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

And finally, despite the fact that I may likely be accused f beating the proverbial dead horse, the following is a list of those activities where the requiring of a bona fide photo ID IS NOT considered to be racist:

Purchase Alcohol
Purchase Cigarettes
Purchase a car
Purchase a gun
Open a bank account
Apply for food stamps
Apply for welfare
Apply for Medicaid
Apply for social security
Apply for a job
Apply for unemployment
Apply for a mortgage
Apply for a hunting license
Apply for a fishing license
Rent a house
Drive a car
Rent a car
Get on an airplane
Get married
Adopt a pet
Rent a hotel room
Purchase a cell phone
Obtain a prescription
Purchase an "M" rated video game
Use a credit card

And the following is a list of those activities where the requiring of a bona fide photo ID IS considered to be racist:


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