

Thursday, April 9, 2020


It’s becoming pretty obvious that Dementia runs pretty deep in the Democrat Party, especially when it comes to those in positions of leadership.  Besides ‘Senile Old’ Joe and Nancy Pelosi now showing signs of being in what appears to be the advanced stages of Dementia, it’s more and more often that we’re seeing a frightening number of senior party members now beginning to show signs of what can only be described as some pretty serious mental decline.  But it’s not just those in elected office who now seem afflicted, but also many on the outside who now seem to be losing their grip.

For instance, on Wednesday in a strange appearance on MSDNC’s “The 11th Hour,” it was 75 year old Jimmy Carville who made the rather bizarre claim that Republicans would “kill people” to stay in power as evidenced by the Republican lead legislature refusing to postpone the Wisconsin primary amid the ‘Chinese virus’ pandemic.  Jimmy applied that premise to voting and elections in the upcoming cycle.  Jimmy said, “We’ve got to be careful about is mucking around with voting. They’re going to try it. Trump, all the Republicans admit it, we can’t win if everybody votes.”

He said, “So my kind of mission here in the short term is to sound the alarm to say Mitch McConnell and the supreme court, they’re going to do everything they can to hold on to power.”  He added “Speaker Pelosi and Schumer, we’ve got to make sure states have funding to conduct these elections and to put pressure on them to make sure they’re done fairly. This thing in Wisconsin was one of the most awful things I’ve ever seen in my life. Just the extent they’ll go to hold on to power. It was all about one Supreme Court seat in Wisconsin. They will kill people to stay in power, literally.”

And so it is that once again we have a loser from the left accusing Republicans of doing exactly what it is that they themselves have long been guilty of.  So how is it exactly that Republicans can be said to be killing people to stay in power?  Who is it that told people that there was absolutely nothing to worry about regarding this virus and to go about their business as usual?  I believe that was Democrats.   And who is it that tried to ban Hydroxychloroquine, or tried to convince people that it was nothing more than a placebo pushed by the president?  Wasn’t that too, the Democrats?  

But Jimmy is right about one thing, there is in fact a political party in this America that’s more than willing to allow people to die if by doing so it, in any way, will assist them in gaining power.  But contrary to Jimmy’s idiotic claim, it most certainly is not the Republican Party.  After all, which party is it that advocated, above all else, the killing of babies must be maintained as we work our way through this ‘Chinese virus’ pandemic?  Also, who is it that wishes death not only on President Trump but on all those who support him as well?  Isn’t that also again the Democrat Party?

It’s no surprise that it was a Democrat who once famously declared “never let a good crisis go to waste,” and now the brother of that very same Democrat, Dr. Death of Obamacare fame, wants to keep businesses shut down for 12-18 months, so that America will become nothing more than another third world country.  Also strange is how all of those now calling for America to be shut down for the foreseeable future just happen to be those who are either incredibly wealthy or are on the payroll of those who are incredibly wealthy and will continue to get paid regardless.

Jimmy, is a hack under the employ of the DNC, whose sole purpose in life is to con the weak-minded knowing that they will lap it up like the sycophantic low information sheep that they are.  And what really happened in Wisconsin, is that Democrat governor, Tony Evers, was still pushing in March to keep the election date of April 7th, and even issued an executive order that exempted public polling places from his mass gathering ban.  At the last minute he tried to postpone the election, most likely because the president endorsed a Republican Justice giving him a bump in the polls.

And it was the Supreme Court of Wisconsin that struck down the decision deciding the lower court was acting outside of its authority, and the United States Supreme Court chose to agree. Therefore, the only Republican involvement consisted of the Supreme Court justices of Wisconsin telling the Democrat judge that people can’t vote after Election Day.  So for all of you “woke” liberals out there who continue to believe this kind of garbage, whether the Russian collusion coup attempt, the impeachment hoax coup attempt or all the other ‘fake news’ stories, get your head out of your ass.

Flashback: 2009 ‘pandemic.’

Wisconsin and the rest of the nation opens polling booths days after ‘BO’ declares a national emergency due to the H1N1 pandemic: “In Wisconsin, voters may see a collection of medical masks, latex gloves, and signs reminding them of the flu pandemic as they interact with poll workers.”  Wisconsin is “requiring thorough cleaning of voting equipment and materials following contact by voters, election inspectors are using alcohol wipes to clean marking pens and pencils and are also spacing voters three feet apart in line at the polls to help as well.”  Just sayin’.

And finally, it was the Democrats who held up the $2.2 Trillion relief package in order to include some of their pet projects in it. I recall seeing Nancy Pelosi telling a reporter in her district that it was safe to visit Chinatown and people didn’t have anything to worry about with COVID-19. And I recall that Democrats were far more concerned with impeaching a duly elected president than caring about making sure Americans were safe from this ‘Chinese virus.’  Democrats have proven that they don’t care about Americans and will sacrifice as many as it takes to get into power.

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